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Member warning system to prevent abuse / spam / off-topic posts

Admin  25 | 414 Administrator
24 Jan 2015   #1
We have a new 'Warning' system - now each member may receive a warning before they get suspended. The current warning codes are as follows:

A - Abuse
S - Spam
O - Off-topic / meaningless posts
T - Trolling
Q - Excessive quoting

Only the warned members can see their own warnings and history of their own warnings. Warned members may be suspended without further notice. There is no explanation what the warning was exactly for (the posters should know what they were warned for; if they don't know they should read the Rules first _).
pigsy  7 | 304
24 Jan 2015   #2
Should I feel honoured that I got the first one already?
OP Admin  25 | 414 Administrator
24 Jan 2015   #3
Yes (provided you won't get another one again ;).
Levi_BR  6 | 219
24 Jan 2015   #4
" O - Off-topic / meaningless posts"

What makes a meaningless post?

A lot of times moderators warned me about meaningless posts but i read it again and i don't find it meaningless.

So we should just post now if we discover something extremelly meaningful, like the cure for cancer?
Vincent  8 | 800
24 Jan 2015   #5
What makes a meaningless post?

It could be a post that has nothing to do with the subject of the title, and one that probably takes the thread off topic. The threads on the main forums are for discussion about Poland and Polish people.

So we should just post now if we discover something extremelly meaningful, like the cure for cancer?

Unless the cure is discovered in Poland, I wouldn't bother. If a cure is found, then it will be all over the TV news and news papers, so it will be very hard to miss.
pigsy  7 | 304
24 Jan 2015   #6
ASO sounds a bit funny for TOS doesnt it????:))))
16 Feb 2015   #7
Only the warned members can see their own warnings and history of their own warnings.

16 Feb 2015   #8
Warnings will show up on your profile page with the relevant code.
You will also see the date each warning was given.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Feb 2015   #9
Is it true that the administrator and mods. can read our private messages?

If you falsely ask 'is it true' - admin can falsely ask 'is it true that you are a child abuser'? Now it's your turn to prove you are not. Got it? Admin

"If" I did, but I didn't.
Let me ask you this way then, "can you read our personal messages ?"

Now it's your turn to prove you are not.

I don't have to prove anything.
You are the one confusing the issue by going off thread.
Gee's, it was just a simple yes or no question.
I am sorry to have upset you with it.
Roger5  1 | 1432
17 Feb 2015   #10
If you falsely ask

What does that mean? (admin's quote, somehow attributed to JR)
Wulkan  - | 3136
17 Feb 2015   #11
If you falsely ask 'is it true' - admin can falsely ask 'is it true that you are a child abuser'?

It means they can but you can't prove it.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Feb 2015   #12
Then why do they call it a "private message" when it is not ?
Why couldn't Skippy just have said 'yes' instead of being so gamey.

'is it true that you are a child abuser'?

Of course not.
I have never beaten my children.........well..........only when they really need it. :-)
17 Feb 2015   #13
Is there any point in having a warning system for members when they can simply carry on doing exactly what they have been warned about doing by using 'guest' accounts (as pigsy is clearly doing at the moment)?
Wulkan  - | 3136
17 Feb 2015   #14
using 'guest' accounts (as pigsy is clearly doing at the moment)?

And how can you prove it?
17 Feb 2015   #15
For one thing his ceaseless obsession with English teachers and the British in general. For another his IP address.
Wulkan  - | 3136
17 Feb 2015   #16
and since when ordinary forum users can check IP addresses?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
27 Mar 2015   #17
And this is a very interesting question: how can ordinary members like Harry view someone else's IP?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 May 2015   #18
If you falsely ask 'is it true' - admin can falsely ask 'is it true that you are a child abuser'?

No it wasn't falsely asked jon, I exposed you for being the owner of this forum and the administrators job is just to keep the website up and running for you.

We all know your game of charades now.
You can read our private messages, you can intimidate us with warnings, you can CONTROL this forum by posting any damn thing you want, delete any damn thing you want, have your personal little Brit gang to back your personal opinions as god's no Pal, I did not falsely ask. Got it !

My thread (that you closed so conveniently) should have read: "Is the Ownner of the Polish forum Polish ?"
Well you should ban yourself with five warnings for ABUSE just to make things fair.
Have you noticed how things quiet right down and no one attacks or argues when you are not here ????
You are the problem jon but since it is your little game you party on son at the expense of the great country of Poland.

Johnny Reb ~

No - jon357 doesn't have any moderating or administrative rights on this forum, and he isn't the owner of course
Wroclaw Boy
22 May 2015   #19
and the administrators job is just to keep the website up and running for you.

Managing a forum such as this is quite easy.......and yes Admin has access to everything anybody types on here, including private messages - not emails obviously though. Thats completely separate.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
22 May 2015   #20
and yes Admin has access to everything anybody types on here, including private messages

I don't get what you are trying to say. Is it just irony or what? Private massages (PM) should be exempted from access for Admin and mods. I remember there was once a discussion on the PF in which Admin clearly said the forum administration have no access to PM's. I wonder what the PF rules say about it, if they say anything on the matter at all?

Technically, however, this should be feasible. The forum staff has access to members' posts which means they can override your password. A PM message is kind of a post, so they would have access to it.

Keep to the current topic please
johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 May 2015   #21
meaningless post? It could be a post that has nothing to do with the subject of the title

You mean like the last one that was posted in "What are the Polish so conservative and religious" that has
been left up all morning to bait someone to respond to it off thread ?

Poland's latest Sunday mass head count has just dropped to 29.372%


It is unclear at this point whether the RCC can last another year.

Even better
22 May 2015   #22
I was going to ask this in random but perhaps this is a better place for it.

Received my fifth (and last) warning

So is it five warnings and then a ban or the fifth warning is a ban?
Vincent  8 | 800
22 May 2015   #23
So is it five warnings and then a ban or the fifth warning is a ban?

Not at all Harry, a "rouge" member might get banned after a few warnings, depending on their past history on PF. Their past suspensions would probably be taken into account too, when deciding if they will be banned for good or not. Hope this clears up your query.
22 May 2015   #24
Do you mean there are different rules for different people, Vincent?
Barney  19 | 1755
22 May 2015   #25
Having never banned anyone I would imagine that it's more of an art rather than a science.
Vincent  8 | 800
22 May 2015   #26
Do you mean there are different rules for different people, Vincent?

I didn't say that Harry, so don't blow it out of proportion. I meant exactly what I said in my last post. You asked a question and I give you an answer.
Wroclaw Boy
22 May 2015   #27
Private massages (PM) should be exempted from access for Admin and mods.

Its highly unlikely that Mods would be able to view PM's, you would need file manager access for that, and anybody who has that can basically delete the entire website if they so wish. I doubt even Admin bothers to read private PM's but he could if he wanted to.

The forum staff has access to members' posts which means they can override your password.

Mods can't, unless Admin really, really trusts them. They only have a basic control panel, to do basic things.
23 May 2015   #28
Sorry, Vincent, but I can't quite grasp what you're saying there. Do you mean that there are different rules for different members or that all members share the same rules? No need for discussions about proportion, it's a fairly straight either / or question.

Yes, members who have been suspended in the past don't share the same rules as members who followed the terms and haven't been banned.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Jul 2015   #29
Merged: Forum warning system

I'm not familiar with this, can someone explain it to me?

I got a warning, but I'm not sure what it relates to - it mentioned abusing other members, but I've been a good boy!

4 more to go and you'll be suspended for another several months. Thank you.

4 more to go and you'll be suspended for another several months. Thank you.

Can you tell me what it was for? I'm just curious - things have changed around here, and I'd rather not get banned again!

Personal attacks and abuse = a warning or suspension.

(I mean, I read the warning - I'm just confused because I didn't abuse anyone...or has the definition of abuse changed?)

Argh, missed the deadline for editing...

Another (probably stupid) question - do warnings expire?

They don't expire for repeat offenders.

Personal attacks and abuse = a warning or suspension.

Seems fair :)
jon357  72 | 23654
4 Jul 2015   #30
Sort of, but the flaw is "statistical bias". If you post a lot, you expose yourself to going off-topic, especially if you sometimes take a while to write your reply (while doing other things) and don't notice that a mod has commented on someone's previous post - that happened to me. Plus technical issues - I was once accused of deleting a mod's comment - maybe he/she thought I have magical powers.

And of course some posters only ever seem to flame and abuse, especially but not only in random. They get away with it with impunity and whoever responds gets into bother.

No system is perfect though, but sometimes the faults are glaring.

Getting suspended for off-topic posts is less likely than for Abuse or Trolling.

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