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How would Poland change for the better (or worse) under a PiS government?

18 Dec 2015 /  #91
What wonderfully selective quoting there, greggy. I wonder why you left out this bit of that article:

Przeczą temu filmy z dronów, który pojawiły się w internecie (jeden z nich przesłany na Kontakt 24 publikujemy na dole). Widać na nich wyraźnie, że gdy czoło pochodu skręcało z Al. Ujazdowskich w Piękną jego końcowy "rogal" wciąż był w al. Szucha, a zatem kolumna była znacznie dłuższa niż uważa policjant. Zdjęcia z góry nie pozostawiają też wątpliwości, że Obywatele dla Demokracji szli zarówno jezdnią, jak chodnikami po obu stronach ulicy.

That's pathetic even by your standards.
smurf  38 | 1940  
18 Dec 2015 /  #92
That's pathetic even by your standards.

Zing! :D
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Dec 2015 /  #93
That's pathetic even by your standards.

Greggy clearly has his eyes on the Iraqi Information Minister's job!
18 Dec 2015 /  #94

'Poland attacks Nato', is the way its being reported.

Looks like Putin is going to get his Warsaw Pact back with his communist friends in Poland.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
18 Dec 2015 /  #95
selective quoting

Selecting only official press releases, ignoring personal opinions of people working for pro-regime media.
Crow  154 | 9463  
19 Dec 2015 /  #96
Merged: Polish military police took over building and raided a NATO counterintelligence centre in Warsaw

i present you source article but in advance warning you that is article politically colored and while informing, at the same time represent real example of classical use of media in propaganda attack, this time against new Polish government and president.

For this news of extraordinary importance i actually learned on one Serbian web site, that of course presented news but without elements of media propaganda. News and description of event, without speculations on reasons for the incident. Here is the link from my first original source of information (i would later translate most interesting fragments of the article) > Poljska vojna policija i kontrašpijunaža preuzele kontrolu nad centrom NATO u Varšavi (Eng: Polish military police and counterintelegence took control over NATO center in Warsaw) > dobosar.com/poljska-vojna-policija-i-kontraspijunaza-preuzele-kontrolu-nad-centrom-nato-u-varsavi/

Polish military police raid Nato centre in Warsaw

Friday 18 December 2015 17.21 GMT

Polish military police have raided a Nato-affiliated counterintelligence centre in Warsaw ........................ The raid took place at 1.30am on Friday at the temporary offices of the Nato Counter Intelligence Centre of Excellence. According to the Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper, senior aides of Antoni Macierewicz, the defence minister, accompanied by military police, entered the building using a duplicate key.

The centre's night staff called the director, Col Krzysztof Dusza, but he was prevented from entering. A defence ministry spokesman said Dusza had not responded to an order to step down from the post.

Borsukrates  5 | 129  
19 Dec 2015 /  #97
I already posted about it but the thread was censored.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Jan 2016 /  #98
Merged: PM Szydło awards ex-PM Olszewski special pension

PM Beata Szydło has awarded a special pension of 8000 zł to former PM Jan Olszewski. Barrister-at-law Olszewski was a defender of anti-communsit dissidetns in PRL and went on to become one of Poland's best PMs. He wanted to settle accounts with the criminal PZPR regime and expose their misdees but those fearlful of being exposed staged a parliamentary coup hsi fledgeling government. The line-up was much the same as we see now in the episode "KOD v the real Poland". On the nomenklatura and pro-nomenklatura side was Wałęsa, Michnik, Kuroń, Kwaśniewski, Pawlak, Moczulski, Tusk and a few others with an unsavoury past, soft on commies and/or believing that was the side their bread was buttered on. They were opposed by the Kaczyńskis, Macierewicz, Parys and other Polish patirots. Plus ça change......

Borsukrates  5 | 129  
28 Jan 2016 /  #99
Merged: PiS town councillors from Gdańsk to protest honorary citizenship of Andrzej Wajda

1. Andrzej Wajda is one of most known Polish film directors, recipient of an Oscar and four Academy Award nominations. He's 90 year old and has a bunch of works to show.

2. Paweł Adamowicz, president of Gdańsk and councilmen from PO proposed to award Andrzej Wajda with honorary citizenship of Gdańsk. Their argumentation - Wajda promotes Gdańsk and "Solidarność" in his movies.

3. PiS councilmen in Gdańsk are protesting this. They say the award is for his political activity (Wajda actively supported the former president Bronisław Komorowski, and supports KOD - manifestations in defense of democracy after PiS won the elections). In practice, their votes won't be enough.

What's interesting here is that PiS is so angry at the most known film director of Poland. Like with everything else, they're trying to rephrase it in terms of political allegiance. It doesn't matter that yes, Wajda did make movies about Gdańsk, and yes, movies about Solidarity, and yes, he's a very good director. I can find only one explaination: envy.
poganin  - | 58  
28 Jan 2016 /  #100
Wajda is like a chameleon, he changes colours as he pleases, he is a perfect traitor of any system he wishes to deceit to fulfil his own interests. On the set he treated actors of adverse potical motives with scorn, he fought political wars, he now decided to turn away from Poland. The Poland he wants is not the Poland that built the country and its good values. He must not be awarded anything, he must go away.
Borsukrates  5 | 129  
28 Jan 2016 /  #101
He must not be awarded anything, he must go away.

So because of his political views he must not be awarded anything ? What about his movies, and promotion of Gdańsk and Solidarity ?
poganin  - | 58  
28 Jan 2016 /  #102
He treated others with scorn he shall be treated with bigger scorn, what goes one way comes back the other way, integrity was not maintained. He also side with Solidarity for a moment during the movement and then he abandoned it like Walesa did - many colours of Solidarity - one served foreign and individual business and the other the people - the latter has been dumped by the likes of Wajda.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Jan 2016 /  #103
What's interesting here is that PiS is so angry at the most known film director of Poland.

I absolutely agree with you. It's the same fools in Gdańsk that said that demonstrations should be banned from pl. Solidarnośći there.

It seems to me as if PiS realise that no-one is ever going to win international recognition for the garbage that they produce, and because Wajda isn't 'theirs', then they must oppose it.
poganin  - | 58  
28 Jan 2016 /  #104
Wajda is disliked in Poland, no more respected man the way he was years ago, today he is a traitor respected only by some media not people,
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Jan 2016 /  #105
How much are you being paid to post this rubbish?
Jardinero  1 | 383  
28 Jan 2016 /  #106
today he is a traitor

And you must be a tool.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Jan 2016 /  #107
How much are you being paid

That same question could be asked of you. How much are the Petru/Schetyna/Michnik clique paying for your fierce defence of their interests? You were not amongst the post-commie and post-KOR-ite elties that struck a deal and came in on the ground floor in post-roundtable Poland, so you are not really defending you own perks and privilege. Why are you defending somebody else's, notbaly those who have already benefited from the transformation? Why not spread the benefits about so the roundtable orphans get some too?
Felix_D  - | 3  
29 Jan 2016 /  #108
Poland will never operate as a country where people govern themselves by consensus and there is something resembling a responsible opposition, anytime soon. Polish society is divided into two camps each refusing to accept the legitimacy of the other and this is the poison that came from the round-table negotiations. During the PRL there was THEM and US, today we have the post communists and the nationalist. There are no real results when the media engages in propaganda like Radio Poland does, but the effort really resembles two angry neighbors yelling at each other over the fence. They can scream as much as they wish but there will be no political conversions. This state of affairs will limit Poland's advance into the modern world. The ordinary person is likely not to experience any noticeable change to their life's.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
29 Jan 2016 /  #109
Poland will never operate as a country where people govern themselves by consensus and there is something resembling a responsible opposition, anytime soon.

True enough.

this is the poison that came from the round-table negotiations

No, it's much older. It's impossible to build such divisions in such a short period of time.

today we have the post communists and the nationalist

I'd want definitions. For me, post communists are those who have moved on from communism while many nationalists seem stuck in 1988 forever. The forming division all over Eruope and the world is between globalists and localists. I'm more in the latter camp but can't get on board any train that Polish nationalists (as currently construed) are running.

the effort really resembles two angry neighbors yelling at each other over the fence

I really need to watch Sami Swoi again, possible the definitive cinematic work on Polish national character..... (if I could just get past the accents....)
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Jan 2016 /  #110
Polish society is divided into two camps

A very good, concise evaluation of things! The RT (roundtable) was one of the stops along the way, but it started much earlier. "Jedni do lasa drudzy do Sasa" was a polarising situation that would recur during the partitions (there was always a faction cooperating with the aggressors), and during the Great War when one brother in an Austrian uniform was forfced to shoot at his tsarist-uniformed sibling. Already during the 1980-81 Solidarność carnival, pro-KOR-ite and

True Poles (Prawdziwi Polacy) factions took shape and those battle have roughly continued to this day. The Sas-Las dichotomy therefore persists. The Sas group are the largely Poland-bashing, xenophilic, cosmopolitan, Eurocentric internationalists who involve foreign itnerests in Poland's internal rows, and Las -- the pro-Polish group whose motto is "Poland first, last and always!" So nothing has really changed.
Borsukrates  5 | 129  
29 Jan 2016 /  #111
I'm (re)posting this here, because my thread was deleted, possibly the post was moved to an existing thread. I have no way of knowing which one, and overbearing activity of moderators thwarts Google's attempts at indexing polishforums.com

In Gdańsk, town councilmen of PiS protested against awarding Andrzej Wajda a honorary citizenship. Andrzej Wajda, 90, has received an Oscar for a movie and 4 Academy Award nominations, and has produced a number of movies of about Gdańsk and Solidarność. He is also apparently pro-PO and anti-PIS, but the fact remains he's one of most famous Poles, and PiS despises him.

Andrzej Wajda is not the only famous Pole PiS is trying to discredit. Others are:
Lech Wałęsa - former president, recipient of Nobel prize (peace). He's accused of cooperating with secret police (SB, UB...).
Wisława Szymborska - poet (deceased), recipient of Nobel prize in literature (for praising PRL - the comunist times)
Czesław Miłosz - literary Nobel and Neuestadt in literature, poet, writer, historian (of literature), translator, diplomat. Also hated by PiS, accused of cooperating with communists and "anti-Polish" works.

PiS complains about people who give Poland bad name abroad, and tarnish Poland's image. So why is PiS destroying reputation of some of most famous Poles ?
29 Jan 2016 /  #112
Poland has been divided for a long time. There are pro Western European guys who prefer Germany and others, there are those who prefer US instead,

there are smaller amounts who prefer Russia, some who want just to be left alone, and some who want relations with smaller close neighbours (i.e. Visegrad),

and so on.

Its a tough act to balance these. And when you start to tilt towards one, people start to get angry.
jon357  72 | 23361  
29 Jan 2016 /  #113
PiS complains about people who give Poland bad name abroad, and tarnish Poland's image.

Vindictiveness, small-mindedness, hysteria.

That and a total inability to understand the concepts of either loyal opposition or a plural society
gumishu  15 | 6227  
29 Jan 2016 /  #114
and a total inability to understand the concepts of either loyal opposition

sorry jon are PO known for being a 'loyal opposition' - you must live in some other universe if you think so
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jan 2016 /  #115
PiS complains about people who give Poland bad name abroad, and tarnish Poland's image.

Simple: who isn't with us is automatically against us and must be destroyed.

PiS should be promoting the accomplishments of Poles abroad, but instead, they're trying to destroy them. It's sheer madness.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
29 Jan 2016 /  #116
So why is PiS destroying reputation of some of most famous Poles ?

because truth is more important than reputation - and traitors and their allies need to be exposed - and Wałęsa is a traitor - and Wajda is his glorifier
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jan 2016 /  #117
Gumishu, you know fine well that PiS are not interested in the truth, they're only interested in destroying their enemies.

If they genuinely wanted the truth, they would start by conducting a thorough open public examination of every single PiS MP to make sure that they were morally clear. People like Piotrowicz would never be allowed near government.
jon357  72 | 23361  
29 Jan 2016 /  #118
PiS should be promoting the accomplishments of Poles abroad, but instead, they're trying to destroy them.

That sums them up perfectly.

Wałęsa is a traitor - and Wajda is his glorifier

gumishu  15 | 6227  
29 Jan 2016 /  #119
People like Piotrowicz would never be allowed near government.

I don't really know the guy - what's wrong with him?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jan 2016 /  #120
Everything. The guy was a public prosecutor in the PRL, PZPR member and took part in prosecuting a dissident.

PiS went very quiet on lustration when they realised that the 'missing link' for electoral success involved relying on the skills of such people. We saw only a couple of days ago how corrupt he is - they lost a vote in the committee stage, so he simply re-run the vote.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / How would Poland change for the better (or worse) under a PiS government?Archived