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Is it Polish forum or foreign forum?

Ktos  15 | 432
23 Nov 2015   #1
I do not think there is another forum anywhere where the subject country of the forum is being crucified by forum members foreign to that country and it is allowed. Foreigners come here, criticise Poland, criticise Polish culture, twist Polish history and torpede anyone who tries to defend Poland. Western encroachment is not welcome in Poland and we Polish have a right to voice our opinion about it, and where else if not on Polish Forum? We can't criticise westerners, Jews, other religions, homosexuals or Americans because we are labelled then as the hostile and hateful ones, but foreigners (mostly westerners) can jump up and down all over everything Polish, here and there and it is suppose to be alright?
cinek  2 | 347
23 Nov 2015   #2
Are you new government's plenipotentiary for PF in ruins?
OP Ktos  15 | 432
23 Nov 2015   #3
What do you mean? I'm too stupid for your clever comment, so please, elaborate on it.
cinek  2 | 347
23 Nov 2015   #4
I've been reading PF for quite a long time, and didn't notice that negative opinions about Poland are majority here.
I just think you exaggerate.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
23 Nov 2015   #5
can jump up and down all over everything Polish

But your ideas aren't "Everything Polish." They mirror the attitudes of an American republican extreme Neo-Con, and are not representative of the young mobile educated Pole. Vis a vie, your views, such as they are, are anathema to the vast majority of Poles, and I know this for a fact, because I am far more Polish savvy than you will ever be. You might know the literature, and speak the vernacular, but you can't speak the same language as the people here.

Have you actually ever set foot on Polish soil? A lot of us on this board have tilled that soil and fertilised it for more years than you've been on this earth.

But you are clearly a troll so I don't know why any response is merited.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
23 Nov 2015   #6
You see, again and again as a foreigner you make the same mistake, Polish are not uniform in mind and attitude like many others in other countries are, we are very much versatile, more versatile than most, we are free, we sit at the table and have tens of opinions exchanged, this the characteristic of not just Polish people but in general Slavic people. In simple words: we are same in many ways but also comparatively to many nations we are much more versatile in thought, that is why our discussions are so passionate. The more I hang here the more I see who actually knows Polish people, who understands Poland and Polish soul and only few do, the real Polish, the clever ones and the ones who lived a long life in Poland, that know it, but you have no clue. It is a pity that most members on this forum are not Polish but live in Poland and those people never understood Poland.

I will not succumb to anybody here, that many people in my country are polite to foreigners is true but once in while comes a Polish person fed up with Poland being abused and that person is me, so I do not care that you don't like it, that it's impolite to you, I do not care about you. All I care about is my country and I will not let others pass derogatory comments about Poland without a response, time to show respect for my country.
mafketis  38 | 11260
23 Nov 2015   #7
Considering that everything's supposed to in English here, I'd say the primary focus is on English speaking people and their experiences with and/or perceptions of Poland. There's no need whatsoever for a forum in English for Polish people in Poland (seriously that would be very, very weird) beyond language practice. If you're looking for a forum in Polish then the comment threads on Polish media outlets show a wide range of opinion on ongoing issues (whether the sleepwalking performance of the former president or the antics of the current minister of culture).

Getting back here, part of the socialization process for anyone living in a new country is griping about stuff (I did my fair share but I realized I was just venting and as I became more acclimated it tapered off).

And seriously, if you want to see full on hatred of a host society find some forums in English on Switzerland, the Netherlands or the Scandinavian countries. The reader feedback on a Danish paper in English was so negative they stopped most comments. It made the comments on this forum seem dainty and ladylike in comparison.
smurf  38 | 1940
23 Nov 2015   #8
Polish are not uniform in mind and attitude

yet you say:

Western encroachmentisnot welcome

thus showing the forum that you're a grade A hypocrite. If Poles are

are not uniform in mind and attitude

then your opinion on

Western encroachment


not uniform

So, you see, your opinionisflawed, you think you speak for Poles, but at the same time you say people

are not uniform in mind and attitude

. So, you need to do something, either a) make up your mind which one it is, or b) realise that you're being a hypocrite and stop being one.


you were also being hypocritical yesterday:
When Maftekis caught you out.

An American integrating in Poland?

Go put some shrimp on the barbie mate ;)
Atch  22 | 4299
23 Nov 2015   #9
your opinion is flawed, you think you speak for Poles

Yes that occurred to me too. My own husband is Polish and couldn't think more differently than Ktos about pretty much everything and when I presented his views of Poland, Ktos dismissed them immediately as they were only the views of one person, not all Poles, which is precisely what all our views are on this forum, just our own, our personal views based on our personal experiences.

I will not succumb to anybody here

You've been succumbing quite contentedly until now. A member for nearly two and a half years and hardly a peep out of you and now suddenly you've found a voice. Obviously you're a bit bored, at a bit of a loose end at the moment so diddling around on this forum until something better comes along or maybe you've had some personal crisis and you've gone a bit doo-lally. In that case my sympathies - honestly, we've all been there in our own small ways at some point in our lives - but there's better forms of therapy than this place.
23 Nov 2015   #10
I've been reading PF for quite a long time, and didn't notice that negative opinions about Poland are majority here.

Yes, but ktos thinks that a Polish person being called a Pole is an insult. You know otherwise. Whether that's because he is oversensitive or because you have at least an idea about things Polish I'll leave for you to judge.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
24 Nov 2015   #11
Considering that everything's supposed to in English here, I'd say the primary focus is on English speaking people and their experiences with and/or perceptions of Poland.

I have an idea, let's exclude Polish people from Polish forum altogether! It is so weird that we are still here, we should let foreigners run forums about us and give them all the charge, which is actually happening. According to you there is no need for Polish people to visit Polish forum. Read this everyone and ponder American logic. This forum is run from headquarters in USA and so we have an American come here telling us Polish people that we are not needed here. What do Polish people say to this?

Yes, but ktos thinks that a Polish person being called a Pole is an insult.

In my country the expression "Pole" is offensive and since you are on Polish not English or Jewish forum Harry (whichever of the two you are) then comply with Polish standards and do not use this term when I, a Polish person, am telling you no to or else I will lodge an official complaint, I do not want this derogatory term used on Polish forum, full stop.
Atch  22 | 4299
24 Nov 2015   #12
What country is that??
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
24 Nov 2015   #13
I do not want this derogatory term used on Polish forum

Says a Pole - who uses a derogatory term for a black person.... glass houses and all that.....
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Nov 2015   #14
I do not want this derogatory term used on Polish forum, full stop.

An official complaint? Is that where you write a letter to the Admin, telling him that you strongly protest about the usage of a word on the forum? I'd pay to see his face when he sees it. Poles are Poles, end of story.

Bear in mind that PF has never censored people's expressions provided it wasn't a personal attack, so you won't find any favour there.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
24 Nov 2015   #15
Says a Pole - who uses a derogatory term for a black person.... glass houses and all that.....

In Poland we use term "murzyn" to denote someone of dark skin colour, it is a neutral term, we do not use the term "niger" or "black guy/man" often used in gentle, tolerant western countries such as USA or England. In English I tend to use term negroid which is describes the type of African people who meet certain phenotype criteria that mirror the commonly known "murzyn" in Poland or in tolerant and sophisticated West simply and offensively "the black person".

Now, let's get back on topic. In order for this forum to be Polish, it is Polish people who should be teaching foreigners things about Poland and one of the things is the etiquette, and that means no use of the term "Pole".
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
24 Nov 2015   #16
In English I tend to use term negroid

lol, and you are objecting to Polish people being called 'Poles'?
You do see the irony surely?
mafketis  38 | 11260
24 Nov 2015   #17
I have an idea, let's exclude Polish people from Polish forum altogether!

Dumb suggestion. Most Poles (in Poland) are probably not very interested in the forum, the few that are interested are certainly welcome.

This forum is run from headquarters in USA and so we have an American come here telling us Polish people that we are not needed here

Nobody was stopping anyone in Poland creating a similar forum (no one is stopping you).

According to you there is no need for Polish people to visit Polish forum.

I never said any such thing. I merely said that the great majority of Polish people in Poland are not interested in participating in an English only environment about Poland.

What do Polish people say to this?

Why don't you go on a Polish language forum and ask them?

In my country the expression "Pole" is offensive

The Polish government disagrees,Captain-Marcin-Lisowski-on-Lone-Target.html?search=39350

PAP disagrees,435153,roman-catholic-bishops-changed-europes-history---duda-gauck.html

Radio Poland disagrees,Ethnic-Poles-evacuated-from-eastern-Ukraine
Ironside  51 | 13083
24 Nov 2015   #18
What do Polish people say to this?

This is an American forum about Poland. If you want to know my opinion about your rants in here check out random thread.
Atch  22 | 4299
24 Nov 2015   #19
I tend to use term negroid

Ever called a black man that to his face? Maybe you did back in the nineteenth century and got away with it. And by the way,they call themselves black 'say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud'. You need to listen to James Brown. Next step in your therapy.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
24 Nov 2015   #20
lol, and you are objecting to Polish people being called 'Poles'?

Negroid is the respectful term describing the actual type of African people from whom most Africans have evolved, but in your beloved West you disrespected Africans and twisted this term by using the offensive and disgusting term "nigger". Shame on you westerners, and don't let me start on your history of slavery of Negroid people served upon them by the tolerant and open minded West.
24 Nov 2015   #21
In my country the expression "Pole" is offensive

Hmm, a quick look shows that you might be right, neither of these sites appear to use the word:
But this one does (and governments are usually quite good at not using offensive words for nationalities)

However, here in Poland, the word 'Pole' is certainly not offensive. That fact is confirmed by the use of the word 'Pole' by the official website of Poland, For example: en/experience-poland/history-poland/poles-world-war-ii/

The word is also used by other sites which promote Poland, e.g.

I will lodge an official complaint

Go right ahead.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
24 Nov 2015   #22
Ever called a black man that to his face?

ha ha good luck with that.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
24 Nov 2015   #23
Bear in mind that PF has never censored people's expressions provided it wasn't a personal attack, so you won't find any favour there.

That is because Polish Forum is run mostly by foreigners who use this term themselves or by Polish who have no testicles to stand up for Polish people, this has to change and I want to see changes here, I think a lot of Polish would welcome some changes that will bring back respect towards all things Polish, I think many Polish will agree with me, your opinion, however, does not matter, you are arrogant foreigner, but Polish people read your comments and know about you already, be sure of that. We value our country and we value Polish pride, term "Pole" is offensive and any Polish who thinks otherwise is breaking Polish code of Polish pride.
mafketis  38 | 11260
24 Nov 2015   #24
In my country the expression "Pole" is offensive

In other words, your country is Australia and not Poland (where Pole and Poles are the most common translations of words like Polak, Polka, Polacy and Polki). The semantics and connotations of many words in English differ (often very strongly) by country. w#nk#r, for example, is kind of a joke word in the US but a very strong insult (fighting word) in the UK.

The question is when and how the negative connotations of Pole began in Australia, it's certainly not negative in the US (though Pollock is negative and I'd never used beyond meta discussions of usage).
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
24 Nov 2015   #25
We value our country and we value Polish pride, term "Pole" is offensive and any Polish who thinks otherwise is breaking Polish code of Polish pride.

but it is OK to call Black people 'negroids'?
Roger5  1 | 1432
24 Nov 2015   #26
Why bother? 'Pole' is not offensive. Ktos doesn't know what he's talking about. Full stop.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
24 Nov 2015   #27
In Poland we use term "murzyn" to denote someone of dark skin colour, it is a neutral term

We've had this argument on PF. Ask any black, and they'll tell you to call them "black". As opposed to "white." Any specific term, including the appropriated term "Murzyn" is offensive to them. Ask any of the Nigerian community here, though I can't and wouldn't purport to speak for them.

Oh wait a're not in Poland are you? So you can't ask them. I quite forgot.......

As a special dispensation, just for you, you can call me, a caucasian male, what the hell you like :)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
24 Nov 2015   #28
I, a Polish person, am telling you no to or else I will lodge an official complaint, I do not want this derogatory term used on Polish forum, full stop.

I, a Polish person as well, am telling you that you are in urgent need of a psychiatric consultation, full stop. Also, you should learn to use the definite and indefinite articles properly as you often leave them out in your English sentences. That may be as "derogatory" for the English language as the term "Pole" is for the Polish language and the Polish people, another full stop.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
24 Nov 2015   #29
but it is OK to call Black people 'negroids'?

Yes, (I already explained twice above as to why that is) but calling them "Black people" is offensive, so please do not use that term, because we in Poland don't and as a Polish I never felt comfortable with people using term "black people" to describe dark skinned individuals or Africans and your feeble attempt to appear as extra tolerant by using capital letter in "Black people" as opposed to" black people" is not only pathetic but also grammatically incorrect.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
24 Nov 2015   #30
Yes, (I already explained twice above as to why that is) but calling them "Black people" is offensive

no it isn't, it is a self defining term.

and capitalisation is not 'grammar'. Just saying.

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