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Who deserves to inherit Polish Forums?

Bobko  27 | 2079
27 Jul 2024   #1
The owners are selling the website, as explained in a little banner on the top left corner of the main page.

First of all - an enormous thanks to them, for doing this for all of us over the past years. A special place is reserved in heaven, for the people that could police this wild forum.

I think their work allowed hundreds of people to discover their ancestry, and allowed thousands of others to make friends or find work.

Adrien's funeral was another instance where this platform played a big role, as I'm sure was the case in many other instances.

So big round of applause to the owners!

Now regarding my proposal. I think if it's a reasonable sum ($10-30K), the existing members might be able to foot the bill. But that doesn't mean the website should go to whoever has the funds.

I think the forum should go to who loves it most, and the others should help with finances.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
27 Jul 2024   #2
Och....I guess that was it then....gonna miss you guys and gals! :(

But yes....they deserve a round of applause! It was nice as long as it lasted....and I wonder that they lasted as long as they did....

OP Bobko  27 | 2079
27 Jul 2024   #3
gonna miss you guys and gals

Where you going man?

Hopefully they can hand it over in one piece to someone... don't say goodbye - I will cry!
OP Bobko  27 | 2079
27 Jul 2024   #5
No, no, no...

You stay. Don't go.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
27 Jul 2024   #6's not my decision....this forum is like a family....okay....a dysfunctional, toxic family with a few pervs too, but still....
OP Bobko  27 | 2079
27 Jul 2024   #7
it's not my decision...

They said they want it to keep going. They're just tired.

Don't go, I'm sure something will be worked out. You, AntV and Kania are my best buds here, along with Grunnie and Novi.

In the end, if it closes - I would even miss Paulina.

Pawian and Lena too, for sure. And Maf, and CMS, and Ironside... everybody!

But still not JohnnyReb.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
27 Jul 2024   #8
Don't go,

I'm not going anywhere!!!!

pawian  226 | 27453
27 Jul 2024   #9
Inherit means a transition of ownership for free. While the current owner(s) want(s) to sell....

A quote from the sale offer:

it has taken a toll on our physical and mental well-being,

Yes, certainly the toll has been heavy. :):):) . It is amasing they have lasted for so long with such pressures from some posters... hahahaha

Don`t count on me. I won`t buy the forum nor contribute financially coz:
1. I am mean and need money to buy properties for all my kids.
2. I don`t have time to administer or moderate a big forum like that.
3. I prefer to keep sane.
johnny reb  49 | 7926
28 Jul 2024   #10
The owners are selling the website,

So jon is finally throwing the towel in.
He ended up shooting himself in the foot.
I still like him though.
Tlum  12 | 286
28 Jul 2024   #11
Could be a good opportunity for the right people who work or do business online. A well-established website is like real estate in good location. I don't mind posting as long as I'm not bothered by an overzealous moderator ::
Novichok  4 | 8478
28 Jul 2024   #12
He ended up shooting himself...

I was ready to cheer and then this: the foot

Poloniusz  5 | 969
28 Jul 2024   #13
Don't count on me.

Of course, that goes without saying! :)


It's the ending of an era and you just had to make it all about you, you, you and you.

I am mean...

No kidding.

...and need money to buy properties for all my kids.

No, you are still poor even with the 28.57% bribe for votes that Tusk gave with one hand and took away with another.

But let's forget about you for a moment and ask why your kids won't have the opportunities, independence and ability to buy on their own under the Tusk regime?

You are admitting that you literally have to pay for your big mistake voting for Tusk! :)

I don`t have time

That's a lie. You are a teacher and have all the time in the world all year round. Your 24,000+ rantings posted on here for nearly two decades are proof of this!

I prefer to keep sane.

Go read any of your 24,000+ rantings on here. You are not sane and are living in denial about it. :)

Thanks all the same to Admin and staff and best wishes in your future endeavors.
cms neuf  2 | 1834
28 Jul 2024   #14
Hope it can keep going, don't mind sticking in a few zlots for running cost but buying it would be crazy.

I think most forums are a dying medium - younger people prefer social media doomscrolling and we just get left with grumpy old men. Almost every thread is quickly spammed - you could start a thread about the new trams in Torun and within 3 posts it would be about faggots, the Mexican border and Kosovo.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
28 Jul 2024   #15
Aaaah... panta rhei, I suppose, but still it's a pity to see good old PF go to virtual website graveyard. Perhaps if it tried to do what other thematic boards do (upgrade to modern software and introduce paid membership options), it might bring modest profit to the owners. On the other hand, with about 20 regular posters it's rather unlikely.

So big round of applause to the owners!

Thanks all the same to Admin and staff and best wishes in your future endeavors.

Hear, hear. Running such board requires a lot of hard work and mental strength (BB and I know something about it ;)). Well done, guys. 👍

I think if it's a reasonable sum ($10-30K), the existing members might be able to foot the bill.

Hmm... for twenty-ish regular posters it would be much cheaper to just pay for hosting, install modern software with all bells and whistles (XenForo, vBulletin or whatever is in fashion right now) and start a new website. Only who would be willing to do that? It all takes time, the most precious commodity these days.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
28 Jul 2024   #16
reddit basic is free, I believe....and it was told there is already a polish forum in if we could establish something in english....just for meet and greet? :)

(the Polandball comics are there too)
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
28 Jul 2024   #17
now if we could establish something in english....just for meet and greet? :)

Good idea! Just to have a place for people to keep in touch in case PF goes offline, new board is established or whatever happens.

Your idea, BB, so it falls on you to set up the meeting place. :)

*waits for the link*

(the Polandball comics are there too)


Reddit it is then!
PolAmKrakow  2 | 868
28 Jul 2024   #18
Respectfully, any website is only worth buying when it has an income. There are plenty of ways to make a valuation. Hosting is inexpensive, software is inexpensive, and most of the processes needed for moderating are simple and automated these days.

Someone made a great point that the forum medium was a dying one. It is, unfortunately. Text and chat apps are replacing these once very active sites relativity.

My company would be willing to host the site for free since we have our own servers, and moderators could be selected on a rotating basis from all active members. Keeping the site free to use is part of its actriveness for people. Paid memberships tend to drive political agendas one way or another. There are lots of ways to create income streams on a forum like this without having to charge for membership that are quite easy to implement.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
28 Jul 2024   #19
Reddit it is then!

....erm....I'm mostly just reader....but that in several subreddits....I have no idea how to...wait....we could invade that polish subreddit and just talk in english! :)

My company would be willing to host the site for free better! :)
Alien  25 | 6392
28 Jul 2024   #20
Someone will buy this forum and introduce ads. Ariel every 10 entries alternating with Red Bull.
Torq  8 | 1010
28 Jul 2024   #21
My company would be willing to host the site for free since we have our own servers


moderators could be selected on a rotating basis

Like the rotating speaker of the Sejm! Great idea :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
28 Jul 2024   #22 wait a few days what the other regulars think about PolAms idea....the best till now....

*feels better already*

(Of course...reddit is still on for the worst case scenario!)
pawian  226 | 27453
28 Jul 2024   #23
Someone will buy this forum and introduce ads

Exactly. That`s how most fora work today.

all about you

Exactly, me is the most important to me. While you personally mean nothing to me. :):):)

Your 24,000+

Wow? So many? Amasing! Thanks for reminding me about it. It looks the number males you envious. Why???
pawian  226 | 27453
28 Jul 2024   #24
Almost every thread is quickly spammed

Poloniusz is a perfect example. He mentions Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk everywhere.

voting for Tusk!


I hope under the new leadership spammers like that will be suspended immediately. :):):)
Paulina  19 | 4458
28 Jul 2024   #25
@Admin, for the love of God - just don't sell PF to RuSSians... I was a member of a Polish-Russian community on the internet for 7 years and once people stopped coming there it was "taken over" by some kind of pro-Kremlin magazine which is "on the list of media outlets monitored by Polish services". So now it's a neverending stream of Kremlin propaganda under the banner of Polish-Russian community :(

Respectfully, any website is only worth buying when it has an income.

True, someone would have to have business in buying it...

what the other regulars think about PolAms idea....

Sounds great to me.


But I think what matters is what Admin thinks of this, not us - it's his forum... :P
Torq  8 | 1010
28 Jul 2024   #26
@Admin, for the love of God - just don't sell PF to RuSSians

Why not? Maybe under Russian administration we could have avatars, signatures, proper smileys, charts, arcade room, polls and all the other stuff that modern fora have. Also, maybe whoever gets the most posts in a given month could receive a voucher for cheap fuel or electricity hahaha

Anyways, we should all chip in and buy it for Bobko - he's the youngest, so PF would have a long future under his helm. ;)

now it's a neverending stream of Kremlin propaganda

It wouldn't happen because we would have you, Pawian and Maf here to counter all the propaganda. :)
Paulina  19 | 4458
28 Jul 2024   #27
Why not?

Read my post again.

It wouldn't happen because we would have you, Pawian and Maf here to counter all the propaganda. :)

Unless they would ban us :)
Torq  8 | 1010
28 Jul 2024   #28
Unless they would ban us :)

Naaaah, not our Russians - they enjoy the banter. :)
Paulina  19 | 4458
28 Jul 2024   #29
@Torq, I don't necessarily have "our" RuSSians in mind. But I wouldn't want any of them to own it either. It's "Polish Forums", not "RuSSian Forums".
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
28 Jul 2024   #30
PolAmKrakow came with the best idea so far, so I would vote for him.

I do hope this forum keeps on going tho!

*Dreads over the thought of Reddit*

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