It's so easy that it's almost not a recipe.
How is this herring product typically served?
15 May 2023 #62
The simplest things are often the tastiest :)
I think the apple and onion together will enhance each other but I actually fancy trying the dish first with shallots.
Thanks for posting it :)
I think the apple and onion together will enhance each other but I actually fancy trying the dish first with shallots.
Thanks for posting it :)
johnny reb 49 | 8003
16 May 2023 #63
I've eaten it many many times in Polish homes but not once has it ever been served hot.
Not even at your Curry Club with your fellow Brits ?
because you can make one quite small mackerel last for a few days! It's yummy eaten warm - you can spread it on bread, pop a fried egg on top and there's your dinner :)
Atch serves them warm in Poland.
Herring dishes in Poland are served cold.
Pawian serves them hot in Poland
16 May 2023 #64
Not even at your Curry Club with your fellow Brits ?
I've never been to a curry club.
Atch serves them warm in Poland.
Mackerel. In Ireland and the UK mackerel can be served hot, warm or cold. Not herring in Poland.
Pawian serves them hot in Poland
That is a one off he tried as you would know from reading the post. Keep clutching at straws but if you want to make yourself look even dumber than you already are, you crack on.
After all the years you've been on this forum it appears you've learned next to nothing about Poland. That you're not interested in learning is shameful in itself. However you have managed to excel at trolling and lying.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
16 May 2023 #65
I've never been to a curry club.
The picture that I have of you sitting having dinner in one with your friends proves otherwise.
mackerel can be served hot, warm or cold.
My Polish grandmother served herring both hot and cold from the recipe's that she brought from Poland.
Did you know that Herring and mackerel are both types of fish that belong to the family Gadidae.
Herring are smaller and have a more slender body than mackerel, while mackerel are larger and have a more robust body.
Both are interchangeable in recipes.
As far as the rest of your British diminishing meltdown, we will ignore it because nobody cares that it is off - topic. :-)
My Polish grandmother
Was a weird old bird who doesn't sound very Polish (hot peppers are not a Polish thing at all) and neither is meat on Xmas eve...
16 May 2023 #67
The picture that I have of you sitting having dinner in one with your friends
You don't have a single picture of me and I am not Harry. There is dumb and then there is you with an IQ in single figures.
Herring and mackerel are both types of fish that belong to the family Gadidae.
No, they don't. Educate yourself:
Mackerel belong to the Scombridae family:
Herring belong to the Clupeidae family:
And you still don't have a Polish grandmother.
still don't have a Polish grandmother
Maybe she was a folksdojczka?
johnny reb 49 | 8003
17 May 2023 #69
doesn't sound very Polish meat on Xmas eve...
Shows you what you know about Pagon traditions, are you even Polish ?
Thanks Ms. Atch as this guy is like beating a dead horse.
He probably doesn't know that there are seven different kinds of herring with one of them being a sardine.
Here is an article that may straighten him out on the difference between Christmas ham, herring, mackerel and sardines. lol
Read it and educate yourself, Hairy.
@The Mod.
Why did you let maf take this Off - topic from herring to Christmas ham ?
You told me whoever takes it off - topic is the one who gets the warning and suspension.
And you still don't have a Polish grandmother.
Not anymore, she died a long time ago.
The difference between you and me is that you never had one ever. :-)
17 May 2023 #70
Maybe she was a folksdojczka?
Somehow I doubt that too.
This is the same source that you copied and pasted about mackerel and herring belonging to the Gadidae family. As that information was completely wrong and neither belong to that family of fish I'm not even going to waste my time reading it.
If you knew anything about Poland at all you would also know that meat is not eaten on Wigilia, but fish. Keep flogging a dead horse, it's laughable how little you know.
Thanks Ms. Atch
There's nothing to thank me for. I was talking about Christmas in Ireland which is celebrated totally differently to Poland. That was the point I was making in the post you linked to. We don't fast on Wigilia or abstain from meat and alcohol.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
17 May 2023 #72
I was talking about Christmas in Ireland which is celebrated totally differently to Poland.
And I was talking about how most Polish people ignore the Pagon tradition here in America like they do in Ireland.
This is the same source that you copied and pasted about mackerel and herring belonging to the Gadidae family.
They do and since you always ask for a source I copy and pasted my source but like always, only your sources are credible.
Quite humorous actually.
it's laughable how little you know.
Your diminishing & shaming insults show just how insecure you are about others that want to learn about Poland.
You want to be the sole authority and in total control here. Pffffft !
You refuse to acknowledge that Polish people live in other countries besides just Poland which you want to ignore because you are ignorant to how they live here in the U.S.A.
This forum is about Polish people and is not limited to Poland only.
Bottom line is that my Polish babcia made a herring sauce of salted herring, garlic, scallion, peppers, and sliced a dumpling in half and poured the sauce over them.
So it really doesn't matter what Poles do in Poland because I am talking about what my Polish babcia did here in the Great U.S.A.
Yet you insist on knowin how my Polish grandmother made me herring. lol
You, Hairy, just try to diminish every post I make in every thread because you can't stand the fact I tell you to go jump in the lake.
Get over yourself.
Keep to the topic please
17 May 2023 #73
They do
They don't. Perhaps you would like more sources:
mackerel, any of a number of swift-moving, streamlined food and sport fishes found in temperate and tropical seas around the world, allied to tunas in the family Scombridae
herring, species of slab-sided northern fish belonging to the family Clupeidae
Gadidae family of fish include cod, haddock, whiting and pollock:
You refuse to acknowledge that Polish people live in other countries besides just Poland
WTF are you even talking about? All I have said is that herring in Poland is eaten cold. I don't personally care how it's eaten anywhere else and the subject of this thread is how herring is eaten in Poland, not the US, the Caribbean or anywhere else you might care to mention. What is your problem? That you can't stand being wrong time and time again? Or are you so desperate for attention that you'll post any pile of crap just so that you're talked about.....
it really doesn't matter what Poles do in Poland because I am talking about what my Polish babcia did here in the Great U.S.A.
Then you're completely off topic.
Your grandmother wasn't Polish.
I'm still not Harry no matter how much you try and convince yourself.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
17 May 2023 #74
Perhaps you would like more sources:
They are all rubbish
All I have said is that herring in Poland is eaten cold.
And all I said was my Polish grandma served them hot sometimes over dumplings.
You can't stand to think herring can be eaten hot even after both Atch and Pawian confirmed that fact.
Your grandmother wasn't Polish.
I'm still not Harry no matter how much you try and convince yourself.
I'm still not Harry no matter how much you try and convince yourself.
Do you have any sources to prove that my grandma was not Polish besides your snarky opinions ? lol
If you are not Hairy then why do you hide behind a sock puppet gamey guest name ?
Is it because of your inferiority complex of who you really are ? Hoot !
So you eat your herring/mackeral cold the way you want to and I will eat mine hot the way I want to.
We good now, Love lmfao !
Herring served cold in Poland is nice as it goes good with vodka.