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What exactly is Polish Bread?

modafinil - | 416
15 Jan 2012 #61
It is probably sacrilegious but Polish bread makes good toast.

Homemade Polish rye bread would easily become contaminated with ergot which is now synthesized as LSD-25 giving the Polish varieties of religious experience.
gumishu 14 | 6202
15 Jan 2012 #62
ergot requires a intermediary plant before it can infest rye and now the plant is mostly missing from the Polish landscape (it's called berberys in Polish IIRC)

OK - I was wrong - ergot has nothing to do with 'berberys' (barberry) - it's completely different fungus that does (stem rust)
pawian 221 | 24284
15 May 2021 #63
. Bought bread is good enough.

I hear more and more stories about baking one`s own bread. One day I must try it though I am not so enthusiastic about it, I must say. This opinion about good bread in shops still holds true.
mafketis 37 | 10789
15 May 2021 #64
good bread in shops still holds true

A few months ago I went to a bakery close to where I live (small chain with four or five stores in one city and seemingly no webpage(!)) and pretty much stopped buying break anywhere else... about ten times better than what is found in grocery stores.

Favorites include 'bydgoski'* (made from żyto czesane... what's that?) and szwajcarski (dark with raisins) and roasted potato bread and 'emilki' (very close to American 'dinner rolls' which I'd been jonesing for before I went there the first time)

Their sweet things are also good, sometimes very good but their breads are really amazing.

*it looks nothing like what you get in google for 'chleb bydgoski'... it's round and dark but not dense..
pawian 221 | 24284
15 May 2021 #65
(dark with raisins)

Yes, those stuffings add new quality to bread. I like wholemeal with sunflower or pumpkin seeds. Also, plum bread is interesting.

But the best is craft bread which consists mostly of various seeds - it is so wonderfully al dente.

mafketis 37 | 10789
15 May 2021 #66
craft bread which consists mostly of various seeds

Yikes! I don't care much for any seed besides sesame seeds on baked goods....
pawian 221 | 24284
15 May 2021 #67
sesame seeds

Not bad, I like them in sesame biscuits. But bread must offer some stronger resistance to my teeth so I need more and bigger seeds.
pawian 221 | 24284
9 Jun 2024 #68
Polish bread is also chałka - it takes its origin from Jewish ritual bread called chala.

Poloniusz 4 | 793
10 Jun 2024 #70
Polish bread is also chałka - it takes its origin from Jewish ritual bread called chala.

Manna from heaven.

Thank goodness for the Jews. If it weren't for their arrival in Poland, Poles would still be eating grass.

Anyway, here is a much better and more interesting origin story:

Poland's Daily Bread

Polish folk culture celebrates bread and grains in a very special manner. Its roots can be traced back to the old Slavic beliefs, which have become mixed with Christianity over the centuries.
jon357 73 | 22653
10 Jun 2024 #71

It reminds me a lot of brioche. Quite sweet and not really for serving with soup.
pawian 221 | 24284
10 Jun 2024 #72
It reminds me a lot of brioche.

While you reminded me of that cult film featuring an argument by the divorced couple about the sense of buying an adult kid some brioches for supper .

In Polish only

Nasty exchange:
x: Brioche? For supper? You probably have something wrong with your head!
y: With the ass!!

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