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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

OP pawian  226 | 27472
7 May 2022   #1051
Russian Mustard which in fact is Russian STYLE mustard and has nothing in common with the Kremlin.

To avoid confusion and potential boycott, the Polish producer we were talking about changed the name from Russian into Extra Hot mustard:

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Alien  25 | 6397
8 May 2022   #1052
It is still to hot for me.
OP pawian  226 | 27472
8 May 2022   #1053
to hot for me

If your blood type is A, you should consume a lot of mustard coz it is good for you. I do. E,g., I eat it with a spoon straight from the jar. I simply can`t resist in case of honey mustard.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
8 May 2022   #1054
I eat it with a spoon straight from the jar

Me.too LOL!!!!
Alien  25 | 6397
26 Jun 2022   #1055
Sarepska is the best one.
OP pawian  226 | 27472
26 Jun 2022   #1056
Not bad but not so sweet as honey mustard. :) If I had to take only one jar to a desert island, it would be the sweet one.
OP pawian  226 | 27472
5 Aug 2022   #1057
Stuffed zuchini takes a lot of work

When you bake emptied zuchini halves in the oven, use a lot of salt on them, especially if they are thick. Stuffing depends on your preferences - I made two types - minced meat mixed with mushrooms and minced chickpea and it was dry. Or shredded roast chicken with white rice and ham topping and it was soggy. I prefer the dry one.

I topped all of them with pineapple coz it is my kids` fave.

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OP pawian  226 | 27472
5 Aug 2022   #1058
How about this ceremonious meal? With headcheese, pickled herring fillets and a lot of cakes. Yummy! I couldn`t help my voracity and had two plates.

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jon357  72 | 23483
6 Aug 2022   #1059
Everything but the head cheese.

Although the bread doesn't look very nice, a bit like that Baltonowski stuff that supermarkets sell.
OP pawian  226 | 27472
6 Aug 2022   #1060
Although the bread doesn't look very nice

But its tasted excellent - true countryside bread. As you see from the photos, I had two portions, also due to amasing bread.
OP pawian  226 | 27472
7 Aug 2022   #1061
Everything but the head cheese.

What about meat jelly?? Heavily sprinkled with vinegar???

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rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Aug 2022   #1062
reminds of the worst kind of food that people ate in UK 50 years ago.

Other than the weird jelly stuff i find Polish cuisine delightful though. i am always sniffing around the Polski Skleps

When i was a kid ( not quite 50 years ago but not far off) some friend of my mother's served up a chicken jelly...and salad....gross...
OP pawian  226 | 27472
9 Aug 2022   #1063
served up a chicken jelly...and salad....gross...

Yes! I agree.
I have always refused to eat it. When a boy, my parents tried to feed it to me but I threw up and that was the end of my adventures with jellied meat till now.
mafketis  38 | 11142
9 Aug 2022   #1064
the weird jelly stuff

I actually like it, not as an everyday thing but an occasional snack... yeah I like jellied meat with some vinegar....

I draw the line at fish in jello, for one thing I've never been a big fish eater and for another... fish in jello.... (reminds me of a time in Warszawa Centralna in the 1980s where that was all the restaurant over the main hall had... I was hungry so I ate it but enjoyment? brrrrrrrr
jon357  72 | 23483
9 Aug 2022   #1065
jellied meat with some vinegar....

Really nice, once in a while. Very much catering/banquet food.

I'm not fond of it when it's not set properly and starts melting though.

Meat (usually pork) in aspic was a staple food of the British in the days before refrigeration meant that there were better ways of preserving meat.


It does need white vinegar though.
OP pawian  226 | 27472
26 Aug 2022   #1066
We went for dinner to our countryside relatives.

Here is what they put on the table:

Fried pork chop, classic Polish dish
Mizeria, cucumber in cream sauce
Boiled cauliflower topped with ROUX. :):):)
Boiled potatoes topped with onion mushroom sauce

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Miloslaw  20 | 5121
26 Aug 2022   #1067

All looks good to me except for the boiled potatoes,mum used to do them with fresh dill and butter and I never ate then if there was no sauce or gravy.....
mafketis  38 | 11142
26 Aug 2022   #1068
gravy is not really a Polish thing IME boiled potatoes usually topped with butter/oil/lard or dill/pork rind
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
26 Aug 2022   #1069
gravy is not really a Polish thing

I know,, but other sauces are not and it makes their servings of boiled potatoes really boring!
OP pawian  226 | 27472
26 Aug 2022   #1070
Here is what they put on the table:


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rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
26 Aug 2022   #1071
oh that just looks like a perfect dinner all round...
OP pawian  226 | 27472
26 Aug 2022   #1072
looks like a perfect dinner

Yes, I was really stuffed. I even asked about the fried pork chop recipe - it was deliciously crispy and tender at the same time - my fave. Amasing|!

Some variations:
my son`s plate

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OP pawian  226 | 27472
26 Dec 2022   #1073
I can`t resist - I need to show you again how Polish carp ala Jewish is made for Christmas supper.
Take 4 heads. Remove the scales and quills. Boil with onion, raisins, almonds, prunes, walnuts. Don`t forget to add a lot of sugar.
Serve with Polish country bread. Yummy!!!
Why do I love this dish? Coz it is sweet and I like everything sweet. Simple.

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OP pawian  226 | 27472
3 Sep 2023   #1074
What is this?

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jon357  72 | 23483
3 Sep 2023   #1075
Stoner food.

The eggs look ok.
Charliesy  2 | 19
5 Sep 2023   #1076
Wow, funny. But it is so long that probably suits long and thin bones the best, e.g., poultry. While I use only beef ones, sometimes pork when I cook hock.

Bone Marrow is a fine dish, made popular for a while in the UK by Fergus Henderson and his restaurant St John...he also wrote the Nose to Tail cookbook, I think you might like it ha!

One tip with the bone marrow is to split the bone, easier to eat afterwards and all the marrow gets a bit of crisping etc, but of course one can just scoop it out of the bone, I find it needs a fair bit of seasoning to go with it, garlic rubbed on toasted bread or herbs etc also nothing like a bit of bone marrow ground into a burger!
OP pawian  226 | 27472
5 Sep 2023   #1077
The eggs look ok.

What is special about them???

Bone Marrow is a fine dish,

But you know that relishing on it is a kind of Russian roulette due to mad cow disease whose prions may be hidden in the marrow of an infected animal.
Charliesy  2 | 19
5 Sep 2023   #1078
We went for dinner to our countryside relatives.

Looks like a great Sunday dinner I'm not such a big fan of mizeria but marchewka i jablko/burak (grated apple and carrot/beetroot) and other surowki are v tasty the raw slightly acidic salad cuts through the fat nicely.
jon357  72 | 23483
5 Sep 2023   #1079
a big fan of mizeria but marchewka i jablko/burak (grated apple and carrot/beetroot) and other surowki

I'm the opposite and like mizeria but can give surowka a miss.

Bone Marrow is a fine dish, made popular for a while in the UK by Fergus Henderson and his restaurant St John

I'd say revived rather than made popular. It's a very old British dish, with the long spoons, and once rather a posh one that fell by the wayside due to changes in demographics and economy. There are a few old favourites that are well due for a revival.
OP pawian  226 | 27472
23 Oct 2023   #1080
Zucchini or patison squash blossoms are delicious.

I prepared them crisp fried, after simple coating in flour. Served with scrambled eggs and chive. Yummy!
PS. Be careful and check the insides of blossoms for bugs if you care for animals. I do so I did. :):):)

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Home / Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

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