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Feed Back on the Moderating

pawian  226 | 27556
3 Mar 2023   #61
s where I draw the line with the Moderating here.

The first problem is that you are in no power to influence the Staff in any way. You don`t pay for using the forum so shut up and follow this golden rule: Take it or Leave it. Isn`t it simple???


Why are you such a sissy who tearfully complains he isn`t appreciated by mods?? Pack up your stuff and wypierdalaj do innego forum.

so you being like delph,

That`s your second problem. You constantly mistake me with delph. Do you really believe I will quit the forum like he did because you had threatened him ???? Then you are more stupid that we thought. hahahahahaha
Joker  2 | 2387
4 Mar 2023   #62
Now, do you really wonder WHY I bltch about the bias Moderating here.

Why another anti mod thread? Its has to be like the 5th one already by now.

Why do you even care? This is what boggles my mind.

Youre a owner of a Lear Jet and a Yacht, yet you seemingly have nothing better to do day after day..........
Alien  25 | 6424
4 Mar 2023   #63
owner of a Lear Jet and a Yacht,

Maybe in dreams.
pawian  226 | 27556
4 Mar 2023   #64

He loves accessing the forum while bathing in his luxury yacht`s pool. :):):)
jon357  72 | 23492
4 Mar 2023   #65
while bathing in his luxury yacht`s pool. :):):)

And watching the hundreds of cattle on his ranch stampeding towards his house in Jamaica.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7960
4 Mar 2023   #66
Almost every pair of twins have got it on with each other at some point, so no need to feel ashamed.

Is that how you became queer joun, buggering your twin brother.
jon357  72 | 23492
4 Mar 2023   #67
became queer

Have you forgotten the prison showers?

I bet you remember them every night...
OP johnny reb  49 | 7960
4 Mar 2023   #68
When joun was in prison he claimed to be a Mormon so his honeymoons would never end in the end.
joun, you sure know how to trash threads, I will hand you that much.
jon357  72 | 23492
4 Mar 2023   #69
I will hand you that much.

You'd need to wash your hands before I accepted it.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7960
4 Mar 2023   #70
I will be using my foot, not my hands.
joun, you are totally Off-Topic AGAIN to get this thread closed.
You are such a clever queer.
jon357  72 | 23492
4 Mar 2023   #71
I will be using my foot

You'd need to be able to lift it by more than 20 degrees first.

This thread is gold. Someone posting a peedback thread to whine that he can't post feedback threads.

Are you an anti-vaxxer too?
Novichok  4 | 8548
4 Mar 2023   #72
Are you an anti-vaxxer too?

Are you for closing schools for a year or two?
OP johnny reb  49 | 7960
4 Mar 2023   #73
ou'd need to be able to lift it by more than 20 degrees first.

Not really as I heard how you are easily swayed to bend over for a Groszy.

Are you an anti-vaxxer too?

Yes, only bootlickers get vaccinated.
Keep trashing this thread by taking it Off_Topic until it gets closed and deleted joun.
I have witnessed you doing it from day one here.

The first problem is that you are in no power to influence the Staff in any way.

Your problem is that it USED to be that way until we found out that you are the owner of this forum and your true identity.

That kind of leveled the playing field now didn't it. ;-)
And please don't tell us that joun is a co-owner. Hoot !
Now play nice.
jon357  72 | 23492
4 Mar 2023   #74
a Groszy.

Much more than that; perhaps Jim's thinking of his fat daughter.

The first problem is that you are in no power to influence the Staff in any way

No power to do anything at all, and he knows it. Hence these threads where he just ends up embarrassing himself.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7960
4 Mar 2023   #75
Much more than that; perhaps Jim's thinking of his fat daughter.

More Off-Topic insults. Zzzzzz

Keep trashing this thread by taking it Off_Topic until it gets closed and deleted joun.

You are a clever queer.
Joker  2 | 2387
4 Mar 2023   #76
What a stupid ass thread.

WAAAAAAAA! BooHoo my feelings are hurt.

Quit the forum if you don't like it. Simple.
jon357  72 | 23492
4 Mar 2023   #77
WAAAAAAAA! BooHoo my feelings are hurt.

You've summed it up perfectly in one sentence.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7960
4 Mar 2023   #78
Quit the forum if you don't like it.

Quit trying to run my life.

What a stupid ass thread.

Don't worry, Pawian & joun will get it closed soon.
Do you think the that they could be co - owners of the P.F. ?
They never seem to get warnings for posting Off-Topic or Abuse.
And the Mods seem to ignore Rule number #8 here.
8. If, from the moderators perspective, the intention of the poster is to ridicule another poster, the offensive post may be removed without warning.
Problem is that when the biggest violator of this "perspective" rule is the owner, this rule does not apply to him.
pawian  226 | 27556
4 Mar 2023   #79
They never seem to get warnings for posting Off-Topic or Abuse.

Actually, I do from time to time. But nobody notices that I feature 3 OOO warnings coz you aren`t really interested in me. :(:(:(:(:
PS. But ithose warnings are only for appearances, to hide my true status of the forum owner. Ha!
Bobko  27 | 2107
4 Mar 2023   #80
hide my true status of the forum owner

How much would you be willing to sell the forum for?

Whatever the amount, I'm certain it will represent small change to our local Warren Buffet.
pawian  226 | 27556
4 Mar 2023   #81
I bought it for 50 grand $ which I received from selling the rights to the film and book about me.
Novichok  4 | 8548
4 Mar 2023   #82
Hey, Bobko, how do you like my five-step plan to end Russia?
So far, nobody here is willing to implement it or even be amazed.
For your convenience and the maggot's consideration...

Step One: Weaken Russia by provoking it into a war with expendable useful idiots in Ukraine.
Step Two: Discover a new Russian WMD that threatens the Earth and the Whole Fu*cking Universe.
Step Three: Place embargo of every damn thing going in and out as we did with Cuba.
Step Four: Send an ultimatum demanding regime change.
Step Five: If Step Four does not work, organize a spontaneous 2014-style revolution.

Am I a genius or what...I am especially proud of Step Five.

Now I am looking for attention.
pawian  226 | 27556
4 Mar 2023   #83
how do you like my five-step plan to end Russia?

You are risking an off topic warning and suspension now, especially that you are doing it on purpose to have the thread closed. Bad boy.
jon357  72 | 23492
4 Mar 2023   #84
How much would you be willing to sell the forum for?

I bought it for 50 grand $

You could sell it to a millionaire cattle rancher with a house in Jamaica...
pawian  226 | 27556
4 Mar 2023   #85
a millionaire cattle rancher with a house in Jamaica.

I don`t think so. The owner must be a decent person.
Novichok  4 | 8548
4 Mar 2023   #86
Sorry. I meant it for Random.
Bobko  27 | 2107
4 Mar 2023   #87

Sounds eerily close to reality.
pawian  226 | 27556
4 Mar 2023   #88
I meant it for Random

We are prone to believe you. That is why you won`t be suspended. You can give out a huge sigh of relief.
Joker  2 | 2387
4 Mar 2023   #89
Quit trying to run my life.

Then why dont you hop on your learjet and fly down to your yacht? I cant imagine someone with your vast wealth to just be sitting on an internet forum everyday. How come you drove to Florida last year instead of your jet or did you just purchase it? Take Novi and I for a ride. Ive never been a private Jet before:)
Novichok  4 | 8548
4 Mar 2023   #90
Take Novi and I for a ride.

Where have you been? We miss your funnies about Bolsheviks and our national hero and Wise Man they desperately want to dump.
I am still dreaming about you, JR, Cargo, and me having lunch. I am not sure who would be the last man standing but it sure would be interesting. No guns!

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