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"Ignore" option for certain posters

GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
27 Jun 2022   #1
How do you put a user on "ignore". I can't find this option in the profile.
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jun 2022   #2
You can find the Mute poster box on a beige stripe which is at the top of your profile page. Type pawian inside and that`s all. hahahahaha

However, you should know that using the forum with Ignore function on will be a bit uncomfortable. I tried it once and gave up after a while because it caused complications in surfing through it. :):):)
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
27 Jun 2022   #3
Mute poster box on a beige stripe which is at the top of your profile page

amiga500  5 | 1539
27 Jun 2022   #4
welcome to the club, it's a good way to sort the wheat from the chaff, i don't have the time for trolls or meaningless 'debates'. i have strzelec35,novichok,crow,gregy741,crnogorac3 on mute.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
27 Jun 2022   #5
How do you put a user on "ignore". I can't find this option in the profile.

I tried to find this too Jon and I butted heads so it has all calmed down and I don't need it anymore....

Give it time Torqi! :)
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
27 Jun 2022   #6
i have strzelec35,novichok,crow,gregy741,crnogorac3

I only have strzelec35 and Paulina on the list so far.

Give it time Torqi! :)

You know I'm patient, BB, but even my angelic patience has its limits. :)
jon357  72 | 23654
27 Jun 2022   #8
Who's ignored me yet?

Not me. Your posts are often interesting.

I had Jim and the nerve agent in ignore once but can't be bothered.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Jun 2022   #9
Who's ignored me yet? And Jim?

No delph, I haven't got you on ignore
Why would I do that, you are hilarious pretending to be a sixteen year old Russian girl.
Now if you only knew how to read, write and speak Russian. Hoot !
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
27 Jun 2022   #10
@johnny reb
I do, unlike you. And I am not this Delph. Why do you call me Delph?

Mods, don't you think Johnny Reb should be banned? He's clearly not contributing anything to the forum, and if you think it's worthwhile to suspend Novichok, why not Johnny Reb?

Who else thinks Jim should be banned?
Why the " hoot" thing as well? He's more of a parrot than a an owl.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
27 Jun 2022   #11
I have a list of one, Jim. I wonder how good PF will be when I don't have to see him, though he'll probably be off of my mute soon.
Joker  2 | 2447
27 Jun 2022   #12
Why the " hoot" thing as well? He's more of a parrot

Im glad someone else has finally noticed. Hey doesnt have any originality at all especially with the mimicking of Paulinas " rinse and repeat" comment. He burned that one out as well!

He once put name on HIS ignore list, then took me off 2 days later and started attacking me. The list doesnt work!
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
27 Jun 2022   #13
He's an awful poster. I remember he sucked me in with fake charm at first, but then changed everything he thought about me because I said he was being an idiot. I thought I was the only one who noticed that, although I didn't know about him copying Paulina.

He keeps calling me "Delph", which is hilarious considering this Delph, who I looked up, is nothing like me and joined when I was 2 years old.
Joker  2 | 2447
27 Jun 2022   #14
He's an awful poster.

He a stalker as well so dont give out any personal info on PF

He keeps calling me "Delph",

He thinks youre Delph bc thats his nemesis and hes afraid of coming back and extracting revenge upon him.

You can ask other posters if you dont believe me..... All the info is easily found on PF too.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
27 Jun 2022   #15
Oh my god! That's ridiculous! Maybe if Delph wanted to come back he would come under his own name? Why would I have been nice to Jim at first if I was his enemy? I feel sorry for him. He seems sad, and self hating.

Look at this naive post!

RussianAntiPutin- What's wrong with Johnny Reb?

How could I be so stupid?
I don't hateJohnny like some here. I think he needs to educate himself and work on himself.
Joker  2 | 2447
27 Jun 2022   #16
Delph wanted to come back he would come under his own name?

He became upset that the mods allow pedo` on the forum.

When we say Jim's housemate is a registered pedophile, we can link to his lengthy criminal record.m the
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
27 Jun 2022   #17
Why do you call me Delph?

Because he is a very stupid moron.

Now if you only knew how to read, write and speak Russian

Yeah, like you? LOL!!!!

He doesnt have any originality at all

No, he is like a stupid parrot.

He's an awful poster

Spot on!

he sucked me in with fake charm at first

He did me too and does it to all new posters.
He is a disgusting example of a human beiing.

Cut down on your number of quotes please
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
27 Jun 2022   #18
Oh. He left for a good reason, I suppose. From what I've researched, I'm not really a fan of Delph, though it's hard to tell without interacting.

Miloslaw- Yeah, like you. LOL!!!

His "Russian" is really more offensive than funny. He uses Google Translate on his best days.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
27 Jun 2022   #19

He was better than Jim.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
27 Jun 2022   #20
Miloslaw- he does it with all new posters

Hopefully he won't suck the new one, I think called Neczypor, in. I've already warned him/her.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Jun 2022   #21
Mods, don't you think Johnny Reb should be banned? He's clearly not contributing anything to the forum

Because I don't troll with sock puppets like you do Hairy.
Over 90% of your sock puppet posts under the sock puppet name of Lazarus were trolling me.
Now under your new sock puppet Russian Anti Putin 90% have been trolling me.
Do you see the pattern here ?

How could I be so stupid?

You've never been overly blessed with brains Hairy.
Your infatuation with me shows that I live in your head rent free.
Face it, you bullied the wrong guys here and got knocked on the seat of your yellow pants.

I remember he sucked me in with fake charm at first

I smelled a rat from your very first post so I suckered you into giving yourself away as a fake.
If you remember, we all accused you of being a sock puppet fake.
Hey, how is your throat surgery healing up ?
Why the Mods tolerate you destroying this forum is beyond me.
You should have been permanently banned years ago for trolling.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
28 Jun 2022   #22
That isn't really difficult? About as hard as having better port de bras than Anna Nikulina!
I think of Jim as being like a child. He can be annoying, but isn't worth talking to. He's officially an adult, but he hasn't learned the world doesn't move around him. It's really funny how he completely changed everything he thought about me because I called him an idiot.

The really obvious thing is, why would an old poster come back under a new name? And why would I
Create an extensive knowledge of ballet.
Learn several languages.
Spend months making an online persona.
Etc., etc.
Just to troll Jim? I don't care about him enough to do that. I forget about him every time I go off PF, as with you or Pawian, or any poster.

This Lazarus he's calling me is still here! Last post 2nd of June!
Crow  155 | 9699
28 Jun 2022   #23
Ignore is for weaklings. When I face idiot I show empathy and tries to help. To explain.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
28 Jun 2022   #24
When I face idiot

You have decades to get use to it. You are vaccinated. All those years when you had to face an idiot looking in the mirrow.
Lazarus  3 | 364
28 Jun 2022   #25
I think of Jim as being like a child.

He's right at the other end of the cycle of life, nearly dead. Given how overweight he is, it's a miracle he isn't dead already. Just have a look at and guesswho (shapeless blob at the front).

I forget about him every time I go off PF

Likewise. But when I come back after several weeks without making a post, Jim is certain to have posted about me in the last 24 hours.
jon357  72 | 23654
28 Jun 2022   #26
Nice picture. And he's got his dog next to him.

I wonder what breed it is.
Crow  155 | 9699
28 Jun 2022   #27

Don`t be hater, ne tako dobri brate.
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jul 2022   #28
How do you put a user on "ignore".

Can a poster put oneself on ignore? What happens then? Let me try.
PS. Amasing! I can`t see my own posts!
However, I still see myself as the last poster on home page.
Paulina  19 | 4556
23 Feb 2023   #29
i have strzelec35,novichok,crow,gregy741,crnogorac3 on mute.

How do you put more than one poster on ignore? It works only when I type in one username. When I type in a second one they get separated by a dot and it doesn't work for both of them then... What am I doing wrong?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
23 Feb 2023   #30
What am I doing wrong?

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