which method preserves longer?
Pickling is probably better for that however after a while they all need using.
in a couple of years, very fresh, crunchy and delicious, I
Sounds delicious. One thing I miss from home is pickled red cabbage. The traditional northern English way is sliced more coarsely that is done in Poland and using plenty of peppercorns and allspice. Malt vinegar too, which of course is sweet and sour.
I know she used vinegar
In PL people often use a mix of vinegar and water due to a liking for the mild taste. I would just use malt vinegar or if I'm out of that (hard to get in PL) wine vinegar.with maybe a dash of spirit vinegar to give it a kick.
Pickled cauliflower can be nice; I'd use wine vinegar with a bit of spirit vinegar for that.