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English people attitude towards Poles?

BritishEmpire  - | 148  
19 Nov 2009 /  #721
Like i always said jonny they would return to work for the minimum wage and claim the tax credits, i've noticed the change at my work place because alot of them now are 30+ or have families so they know they can claim benefits.

British Empire, who are you to say what the majority opinion of the British people is? I have never seen any poll to support your claim and I don't believe for a second that it's true.

Well i could quite easily turn that question around and ask you where are the polls to suggest that they are liked. The difference is sonny that my job is to speak to real people all day long, i see them at the weekend all day long, real british people and not the spanners in government or a bunch of pro immigration retards. There isn't a day in my week that goes by where i don't here a comment on immigration that doesn't contain a comment towards polish people. Like i said, real people and real comments.

That the majority of British racists hate the Poles I have no doubt is true, however, I have enough faith in my fellow citizens to believe that the majority of Britons are not racist.

You just have faith in your own ideals and the ones that are peddled by the government and there side kick, AKA the media.

any case, immigration brings many benefits.

Yes thats very true they do bring benefits, TO THE FAT CATS. They are the only ones who really benefit from immigration, low pay = bigger profits + it allows them to do what they want because the workers won't kick up a fuss.

I seriously used to think that poles were a nation of hard working dilligent and honest people till i moved here and discovered the half arsedness of their work, especially in the construction industry

The problem is that the majority of people only get to see the polish worker in the UK, so naturally someone that is getting paid 4-5 times more that they would in their own country are going to worker harder. Its all about incentives.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 Nov 2009 /  #722
Can you prove this sweeping (and suspect) assertion?

I have seen it on our local estate, would you like photographs?

According to whom? Again, an example please.

Oh I have heard this plenty of times, either from Guardian reading eedjits or immigrants who are happy in their council houses.
jonni  16 | 2475  
19 Nov 2009 /  #723
I have seen it on our local estate, would you like photographs?

Seen what? Photos of what? Social housing is allocated by need, not tenants' origin.

Oh I have heard this plenty of times,

I've heard plenty of times that there's a monster in Loch Ness. Doesn't mean there's a shred of truth in it.

You haven't proved anything, just repeated hearsay, and bigoted hearsay at that.

By the way, it's worth taking some of the posts on this thread with a pinch of salt. There seem to be a couple of posters who only seem to appear when immigration to the UK is mentioned. I've repeated the following, which some forums are now using.

**Warning** Certain messages may be from the BNP's Cyberactivism team pretending to be ordinary people who find they are siding with the BNP.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 Nov 2009 /  #724
You haven't proved anything, just repeated hearsay, and bigoted hearsay at that.

It's not hearsay, I live on a council estate. The truth is before our eyes. I bet you read the Guardian.
I would have nothing to do with the BNP, but just maybe the BNP is speaking for people alot more pissed off and further to the right than I am. You are so very predictable.

jonni  16 | 2475  
19 Nov 2009 /  #725
It's not hearsay, I live on a council estate.

So do I

I bet you read the Guardian.

No I don't. I read the Telegraph


Your posts about immigrants indeed suggest that.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 Nov 2009 /  #726
Your posts about immigrants indeed suggest that.

Was there anything personally offensive in what I wrote? No I think not.
Just maybe it's time for a two way dialogue, y'see ppl like you dismiss anything that goes against your liberal orthodoxy as an invalid argument.

People who get all hot under the collar about "Racism" very often have something to hide.

Oh and "So do I"....er....your other posts would suggest you live in Poland, so you don't, obviously, live on a UK council estate.
jonni  16 | 2475  
19 Nov 2009 /  #727
anything personally offensive in what I wrote?

Who said there was?

ppl like you dismiss anything that goes against your liberal orthodoxy

'ppl' like me? What people? I don't often get called a liberal! Maybe that's a compliment.

hot under the collar about "Racism" very often have something to hide.

Like what?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 Nov 2009 /  #728
Like what?

lol....like you're a secret candidate for the BNP or David Irving's private secretary, or....well something like that anyway...;)
jonni  16 | 2475  
19 Nov 2009 /  #729
secret candidate for the BNP or David Irving's private secretary

ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
19 Nov 2009 /  #730
**Warning** Certain messages may be from the BNP's Cyberactivism team pretending to be ordinary people who find they are siding with the BNP.

More lefti propaganda, of course a person cant just hate the fact Britain has been swamped by immigrants, they must be nazis in the making! pathetic!

The truth of the matter is Jonni, people who were once very tolerent have really had enough and are sick to the back teeth with the policies this government have "bestowed" upon them, even Guardian readers (surprise surprise Jonni I dont real the Mail, I read the Guardian!) are sick of it...

As pointed out the only people that benefit from cheap labour as those that are using it..It does nothing for the British man on the street.
jonni  16 | 2475  
19 Nov 2009 /  #731
More lefti propaganda,

It isn't lefty propaganda - check out their (BNP) website. Some newspapers are now disabling comment functions on their online forums because of it.

I don't feel swamped. Without immigration, who's going to care for us all in our aging society? Robots? Or a nice Polish person? Nor do I see lines of 'ethnic British' unemployed people queing up to get a minimum wage job in Tesco or McDs.

It can be a shock to walk through some districts of our cities, but we have to get used to this and make the best of it.

I was looking out of my window not long ago, disturbed by noisy kids in the street. It occurred to me that none of them were completely black and none were completely white. But they were all British. They are our future - and we have to make it our society a home for them all..
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Nov 2009 /  #732
BE, again that's our problem and not that of the Poles. I keep saying it, they are just using their options. Also, it applies to Brits too. I was talking by FB to my Scottish friend. He was telling me how the benefits system now works and he is appalled to see how much of a nanny state we have become. At a deeper level, I can see where they are heading. We are the government and we will protect you. It allows a more hands-on role for our government.

Also, let solid and verified stats speak for themselves. I'm generally sceptical of stats but if they are compiled officially and confirmed then we should go with those. I'm quite certain that they will dispel the myth that the Poles are scroungers. Some may scrounge, yes, but the majority are there to work and contribute.

Another aspect is culture. Poland doesn't have a very well-developed benefits system as it lays the emphasis on other forms of help such as MOPS. They give peanuts, little more than beer money so it doesn't pay to explore that option. Besides, there are various criteria which they must meet.

As a Brit, I was privy to all the crap and the stigma attached to seeking benefits. As an interim measure, benefits are very useful and shouldn't be downplayed.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
19 Nov 2009 /  #733
I don't feel swamped.

Why should you, you dont live in the UK - you live in a homogenous society with no racial tension.

Without immigration, who's going to care for us all in our aging society?

More propaganda, every country has an aging population and child birth is on decline - of course we need immigration, but we need the right kind of immigration.

It can be a shock to walk through some districts of our cities, but we have to get used to this and make the best of it.

Make the best of it? Why should I, as an English person why have to make the best of it, when there are solutions.

I was looking out of my window not long ago, disturbed by noisy kids in the street. It occurred to me that none of them were completely black and none were completely white. But they were all British. They are our future - and we have to make it our society a home for them all..

Not long ago? You dont even live here Jonni, you may come for a flying visits but you no longer know the reality. Your idea of this wonderful utopia, isnt mine, as for our future, these lovely mixed raced kids generally come from broken homes and there's a higher chance of them committing crimes.

The black immigrants that came in the '50s are very different to the ones that arrive now, there is no real need for them to assimilate in to British society, same with the asians, (not that there ever was any form of cohesion there!)...we have ghettos in the UK and its getting worse, the only problem is the more that come the more they spill out and start to ruin the nicer areas, "buy to let" properties are doing so much damage in nice residential areas....
jonni  16 | 2475  
19 Nov 2009 /  #734
you dont live in the UK

A bit of both at the moment. I prefer Poland, but have sad things going on and am back there more or less weekly.

propaganda, every country has an aging population and child birth is on decline

Some parts of the world have a population explosion.

we need the right kind of immigration

What is that?

Why should I, as an English person why have to make the best of it, when there are solutions.

It's our society, our planet. And what solutions?

Not long ago? You dont even live here Jonni, you may come for a flying visits but you no longer know the reality

I have a home here, I'm spending all my time visiting an NHS hospital, fighting my way through the maze of Social Services assessments and checking out old peoples' homes (all the private ones seem to have Polish staff, our hospitals are a melting pot), wondering, reluctantly, about returning for good. I know and live the reality. Immigration hasn't made the reality worse.

these lovely mixed raced kids generally come from broken homes

So do white kids in the inner-city.

there's a higher chance of them committing crimes

So what to do about it other than moaning?

we have ghettos in the UK and its getting worse, the only problem is the more that come the more they spill out and start to ruin the nicer areas, "buy to let" properties are doing so much damage in nice residential areas

All but the very best and the very worst areas have constantly changed. That's the nature of society. But how to make positive change?
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
19 Nov 2009 /  #735
ppl' like me? What people? I don't often get called a liberal! Maybe that's a compliment.

I wouldn't be smiling at all if i were you.

More lefti propaganda, of course a person cant just hate the fact Britain has been swamped by immigrants, they must be nazis in the making! pathetic!

Great point shelleys, people only come out with the words BNP or nazi when something is being said that they don't like.

The truth of the matter is Jonni, people who were once very tolerent have really had enough and are sick to the back teeth with the policies this government have "bestowed" upon them

That would be the majority of the population then.

I don't feel swamped. Without immigration, who's going to care for us all in our aging society? Robots? Or a nice Polish person? Nor do I see lines of 'ethnic British' unemployed people queing up to get a minimum wage job in Tesco or McDs.

You know jonni if you are not already a politician then i suggest you give it a go because you already sound like one. We don't need immigrants to look after our elderly, all they do is add to the list of people that we will have to look after in the future so it only makes the problem worst.

It can be a shock to walk through some districts of our cities, but we have to get used to this and make the best of it.

No we don't, we bloody well don't!. I will never get used nor will i accept it.

I was looking out of my window not long ago, disturbed by noisy kids in the street. It occurred to me that none of them were completely black and none were completely white. But they were all British. They are our future - and we have to make it our society a home for them all..

great a poo coloured population, if thats what we have to then it will be our downfall and not our future. By the way they are not "British" they are british citizens.

What is that?

The right kind of immigration is controlled immigration, there are plenty of countries in the world that have that and do very well out of it. We need people to work but what the majority don't want or need is people to stay, a good example that is close to our shores is jersey. To work in jersey you need to apply for a permit which normally lasts 5 years then when it finishes you have to apply again, you can settle but you have to live there for 12 years which is quite difficult because of the permit system but people of the island still want the right to settle after this period to be removed.
jonni  16 | 2475  
19 Nov 2009 /  #736
a poo coloured population, if thats what we have to then it will be our downfall and not our future. By the way they are not "British"

Sums it up really. Some people just have weird and menacing ideas about skin colour.

Just to repeat/remind:

"By the way, it's worth taking some of the posts on this thread with a pinch of salt. There seem to be a couple of posters who only seem to appear when immigration to the UK is mentioned. I've repeated the following, which some forums are now using.

**Warning** Certain messages may be from the BNP's Cyberactivism team pretending to be ordinary people who find they are siding with the BNP."
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
20 Nov 2009 /  #737
Sums it up really.

yes it does sum it up, a coffee poo coloured nation that looks like something out of a supermarket that only stocks one product.
So much for diversity hey!, isn't that at the heart of multiculturalism that all you liberal fanny's support.

Some people just have weird and menacing ideas about skin colour.

And for a good reason, they are proud of what they are and don't feel ashamed to be white. I wouldn't want it any other way and i am proud that my nation at the moment is a majority white and British nation because colour represents alot, its our history, our people, its everything that we have ever achieved and still can.

lets look at japan for instance, do you see the amount of social problems that you see in the UK or america, of course you don't because they are one people and one nation.

Thats what they want and what they have been allowed to have because they don't have an interfering government like we have.
Stop being colour blind.

One last note, pack it in with the gay paragraph at the end of every post.
Normal people are not BNP just because they share some of the same views, why don't you look at the length of time that some of those commenting have been registered and how many times they have posted on the forums.

Can't really imagine the BNP spending that amount of time on a polish forum, can you?
jonni  16 | 2475  
20 Nov 2009 /  #738
Stop being colour blind.

What has skin colour got to do with anything?

It's interesting that a small number of posters have appeared very recently and only post on one topic, usually abusively...

**Warning** Certain messages may be from the BNP's Cyberactivism team pretending to be ordinary people who find they are siding with the BNP."
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
20 Nov 2009 /  #739
Some parts of the world have a population explosion.

Where because I read an article that stated child birth is in decline all over the world, even in developing countries, the whole need for lots of kids to support the family isnt necessary, since the way people provide for their families has changed.

So do white kids in the inner-city.

Agreed, but stats show that mixed raced kids are more likely to commit crimes.

So what to do about it other than moaning?

What do you want me to do Jonni?

All but the very best and the very worst areas have constantly changed. That's the nature of society. But how to make positive change?

The nature of British society was that areas became more prosperous, since mass immigration from developing countries, areas which were just fine as disgusting ghettos.

What has skin colour got to do with anything?

You should ask the same question to black people who are constantly banging on about being black and proud or that black is beautiful...

By the way Jonni This is a Polish forum, not one for you to spread your lefti proproganda about multiculturalism in Britain.
jonni  16 | 2475  
20 Nov 2009 /  #740
Where because I read an article that stated child birth is in decline all over the world

Agreed, but stats show that mixed raced kids are more likely to commit crimes.

And since they aren't going to go away, we need to make sure they thrive. And not just add to our (largely white) underclass.

What do you want me to do Jonni?

I don't. But you certainly have strong views on the matter, so why not make a difference?

British society was that areas became more prosperous, since mass immigration from developing countries, areas which were just fine as disgusting ghettos

Districts of big cities have always had changing fortunes, even before mass immigration. There have always been slums, even some 'white flight' areas are pretty foul.

black people who are constantly banging on about being black and proud or that black

Wouldn't you 'bang on' if you were treated as a second class citizen because of the colour of your skin, hair, eyes or your nationality etc. I'd be bloody angry.

This is a Polish forum, not one for you to spread your lefti proproganda about multiculturalism

Firstly, my original posts were about Polish migrants to the UK. Another poster (who posts only on this issue) started arguing about immigration in general and 'poo coloured' people.

Secondly, check the title of the thread along with the section of the forum it is in. About Polish migrants to the UK, and English (Who knows what where the Welsh & Scots are) attitudes. Poles are a very large, and generally liked, part of our nation's population.

Thirdly, there's no 'propaganda' from me. Unlike one or two other posters in this thread. Nor am I 'lefty'.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
20 Nov 2009 /  #741
Wouldn't you 'bang on' if you were treated as a second class citizen because of the colour of your skin, hair, eyes or your nationality etc. I'd be bloody angry

How about the descrimination against whites in their own country? Asians and blacks being selected for jobs simply to fill quotas! Please, if they are so bothered why do they still come here?

Districts of big cities have always had changing fortunes, even before mass immigration. There have always been slums, even some 'white flight' areas are pretty foul.

Not as foul as they are now, by the way, the "slums" were demolished and that was the creation our lovely social housing.

Poles are a very large, and generally liked, part of our nation's population.


Thirdly, there's no 'propaganda' from me. Unlike one or two other posters in this thread. Nor am I 'lefty'.

You keep telling yourself that.
jonni  16 | 2475  
20 Nov 2009 /  #742
if they are so bothered why do they still come here?

Many are from here.

our lovely social housing.

I remember Hulme Crescents. That could have been great, but the people dragged it down.
Nearer my home, there's a real sink estate; it was hugely improved on EU money, but still had its reputation and a fair few of the original tenants. People wouldn't touch the place unless they had to. Now the Poles have come, they don't know the history of the place, have no qualms about accepting a council house there and at last, the area is finally becoming respectable again, with hard working families. Due to immigration.
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
21 Nov 2009 /  #743
What has skin colour got to do with anything?

Well its quite obvious it doesn't bother you but thats fine, we won't bother trying to change your mind so you just go and sit in the corner on your own.

Districts of big cities have always had changing fortunes, even before mass immigration. There have always been slums, even some 'white flight' areas are pretty foul.

Yes there has always been problems, so in an effort to improve the areas people are helped back to work and given good jobs that the poles come and take by slipping in the back door thanks to their local friendly agency and proceed to push the wages and conditions down.

I know i've seen it happen three times.

Wouldn't you 'bang on' if you were treated as a second class citizen because of the colour of your skin, hair, eyes or your nationality etc. I'd be bloody angry.

I would stop acting like a tw@t, go back to my own country and accept that it was my fault because i came for the sponge and no one dragged me here in chains.

Then i would proceed to improve my own country instead of expecting that someone else would improve it for me.

Poles are a very large, and generally liked

large yes, generally liked, well thats not true from what i see and hear but i suppose we all have different experiences.

I remember Hulme Crescents. That could have been great, but the people dragged it down.
Nearer my home, there's a real sink estate; it was hugely improved on EU money, but still had its reputation and a fair few of the original tenants. People wouldn't touch the place unless they had to. Now the Poles have come, they don't know the history of the place, have no qualms about accepting a council house there and at last, the area is finally becoming respectable again, with hard working families. Due to immigration.

Can we have another story dad, PLEASE!
You really showing yourself to be a loon now, immigration does not improve an area it just drives it further down. I know of around 5 poor estates in my area, they were rough before but now they are no go areas thanks to the immigrants.

It must be bad because even the trouble makers that were there before have fled :D
jonni  16 | 2475  
21 Nov 2009 /  #744
A private message I got from Shelley S. It shows what the world is up against:

Edit: the post may or may not be replaced at a later date.

in the interests of fair play... please, do not publish PM's without permission.

Thank you.

Either drink or mental health, but either way, not good.
rafik  18 | 589  
21 Nov 2009 /  #745
Either drink or mental health, but either way, not good.

neither of them.it's just very healthy attitude.Why say something that isn't true but is politically correct?pakis are just pakis.We have exactly the same problems with most of the drity chechenians who came here just after the war with russia.Most of them(if not all)live here in ghettos(created by them) and are responsible for theft,drugs and people trafficiking.Muslims will never adapt to our way of living.
Gem  - | 4  
21 Nov 2009 /  #746
England is over run with Polish people willing to work harder for less money than the Brits!
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
22 Nov 2009 /  #747
private message I got from Shelley S.

Well i take it the PM wasn't to friendly which is understandable.

pakis are just pakis

Exactly, there is nothing racist about calling someone a paki its just that the law says it can be classed as racist. Everyone calls polish people poles and not a word is mentioned. Add abusive language to the word paki and i suppose it becomes a different matter.

England is over run with Polish people willing to work harder for less money than the Brits!

Theres alot of truth in that statement, the majority of them to tend to work harder but its obvious why when they are paid four to five times more than they would be paid in poland.

This is great for the companies that are cashing in on the cheap labour but the ordinary people don't benefit at all.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Nov 2009 /  #748
It's Pakistani and doesn't involve much extra effort, does it? Polaks can be pejorative, not Poles.
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
22 Nov 2009 /  #749
Polaks can be pejorative, not Poles.

Says you which means jack. It takes no extra effort to britsh but many people says "brits" but you wont see everyone crying racist will you. Just because someone chooses to shorten a word is no basis at all to call them racist.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Nov 2009 /  #750
Yes but many see Paki as racist and that's the point. No, it doesn't mean jack as I know the meaning of the word.

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles?Archived