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Who deserves to inherit Polish Forums?

PolAmKrakow  2 | 897
31 Jul 2024 #151
20K? LOL This site has no income, and is soliciting donations to stay on line. It is worth zero as a business. It is, and should be seen as a community of peole who like to discuss, or argue with each other. There are plenty of ways to turn it into a business, and in the right hands could be self supporting and potentially even a little profitable.
Lazarus  2 | 308
31 Jul 2024 #152
It would cost more to file paperwork than PLN1000, but thanks for the idea.

Admin: I just checked with a former co-worker who used to get 1.5% donations for her kid. Apparently there are organisations that specialise in assisting with this kind of thing. Essentially you operate under their paperwork umbrella and they take a cut of what you receive. How much of a cut I do not know. Thanks for the info.
johnny reb  46 | 7383
31 Jul 2024 #153
How about registering on GoFundMe.
Not only would you get donations but you would also expose the Polish Forums to the whole United States at the same time.
There are a whole lot of Polish residents with Polish backgrounds living in the United States that may get interested.
Nothing to lose trying. A good tip too, thanks.
Tlum  12 | 249
31 Jul 2024 #155
Funny, it's basically a long version on what I wrote earlier on search engines and forums, a very interesting read if you're into marketing and stuff:

Discussion boards are cool again. Find out why Google now prioritizes them and how to foster community and engagement on your niche website.

It all goes down to a new "A" word: authenticity. For all their flaws, when you go to a site like Reddit, you know you're seeing real conversations from real people.
Torq  8 | 1126
1 Aug 2024 #156
Only 2 days out of 360 planned for the fundraiser have passed and we already have $480 out of $2400 needed. :)

Well done, people. ❤️

Fair play to Bobi and Milo who contributed the most, but all the others deserve a heartfelt thank you as well - every little helps, so keep those donations coming!

We are keeping PF alive! 🇵🇱 🇵🇱 🇵🇱
Novichok  5 | 7686
1 Aug 2024 #157
Fair play to Bobi and Milo

Weird...A Rusian and a Brit supporting an American forum about Poland...
Alien  22 | 5494
1 Aug 2024 #158
Well, as you can see, the Russians love Poles and the English admire them.
Miloslaw  21 | 4886
1 Aug 2024 #159
Weird...A Russian and a Brit supporting an American forum about Poland...

I have to agree.

Where are the Poles?
Novichok  5 | 7686
1 Aug 2024 #160
Where are the Poles?

They are all in U trying to defeat R.

I am so proud of them...
Atch  21 | 4115
3 Aug 2024 #161
we already have $480

It should soon be 490. I just donated ten dollars for old time's sake. Wouldn't do it every month but as a gesture of goodwill and to keep us on life support for a while.......... now who'll donate another ten to get us up to the $500 dollar mark?

Irish graceful femininity

A classic Irish cailín:

Torq  8 | 1126
3 Aug 2024 #162
just donated ten dollars for old time's sake.

Fair play, Atch!

now who'll donate another ten to get us up to the $500 dollar mark?

Come on, people, keep donating! The more members take responsibility for keeping PF alive, the better. 🇵🇱 🇵🇱 🇵🇱
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
3 Aug 2024 #163
So...the 500 are done....but we should really look into more regular reliable possibilities!!!!
Torq  8 | 1126
3 Aug 2024 #164
So...the 500 are done

Fair play, BB :) *high five*

we should really look into more regular reliable possibilities!!!!

It's only a couple of days and we already have 20% of the yearly donations gathered. Maybe it can work this way in the long run?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
3 Aug 2024 #165
I am German....we are no optimists! :)

We should always prepare for the worst...heh:)
Novichok  5 | 7686
3 Aug 2024 #166
I am for closing this forum and opening one in the UK. They do speak English, too...

I want to get a taste of that famous British freedom of expression...

Also, they are closer to Poland, and Poles are taught British English, not that perverted American abomination.

So please tell me if you are in favor of my brilliant plan. If you are opposed, please explain why...
pawian  220 | 24946
3 Aug 2024 #167
I am for closing this forum

If that happened, your life would lose sense completely and you would collapse within weeks. Only your hatred for various people/groups which you freely express here keeps you still alive. Your case reminds me of lieutenant Grey in Rats King by James Clavell. He is on the verge of death but seeing his mortal enemy, he recovers and continues his struggle
Novichok  5 | 7686
3 Aug 2024 #168
...and opening one in the UK.

Is every Polak a retard?
pawian  220 | 24946
3 Aug 2024 #169
every Polak

Yes, every Polak who emigrates to the USA and spends there decades becomes one. I knew about it and that`s why I left the US after a year and a half to avoid that sad fate.
OP Bobko  26 | 2189
5 Aug 2024 #170
Hehe we're at $550 now!
Atch  21 | 4115
5 Aug 2024 #171
It's quite nice to see, isn't it? It seems that we really are a little community after all.
OP Bobko  26 | 2189
5 Aug 2024 #172
It is very nice to see, it's true.

Less than two weeks in, and we're a quarter of the way there!

But now comes the interesting part... will it become more democratic? Taxation must be accompanied by representation.

Can people vote, for example, on whether or not the website needs an ad banner to supplement the donations?
Alien  22 | 5494
5 Aug 2024 #173
ad banner

What would you choose, Coca Cola or Che Guevara?
OP Bobko  26 | 2189
5 Aug 2024 #174

It has to be something niche, but expensive) In general, everybody will get tailored ads.

For example, I like scuba diving. Google knows this. Google sees I go to a lot. It could show me some new diving computer from Garmin or Suunto, and I would have no choice but to buy it.

Those ads are the most expensive. Garmin could pay Google $50-70 for my click. PF would get a nice chunk too.

For you, I know you like shoes!
Alien  22 | 5494
5 Aug 2024 #175
, I know you like shoes

and wine, beautiful cars and fast women (or was it the other way around 🤔) and a few other things. A very good idea, I understand that my ad will not be seen by others?
OP Bobko  26 | 2189
5 Aug 2024 #176
very good idea, I understand that my ad will not be seen by others?

No, there's no point in that. It will be tailored for you specifically.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
5 Aug 2024 #177
Something about Travel? Connecting our international PF community???

Showing pics of our beautiful towns and scenery? The pics and offers changing regularly?
Atch  21 | 4115
5 Aug 2024 #178
Che Guevara?

It would have to be Che Guevara-Lynch of course!
Alien  22 | 5494
5 Aug 2024 #179
to be Che Guevara-Lynch

It would be a feast for all extreme rightists on this forum.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
5 Aug 2024 #180
We have some experts here on PF, don't we?

Sadly I have no idea but that sounds interesting....and I truly want our owner to get something out of all the work and the hassle with our band of misfits!

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