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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

Wroclaw Boy
26 Sep 2012   #301
do you ever call it vile in their presence?

Of course, heart, lungs and what ever else they pack into that shite deserves nothing else.
OP pawian  226 | 27583
26 Sep 2012   #302
plus liver and I also heard about spleen though they never write about it in English textbooks.

Rysavy  10 | 306
26 Sep 2012   #303
Now I'm really hungry and no Specialty delicatessan or butcher near.

Except the fish heads.... I don't like my food to stare accusingly. And I don't like having to 'pick at" something.
To flavor a soup maybe.

Oh I so love pickled things and sausages. *sigh*
OP pawian  226 | 27583
26 Sep 2012   #304
Now I'm really hungry and no Specialty delicatessan or butcher near.

How about a farmer with a cowshed, sty or pond?
OP pawian  226 | 27583
26 Sep 2012   #305
Basically, dried cod. Just cod that's been salted, cut into long thin strips and dried.

Interesting. A snack to accompany beer session, I presume?

Guys, I decided to run an experiment and fry my tripes after coating them in flour. I also added garlish spice of Indian origin. So, I can say, it was flaczki po hindusku - tripe ala Hindu.

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PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186
26 Sep 2012   #306
Whenever I want to diet, I should look at this thread lol.
OP pawian  226 | 27583
26 Sep 2012   #308
Ooops, sorry, I still need to add a few photos:

Cheers! Na zdrovye!

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NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
27 Sep 2012   #309
All I know is, I don't eat anything pickled

So much for your Polish credentials! lol

or anything that swims

That's OK, you're not my type :)
OP pawian  226 | 27583
28 Sep 2012   #310
That's OK, you're not my type :)

Looking for a partner in the forums? Why not, a few guys were lucky...... But they left the forum after the successful score. :(:(:(:(:
Rysavy  10 | 306
28 Sep 2012   #311
How about a farmer with a cowshed, sty or pond?

Alas no...

Located in FL near the beach at present for the next year. I can surf fish or river fish for ingredients for nice cerviche' or try to smoke it myself.

But I worry about technique in the gawdawful humidity. I could renew my hunting license and bag deer or boar in nearby Georgia with friends again, but I cannot make my own sausage. I do pickle things when I can store the equipment in a larger home.

The nearest Int'l or Eu deli is too far to bike or walk and not on the trans line.
dancer7  1 | 19
1 Oct 2012   #312
I love Polish food, especially the pies!
OP pawian  226 | 27583
3 Oct 2012   #313
Guys, I need advice for the brain pepper recipe. How do you use your brain? Do you cook it before stuffing peppers or not?

OK I am going to fry it first.
Main ingredients for brain, tongue and kidney stuffed peppers.

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OP pawian  226 | 27583
5 Oct 2012   #314
Recipe for brain-kidney-tongue peppers.
Chop mushrooms, onion, garlic and fry in olive oil.

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OP pawian  226 | 27583
5 Oct 2012   #315
Chop meat input first

then chop and fry brain until it resembles scrambled eggs.

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OP pawian  226 | 27583
5 Oct 2012   #316
Due to difference of taste in our family, I had to prepare 3 bowls of stuffing:

on the left, my heavily spiced buckwheat and wild rice with brain, in the middle chopped meat with onion and mushrooms, on the right pure barley kasha.

Later on it evolved into two bowls of stuffing

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Baacon  - | 46
5 Oct 2012   #317
Looks good. I've only had my brains with eggs (not so good), but would like to try that. In Florida, is where I tried scrambled brains and eggs. Here in NJ, it's not so popular.
OP pawian  226 | 27583
5 Oct 2012   #318
Had you looked at my old brain and egg recipe??? :):)
What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

I agree, not so good. Never again. That is why I am still experimenting with brains.

Final stage of new recipe:

One pepper is my style, the other my wife`s.

Eventually, we agreed on one style. Whose?

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Baacon  - | 46
6 Oct 2012   #319
Eventually, we agreed on one style. Whose?

I guess it depends on how you want the rest of the night to go :) Let us know how it turns out
kondzior  11 | 1026
7 Oct 2012   #320

vodka and pickled herring and aspic
you cannot get too much of it
i guess
OP pawian  226 | 27583
7 Oct 2012   #321
I am not fond of jelly, but thanks for a reminder! I almost forgot I need to eat smoked salmon.

But I ran out of vodka many days ago.

jon357  72 | 23561
7 Oct 2012   #322
I almost forgot I need to eat smoked salmon

Food of the gods. Good value in Poland too, though dark rye bread never seems to suit it.

pickled herring

Boil some good potatoes, buy a jar of herrings in oil, strain a bit of the oil off, put the steaming (this bit's important) potatoes straight from the pan onto a large serving dish, then pour the contents of the jar over it.

Delicious on a winter day. A glass of vodka goes nicely with it, red wine if you want to be posh.
OP pawian  226 | 27583
7 Oct 2012   #323
red wine if you want to be posh.

Yes, I am posh now, drinking my wild cherry wine!

though dark rye bread never seems to suit it.

Do you think it is better with ham?

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jon357  72 | 23561
7 Oct 2012   #324
Do you think it is better with ham?

Better with just butter or smalec. The taste is too strong for anything delicate.
Orpheus  - | 113
7 Oct 2012   #325
I've just done 24 hours' teaching in the last three days ( and five hours' drinking in the last five hours) so forgive me if I've misunderstood. Pickled herrings with smalec? You must have the tastebuds of a bison.

I'm just jealous. I have the same problem as Falstaff ("A plague o' those pickled herring") I love pickles but they don't love me. But the makers of Rennie do.

jon. If you are the same jon that washes his hair in Ludwig, I am fully prepared to believe you eat herring with smalec.
jon357  72 | 23561
7 Oct 2012   #326
If you are the same jon that washes his hair in Ludwig


but just smalec on the black bread - sledz would be overkill ;-)

I love pickles but they don't love me. But the makers of Rennie do.

Worth the pain - Leclerc do great korniszony !
OP pawian  226 | 27583
7 Oct 2012   #327
Better with just butter or smalec. The taste is too strong for anything delicate.

Jom, with all respect, smoked salmon, having strong taste itself, reaches full harmony with brown breads.

Look, I am eating the most delicate part of salmon - its belly. Melts on your tongue, but be careful with fat dripping everywhere. Goes perfectly well with rye bread full of seeds. Mniaam!

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7 Oct 2012   #328
If you are the same jon that washes his hair in Ludwig,

What is Ludwig? Or am i being particularly dense here?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
7 Oct 2012   #329
What is Ludwig?

washing-up liquid
Rysavy  10 | 306
8 Oct 2012   #330
Everytime I peek in this thread I leave famished! or want to cry out "MARRY ME! you stay home I'LL work!"

I am such a foodie. My BMI passes barely but I am 10 kg over for my height. *shrug* I haven't cooked this weekend.
My dinner tonight was Chef BoyArdee (NOT technically food) >_<

Home / Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

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