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My boyfriend [M28] in Australia all of sudden misses Poland that much and/or is feeling homesick?

22 Aug 2019   #1
My BF and I met in Australia during an elongated holiday 2 years ago (for me this was what is called a 'gap year' except it took place after I've finished up with my first graduate job). We're officially in a relationship since at least 18 months. Neither of us had any known family or a social network in Australia but we were both happy to be there far away from our homes. At that time he used to say how much he loves Oceania and doesn't want to go back to Poland etc etc and he would portray Poland as this melancholic place and he would joke about his country of origin constantly. I am from Northern Ireland by the way and much of what he said resonated with me to a certain extent. However most recently his outlook appears to have shifted as he visited Poland twice in 2019 already which is the first time he's done that. In fact I've asked him whether he would hypothetically be willing to live there in the future and he did not hesitate to respond with a clear yes. He still insists that he is happy here in Australia but I can clearly see that he is really into Poland at the moment. What could possibly have such an impact on his outlook?
pawian  226 | 27528
22 Aug 2019   #2
The reason is simple. He saw crocodiles roaming the streets of Australian towns. You won`t see such views in Poland.

Don`t blame him. Some guys are allergic to big reptiles.

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malyshev  - | 3
11 Jul 2020   #3
Go to Poland, Australia is lame.
Crow  154 | 9556
11 Jul 2020   #4
So Australia also finished in madness.
pawian  226 | 27528
11 Jul 2020   #5
Flat Earthers claim Australia is fake - so, if you think you live or have been there, you're wrong.
Anna802  - | 3
17 Apr 2021   #6
Only those who left their beautiful homeland will understand. Poland is a romantic, historic place and with all its faults, it's still our home. A place where we were taught that all Polish people are family. It's where he grew up. If he is anything like me, he will never stop missing it but he can be happy in Australia and enjoy Poland on holidays which is how you see its beauty the most anyway. Ask him about it, maybe he will be happy telling you everything he loves about it and it will bring a smile to his face.
pawian  226 | 27528
17 Apr 2021   #7
but he can be happy in Australia

I wouldn`t be happy in Australia. I love bathing in the sea but in Australian waters it is impossible due to shark threat. Yes ,they use those nets but they can become damaged or old and sharks get through easily. Thank you very much - I prefer to have my arms or legs on me, not in sharks` stomachs.
amiga500  5 | 1523
18 Apr 2021   #8
don't be silly there is only one or two deaths per year, compare that to the number of swimmers and beaches. You have 1000x more chance being in car accident . and actually sharks do not really go to where the swimmers are just sometimes further out when the surfers are.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
18 Apr 2021   #9
You have 1000x more chance being in car accident

esp with drivers without or fake driving licenses.
pawian  226 | 27528
18 Apr 2021   #10
don't be silly

No, you are silly if you play it down. Please, stop it coz it is useless.

there is only one or two deaths per year,

As a result of a direct attack. What about people who get a heart attack while seeing a dorsal fin approaching? Even when the shark isn`t aggressive? What about people who get a heart attack seeing a strange shadow in the water and believing it is a shark? They are not included in any statistics but I know the number must be considerable.

Therefore, stop pretending there is not a problem while there is. Bathing in Australian waters is problematic, full stop.
amiga500  5 | 1523
18 Apr 2021   #11
Hahaha it's always amusing seeing new australians/polaks afraid to swim because they *** scared of the ocean. You never see a shark as they stay offshore. But yes the sharks do have a taste for baboons ;)

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pawian  226 | 27528
18 Apr 2021   #12
You never see a shark as they stay offshore

I read enough reports about attacks close to the shore to dismiss your claim as untrue..

the sharks do have a taste for baboons ;

Yes, I know.
amiga500  5 | 1523
18 Apr 2021   #13
I read enough reports about attacks close to the shore to dismiss your claim as untrue..

Some village gural baboon who has never left poland and visits baltic sea every two years is trying to lecture an intercontinental quest cruiser ozzie about australian waters! hahah
pawian  226 | 27528
18 Apr 2021   #14
australian waters!

Yes! It is visible you know little about them, yet you are playing an expert. Shame on you.

Home / Australia / My boyfriend [M28] in Australia all of sudden misses Poland that much and/or is feeling homesick?

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