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Member warning system to prevent abuse / spam / off-topic posts

Vincent  8 | 800
4 Jul 2015   #31
maybe he/she thought I have magical powers.

If your post was binned, and you still had a few minutes editing time, then it is possible to edited the post removing moderators comments etc. This DID happen with one of your posts, I wouldn't have said anything if it wasn't true.
jon357  72 | 23492
4 Jul 2015   #32
This DID happen with one of your posts, I wouldn't have said anything if it wasn't true.

Indeed. As I remember I was on a painfully slow satellite connection way out in the desert and didn't even realise :-)
4 Jul 2015   #33
Personal attacks and abuse = a warning or suspension.

Not always, be honest. If it did, pigsy would have been banned several times over for claiming that Mrs Harry is a Ukrainian prostitute. Or would you like to claim that isn't abuse or a personal attack?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
1 Aug 2015   #34
Merged: DEAR MODS: What are the warnings for?

Is "stay on topic" a warning? Rather than a warning why couldn't you just shift what you regard as an "improper" reply to off-topic? Surely, you don't enjoy cracking the whip and flexing your muscles by issuing warnings and disrupting a discussion. As long as no foul language is being used. what's the point?
mafketis  38 | 11167
11 Dec 2015   #35
Merged: What's the deal with warnings?

I got my second warning (oooooh I'm sooooo scared!) but I'm puzzled as to why. I can't think of anything in particular that I wrote recently that was worse than what regular posters (like p3) get away with.

Is it too much to ask for a OM on just what the warning was about? Or are they passed out like candy so that's feasible? Is there a policy or is it moderator whim (the only explanation I can think of). You may visit your profile and find out the meaning of 'O.'
Roger5  1 | 1432
11 Dec 2015   #36
They most certainly are given out at the whim, or vindictiveness, of moderators.
smurf  38 | 1940
11 Dec 2015   #37
On topic, off topic, on topic, on topic, the fuq?

They even changed the location from News to Off Topic.

How in the name of Jaysus can a topic be off topic if it's about the topic of the title?
Polish Forum logic.

12 Dec 2015   #38
Is there a policy or is it moderator whim (the only explanation I can think of).

What you need to do is re-register and under your new username adopt the persona of a racist, sexist, homophobic bigoted American who pretends to have Polish blood but in reality does not. You can then proceed to abuse whoever you want, ignore any rules you want and generally post whatever you want - as long as you don't use the word 'llama' (as doing that might risk PF's Google rankings, which are the only things the mods give a crap about).
Wulkan  - | 3136
12 Dec 2015   #39
It's nice to see Harold crying even on Saturday morning. Some people just won't get a life.
Labrador  2 | 50
27 Feb 2016   #40
Merged: Am I the only one getting warnings for posting off topic?

I was bashed by two religious id***s, and I was getting warnings for posting off topic, while they did not get anything.

The mods do not seem to be as neutral as I thought. If you are not polish and don't believe in god, you only can LOSE in this forum.

This is BS. It's totally normal that some thread discussion go in an other direction. It's called human. If the thread-subject leads to an other subject, let people discuss! Especially when the subject is already answered anyway. All of us are here to discuss, and it would just be annoying to always open up a new thread just because a discussion took an other path.

In real conversations you also discuss about everything and don't say " Oh, you are changing the topic? We have to make an extra appointment about it ", no you just go ahead.

Besides that, it should be allowed to defend your position. Some people on this forum come up with total brainwashed crap, it's normal to defend your opinion, but get a warning for being off-topic. How about warning or banning brainwashed religious trolls ? Who want to force their believe on people?

Oh I have no rights if you are not Polish and strictly Catholic.
OP Admin  25 | 414 Administrator
27 Feb 2016   #41
It's totally normal that some thread discussion go in an other direction. It's called human.

It's called 'moderating' to make sure discussions don't go in another direction. It's been discussed here many times and most of us agreed we should stick to the topic. This is the only way to keep logics in and chaos out.
Labrador  2 | 50
27 Feb 2016   #42

Not really, moderating is to punish the real troublemaker, not people who defend their place against these trolls.
Ironside  50 | 12954
27 Feb 2016   #43
@Labrador 'while they did not get anything'.

You can't know that, can you? Instead of all that drama learn to accept that some people disagree with you.

you have no rights if you are not Polish and strictly Catholic

BS! You need to learn not to post off-topic, you can respond/defend yourself or whatnot in the random thread.
Labrador  2 | 50
28 Feb 2016   #44
@Ironside: If someone calls me stupid because I won't believe in god, this has nothing to do with " accepting an other persons opinion " it's clearly an insult and provocation, and it feels wrong if mods punish me for defending my point rather than punishing the guy who came up with such insulting claim.

So please don't even try to comment if you haven't got a clue what this was about.
Crow  154 | 9552
28 Feb 2016   #45
Member warning system here is quite good. God knows it
Ironside  50 | 12954
28 Feb 2016   #46
So please don't even try to comment if you haven't got a clue what this was about.

I'm on this forum on and off for about seven years so if somebody has no clue how this forum works that would be you. As to what it was about I know perfectly well what went with you. Somebody called you stupid and you deemed right to retaliate in the same thread and that was your mistake, here you can do it in the random thread or by pm and you better remember that. It'll will make your life on PF easier.

No point in sulking or debating with mods - literally!
Lwow Eagle  4 | 51
29 Feb 2016   #47
Will certain repeat offenders get permanent bans for second or third banishments? They drive people away from the forum with their anti-Polonism.
goofy  1 | 39
29 Feb 2016   #48
I second this question, can Admins do someting about the English buly gang?? Thank you
Wulkan  - | 3136
29 Feb 2016   #49
can Admins do someting about the English buly gang??

Well, tomorrow they release Harold from jail.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Feb 2016   #50
I second this question, can Admins do someting about the English buly gang?? Thank you

I heard the Admin will do something as soon as the "proud, patriotic Poles" do something for Poland.
porky pok  2 | 127
29 Feb 2016   #51
Please, NO goofy,then whose tush can one whoop?
mafketis  38 | 11167
7 Mar 2016   #52
a moderator impersonating me wrote

You may visit your profile and find out the meaning of 'O.'

And that does no good whatsoever with no information about which posts got that designation and why. Would it be so hard to PM with a clarification? Apparently yes.

IME not a single request for clarifying information has been honored with an answer, just ambiguous and/or meaningless self-righteousness.
Vincent  8 | 800
7 Mar 2016   #53
And that does no good whatsoever with no information about which posts got that designation and why. Would it be so hard to PM with a clarification? Apparently yes.

Do you really think someone has the time to go through the trash, to find out why you had a warning 3 months ago? It is up to you to check for yourself at the time of the warning, it's self explanatory that you got a warning for posting off-topic comments on the main forums. Are you still losing sleep after all this time?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Mar 2016   #54
You don't hand out warnings very often (at least not to me...) - so maybe you could add a "warned for ..." to the post?
Vincent  8 | 800
7 Mar 2016   #55
But the point is, there is a well document thread about the warning codes. What could be more simple than looking up the code yourself, to see what you have received the warning for?
mafketis  38 | 11167
7 Mar 2016   #56

Also, enforcement seems up to the subjective judgement of the mods which makes the whole point kind of meaningless as well.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Mar 2016   #57
What could be more simple than looking up the code yourself, to see what you have received the warning for?

The problem is that it's not very clear sometimes - I got one warning for excessive quoting, but I really don't know which thread it was or where. At least if you added it to the post, it would be clear.
Wulkan  - | 3136
7 Mar 2016   #58
I got one warning for excessive quoting, but I really don't know which thread it was or where.

It doesn't make any difference which post was it, you know that got warning for excessive quoting so now you know what you need to pay attantion for.
TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Mar 2016   #59
This whole warning system is childish in my opinion. You either allow personal insults, xenophobic posts, communist propaganda, sexist remarks, homophobia and what not because of the free speech thing, or you don't. The admin's position is pro free speech, so there you go. Time for the mods to retire... :)
Wulkan  - | 3136
8 Mar 2016   #60
You either allow personal insults, xenophobic posts, communist propaganda, sexist remarks, homophobia

And polonophobia, it's funny how you forgot about that one given that not only you have Polish heritage but also interested in a history of Polish culture.

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