Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
6 Feb 2018 / #181
So why don't Britons say "Britain for the British" and "Let's keep those scummy Poles out"? Same thing..... But we don't tolerate such filth.
They absolutely did - up until they realized that Poles were far better than the muslims that were flooding in as we don't behead british soldiers, drive into crowds with trucks, cause rape statistics to skyrocket, etc.. Now Brits love Poles because they do the hard work in your country (kind of like Mexicans in US), while Muslims sit around popping out kids like rabbits, taking in loads of welfare, selling t shirts at stands, and marching with Sharia4UK, No Democracy We Want Sharia, etc signs. You cucks have even allowed them to set up a parallel legal structure in the form of sharia courts.
And Britain should be for the British, hence why I support UKIP. Unfortunately, there's too much cucks in your government (labour) who turned UK into United Kaliphate and London into Londonistan.
just pure bred nationalism
exactly, which is
Not necessarily a bad thing
Although it is a bad thing when Christians suffer because of it and there's ramadumb or some stupid allah crap plastered on public buses, yet the lords prayer gets taken out of private movie theaters...
You can keep your United Caliphate and capital Londonistan. We Poles won't allow our country to became a migrant hell of neckbeards and ninja women like France and parts of UK like Tower Hamlets. FTS! Polska Dla Polakow now and forever!
White Christian Europeans are praising Poland for resisting the communist unelected commissars and refusing to allow our country to become a hotbed of terror, rape, and all the bad things muslims brought in. Our government even makes anti-migrant videos, paid in part by YOUR tax dollars (thank you). That's the Poland we Poles want and the Poland we Poles love. CBOS stats don't lie - Poles simply don't want to become a migrant hell like France, Germany, UK, etc.