4 and 5 sound cool.... :)
I know you would be very happy for emojis to be added, but I don't necessarily agree. Because on many forums people just respond to each other with emojis, and then the threads look pretty retarded. That is, I know you would use them judiciously, but I don't trust other people not to abuse it :)
Also, I think Paulina would be happy if there was an easier way to embed gifs - but I have the same problem with that. Pages take longer to load, and threads turn into people talking with each other through memes instead of intelligent text.
One thing that I think could attract a lot more users into the forum, is if the "Forum Categories" tab at the bottom of the home page was done better. I'll try to explain what I mean:
1) I only discovered that it exists very recently. I use PF primarily on mobile, and there it is practically invisible (Photo 1 below). Otherwise, the home page always appears to me as a mix of "News", "Random", "History", etc... as if there really are no categories.
2) After I click on some category on the front page, the tab disappears (Photo 2 below). That is, if I go to "News" - for example - then I have to go back to the main page, and click on "Forum Categories" again, to see something else. It should always be visible, to prevent these multiple steps. I don't know how to do it elegantly, in such a way that it doesn't get in the way of the posts, but there must be a way. Maybe at the top of the page, or in a side tab that can be expanded. I don't know. The fact is, I'm sure many people miss it like I did, and that's one of the most important functions.
3) Maybe geographic categories like "UK/Ireland", "USA/Canada", "Australia" etc should have their own "work" and "classified" tabs. I think this might bring more people to the forum, because right now it may seem that those things only apply to Poland itself. This way, Poles in Ireland can discuss their own work needs there amongst each other, without it immediately getting lost on the front page. Same for Australia or whatever else. People could check in on those pages every now and then to see if there are new jobs available, etc.

