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Merged:Which is the best Polish vodka for my dad's birthday??
Its my dads birthday soon and i was thinking of trying to get him some Polish vodka (he likes a drink), any ideas on which one is the best and where to get it from??
The best vodka is probably Chopin vodka although I personally recommend Pan Tadeusz. It depends on where u r based on England but it should be quite easy to get ur hands on
Cheers Seanus! Im in Germany at the moment mate so it should'nt be too hard should it?? P.S Its not rocket fuel is it? I don't want him stripping and running around the place!!
That'd be spiritus, not vodka. Vodka here is the same, strength-wise, 40%. Germany will have a fair bit of Polish vodka. Stripping and running around the place can happen through beer, believe me, I've seen people do it
Which is the best Polish vodka for my dad's birthday??
- I would recommend Belvedere. The bottle is beautiful too - long and thin, with the inward picture of the Warsaw Belweder palace (Baroque style), magnified by the liquid. No to cyk i sto lat!
Thanks very much for all your suggestions i will have a look around town tomorrow!! I will let you know how i get on. Sorry i don't speak Polish(my dad tried to teach me when i was young but i was a bit of an idiot and never listened to him) I wish i did!!
Thanks mate i suppose id better taste all these fine choices before i select one eh?Well if you don't hear from me for a while you know whats happened!!btw are all Polish people a little crazy with a drink in them?? Im not trying to be disrespectful i only ask as i am , which is why i don't really drink anymore as it gets me into trouble!!
- Falkster - the really nice German mate is back - so nice. I feared you've given up on us, mate. Wilkommen und prosit! ;)
Sounds Nice Puzz. Your place or mine? Maybe Neutral?
- Are there any neutral spots nowadays? All's so politicised. Just kiddin.' I should be in Canada in the summer, otherwise we can meet in Poland (Bialystok, for instance?), whenever you're visiting, or in Cork, Ireland. Cheers, mate. I'm really looking forward.
Well i had a brief look about town (due to my 3 yr old daughter playing up in the shops) and the only one ive come across is Starogardzka wódka has anyone had any experience with this particular brand?? Na zdrowie!!
- I've never tried this one. But, I expect, it can't be bad; I have never met with any bad Polish vodka. I suspect no Polish vodka can ever be as bad as e.g. Smirnoff.
- Much praised in ads, but disgusting to drink, to my taste. Some of the real Russian vodka (which Smirnoff isn't), e.g. Stolichnaya, is very good, I must say. Whenever I have vodka (it doesn't happen too often, Scotch - real Scotch, from Scotland, and Irish whiskey, esp. Jameson, being my favs), I reach for either Polish or Russian vodka.
it's not going to happen. just had my christmas break back in berlin with the family... ;-)
why does nobody else actually mention zubrowka? my gf says it is one of the most popular and to be honest i have never before drank anything like it... i think it is really good...