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"Ignore" option for certain posters

Novichok  4 | 8682
23 Feb 2023   #31
Hey, amiga, thanks. That relieves me of the temptation to respond.
How many of you are in the safe room by now? Can I have cookies delivered to you?
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Feb 2023   #32
How do you put more than one poster on ignore?

Try commas. Not comas.
Paulina  19 | 4558
23 Feb 2023   #33
@pawian, thanks, it worked :)
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Feb 2023   #34
thanks, :)

Can`t take this credit, I read about those commas when I was playing with Ignore function. :):):)
Alien  26 | 6528
23 Feb 2023   #35
Oh sh.t, everybody ignores me...
Next one please.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
23 Feb 2023   #36
Putting someone on ignore is a sign of insecure person.
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Feb 2023   #37
Novi probably realised it coz he took up reading your and my posts again. :):):)
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
23 Feb 2023   #39
Putting someone on ignore is a sign of insecure person.

For once we agree!
I have blocked people from PMing me because they were just too annoying,time consuming and pointless.
But blocking someone on the forum is a sign of weakness.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
23 Feb 2023   #40
WE always agreed milo lol see you never object to my pic in your wifes purse lololol.
Why have you blocked me Iwanted to send you an offer to get you some latte:))
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
23 Feb 2023   #41
Why have you blocked me

As you can clearly see, I have not blocked you on an open forum.
Joker  2 | 2447
23 Feb 2023   #42
But blocking someone on the forum is a sign of weakness.

Its no fun blocking people. If someone states they are going to block me then its time to kick it up a notch, as Im living in their head rent free. Anyone that has blocked me has only lasted 2 or 3 days. They cant resist to see what Im saying about them. If you block someone dont announce it.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Feb 2023   #43
But blocking someone on the forum is a sign of weakness.

And you wonder why I keep bringing up Bias Moderating.
Has anyone else EVER in the existence of this forum Ever got suspended for NOT using your Ignore Function ? LMFAO !
Well besides me.......
Vincent  8 | 800
24 Feb 2023   #44

A couple of points. First, I haven't suspended you for not using your ignore function, and there would plenty of other reasons to do so than that. I'm guessing you could be in the early stages of Dementia, or had a little too much moonshine. There has been no warnings on your profile, to suggest 'you had a time-out', nor has there been a red sad emoji next to your username in this last couple of days.

Next, you have been listening to the self-proclaimed 'King of the internet' Cargo pants, who nearly always get things wrong. I wouldn't mind betting that I'm 25 kilos lighter than both of you, judging by your photos posted on these forums. I also don't have diabetes, which is another false piece of information posted by the Indian "troll king" of the internet. Have a nice day, slim Jim. :-)
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
24 Feb 2023   #45
self-proclaimed 'King of the internet' Cargo pants, who nearly always get things wrong. I wouldn't mind betting that I'm 25 kilos lighter

LOL Fat Vincent,you mean our weight combined?? lol

I also don't have diabetes,

lol you meant Yet or by the last examination lol

Indian "troll king" of the internet.

Did you mean Emperor.
Good Morning from America BTW:)) lololol
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Feb 2023   #46
A couple of points, First you have always said that the Administration team is as of one, which would include you.
Since you chickens stay stealth so we can't hold you accountable for your sins how would I know which one of you did it.

One simple answer with a simple YES or NO to my question would clear this up.
Was johnny reb suspended for 'not using' his Ignore Function"?
YES or No

I'm guessing you could be in the early stages of Dementia, or had a little too much moonshine.

No Skinny Vinny, your comedic diminishing remarks will not get you out of this one.
Now man up and answer my question.

There has been no warnings on your profile, to suggest 'you had a time-out',

Careful there Skinny, are you saying that on my Private Profile Notice on 1-5-19 that I was not suspended for not using my Ignore Function ?

A simple Yes or No would be sufficient
Next I apologize to you if I am wrong and I should not have called you FAT as from now on your new tag is Skinny Vinny.

Next, you have been listening to the self-proclaimed 'King of the internet'

And you have been listening to your self proclaimed King and Queen of the Polish Forum Pawian and Paulina to much.
I still like you though.
Have a nice day, Skinny Vinny ;-)
Vincent  8 | 800
24 Feb 2023   #47
Careful there Skinny, are you saying that on my Private Profile Notice on 1-5-19 that I was not suspended for not using my Ignore Function ?

If you are going back to 4 years ago, then yes you were. However, that suspension was given by the owner of this site and not by me.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Feb 2023   #48
@Skinny Vinny

that suspension was given by the owner of this site and not by me.

Thank you for your honesty and I apologize to you for my rude comments about you.
Now lets see if the owner of this site deletes our posts or closes this thread.
That's what he usually does when the kitchen gets to hot for him in Feedback.
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Feb 2023   #49
That's what he usually does when the kitchen gets to hot

No, he does it when Am members get too abusive or off topic.

King of the Polish Forum Pawian

King of the Jungle called PolishForums. hahahaha

Give up hope all ye who enter here.

If you are going back to 4 years ago,

Amassing those Am rightists are such vindictive types. A normal person would forget about the whole matter after a month. While they cherish all their mental injuries and traumas for decades. True psychos.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Feb 2023   #50
No, he does it when Am members get

You are always talking for the Administrator here, is that because YOU ARE the administrator ?

Amassing those Am rightists are such vindictive types.

I hope you know that.
That's why your life expectancy in the U.S.A. would be about six hours, if that.

he does it when

He does it when the Americans start making his Polish lapdogs look like true psycos.
Novichok  4 | 8682
25 Feb 2023   #51
That's why your life expectancy in the U.S.A. would be about six hours, if that.

In a Texas bar, after a couple of "darlings", try six minutes.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Feb 2023   #52
YOU ARE the administrator ?

I do everything to please you - you stubbornly claim I am an owner, so yes, I happily corroborate it coz I want to see a happy smile on your face.

your life expectancy in the U.S.A. would be about six hours,

Is the crime rate among rightists so high??? Oh my Goddess..... What a fekked up country you live in.....

In a Texas bar, after a couple of "darlings", try six minutes

Amassing! In America you lose your life when you address a person darling. hahahaha
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Mar 2023   #53
I got suspended for not using my Ignore Function. HooT !
But it wasn't Skinny Vinny that gave me the suspension.
Did anyone notice that over 100 posts in this thread just got deleted ? LMAO !
Joker  2 | 2447
9 Mar 2023   #54
I got suspended for not using my Ignore Function. HooT !

Vincent already told you he did not suspend you for that.

Quit playing mod all the time..... Go do sth with your life before you croak.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Mar 2023   #55
But it wasn't Skinny Vinny that gave me the suspension.

Vincent already told you he did not suspend you for that.

REALLY ! What was your clue ? lol
Now stfu and go mind your own business, Narc.
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Mar 2023   #56
Cut down on this aggression. It is completely unnecessary - Joker revealed that he is just having an innocent act with you. So stop overreacting.
Joker  2 | 2447
14 Mar 2023   #57
It was almost a week ago.. This only proves how pathetic you are and have absolutely nothing better to do besides talk to yourself! LOLOLOSER!
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
14 Mar 2023   #58
Cut down on this aggression

What a fecking hypocrite!
The nastiest, lowest and most aggressive poster on this forum is telling JR to cut down on his aggression?
What a lunatic!
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Nov 2024   #59
This post belongs here
Here is the current list:


Novi`s list of special posters contains 9 members!!!

Reminds me of what in mankind`s culture??? Magnificent 9, magnificent 9........................ ????

I already mentioned the cat of 9 tails.

But we need sth new.....

How about the Story of 9 Irishmen ????????????????

The legend made very noble guys of them. I think I have nothing against such a comparison. Ha!!!! :):):)
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Nov 2024   #60
Tomorrow is 1st Dec which means Christmas is close. According to old Polish traditions, I suspend being rude to forum troublemakers. No darlings or other nasties.
However, if you provoke me too much, I will address you as bb aka bad boy. Or bad being coz creature slur is also excluded. :):)

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