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Openly gay in Poland

adrian11224  7 | 41  
9 Aug 2009 /  #1
Being openly gay has been one of the biggest blessings in my life.
I can talk gay, I can walk gay, I can smell gay, I'm just so happy to be gay. I love men and I love all creatures that walk the face of the earth.

I can never get violent because I'm gay I just love being gay it gives you so much freedom to date whoever you want, without having to worry about their age gender national orgin familial status. So the truth is I'm just probably bisexual because I love both Men and women.

Will I be bashed on in Poland when I go back for being gay?

Also I'm still religious but not in that way. I just believe in god as the goodness of he world but I don't follow all those mumbo jumbo laws. Will I get bashed in Poland for being gay and will my local church pastor accept me for being gay.
plk123  8 | 4120  
9 Aug 2009 /  #2
Will I be bashed on in Poland when I go back for being gay?

possibly.. depends where you go.

will my local church pastor accept me for being gay.

probably not as being gay is a sin according to the church..
scrappleton  - | 829  
9 Aug 2009 /  #3
Will I be bashed on in Poland when I go back for being gay?

What? Hell no. Just lay a big wet kiss on the first shaved head you see.
plk123  8 | 4120  
9 Aug 2009 /  #4
^^^ definitely NOT.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
9 Aug 2009 /  #5
You should talk to people in Poland who are gay.

I don't know anyone who is gay. But from what I hear they have a hard time. Many of them move abroad because of the situation in Poland. Probably it's a little less difficult to live in Warszawa and Krakow.

There is at least 1 other thread about gays in Poland on this forum.
Lefty  13 | 124  
9 Aug 2009 /  #6

I'm keeping this as simple as possible and avoiding an essay on the subject, for no reason other than you are likely to get many responses which won't make much sense or that clash with other responses.

As was said earlier it will depend on where you go and how you act (as in any country).

Poles are civilized people and most are open to gays and will rarely bat an eyelid however some are not, this is the same as any country in the world I think.

As for the church I'm not sure, people on here know more than me about this.

irishdeano  5 | 304  
9 Aug 2009 /  #7
You will never be Accepted by the church.

I also believe you will not be accepted much in poland. Gays are not really accepted in most places. They get by without any bother because people couldnt be bothered to get involved. But near people who are not gay can could cause problems in any country
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
9 Aug 2009 /  #8
most are open to gays and will rarely bat an eyelid

Are you serious? I can guarantee that most Poles are not open to gays. Even if more are than 20 years ago.
Lefty  13 | 124  
9 Aug 2009 /  #9
Well you probably know more than me since you live in Poland but I was under the impression from my many Polacy friends that society had advanced enough that as long as you were not OTT you are generally excepted.

Now that doesn't mean you should go hitting on guys in downtown £ódź but as long as you are aware as in most other countries it is acceptable in 'civilized circles'

I may well be wrong, just the impression I got.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
9 Aug 2009 /  #10
check this link. It is a simple Wiki
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
9 Aug 2009 /  #11
Adrian - you msut be an exception to the general rule, because practising homosexuals have a higher average level of domestic violence against their partners than do heterosexuals. This is one of the documented facts that the pro-homo lobby conveniently sidesteps and passes over in silence. In so doing, they are failing to address a serious problem affecting that community.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
9 Aug 2009 /  #12
please stop spreading false information Polonius. I did a quick search and you are lying through your teeth.
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
9 Aug 2009 /  #13
If data compiled by the US Department of Justice are all lies, well so be it.

The New York Times in an article entitled Silence Ending About Abuse in Gay Relationships cites some information which may indicate that domestic abuse may be under-reported.

“But the issue of gay domestic abuse has been shrouded by silence until recently...
For years, gay people have tried to keep quiet about the problem, said Dave Shannon, coordinator of the violence recovery program at Fenway Community Health, a gay and lesbian clinic in Boston. Mr. Shannon said: People feel, ‘Why should we air our dirty laundry? People feel so negatively about us already, the last thing we should do is contribute to negative stereotypes of us’.”

Data from the U.S. Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics and the Center for Disease Control showed "married men who are not separated are at least 25 times less apt to be domestically attacked than a homosexual male in an 'on-going relationship.' Even if we include all married and separated husbands, the risk of domestic violence in a male-male homosexual relationship is still at least 18 times greater." Another study indicated that 83% of homosexuals report they have been emotionally abused by homosexual partners. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Domestic Abuse Fact Sheet states that "11% of women in homosexual relationships and 23% of men in homosexual relationships report being raped, physically assaulted, and/or stalked by an intimate partner". A study published in The Journal of Family Violence reported among its participants that "Emotional abuse was reported by 83%" of its participants. These statistics suggest that homosexual couples are more violent than heterosexual couples.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
9 Aug 2009 /  #14
I am glad that you found happiness. I must admit that walking into a club where everyone is a potential sex partner is envyable odds.

Why be intentionally antagonistic to other cultures and social norms? If you really want to be progressive and edgy, Go to a country with Sharia law in place and FLAME ON!. THATS EDGY!!!

Maybe you could follow my brothers example and practice "balanced tolerance".

My gay brother asked me to be his best man in his wedding. An honor indeed. My first question was "Is this a religious ceremony?" He said "No, Its a civil ceremony in a park." I said, "Great!" Everything went off as planned and it was a wonderfull day. Here's the thing, My brother accepts and respects the fact that there are other beliefs and social norms in the world, He is not so self-important as to believe the world must change to his norm. He just lives his life and is happy. (and gay!)

P.S. When can I expect a formal apology from you guys for bringing HIV into the hetrosexual community? Lets face it. That was all you. We have been waiting for awhile now.

I suspect that you are TRolling, but, this might be fun.
sledz  23 | 2247  
9 Aug 2009 /  #15
Also I'm still religious but not in that way. I just believe in god as the goodness of he world but I don't follow all those mumbo jumbo laws

What like those silly Ten commandments? Na they dont apply to faggots

Will I get bashed in Poland for being gay and will my local church pastor accept me for being gay.

Poles are totally Homophobs, I bet they bet the crap out of you
I would go to the UK where they accept that kind of behaviour
Marek11111  9 | 808  
9 Aug 2009 /  #16
Polish people as in U.S. some will accept you as you are and others will avoid you because you not moral or not like them, it stand from the church as if the catholic or other religions ware moral people in Poland people are being poison by religion as where you should go find a atheist country ware people will accept you for who you are.
plk123  8 | 4120  
9 Aug 2009 /  #17
When can I expect a formal apology from you guys for bringing HIV into the hetrosexual community? Lets face it. That was all you. We have been waiting for awhile now.

wtf is this about?
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
9 Aug 2009 /  #18
People should focus more on their own, and less on other people's, sexual orientation.
beckski  12 | 1609  
9 Aug 2009 /  #19
I'm just so happy to be gay

As a hobby I sell antiques and collectibles. A big percentage of my clients are gay. They're usually the ones, with the larger surplus of disposable income. So... in the business world, I say bring on the gays!
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
9 Aug 2009 /  #20
I say bring on the gays!

I know a lot of gay people myself, I have nothing bad to say about most. It really is a matter of mutual respect. The "militant" or "obnoxious" gay types really hurt their cause. If more took the "Ellen" approach as opposed to the "Rosie" approach things would go much smoother for them.
Tyskie  1 | 27  
10 Aug 2009 /  #21
You say most Poles are 'homophobes'? Like yourself, you mean? You used the word 'faggot' in a derogatory way and should be fined like that other Polsih fascist woman! lol
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
10 Aug 2009 /  #22
Would it be bad form to say something like "pillow biter" or "turd burglar"? I just need to know the limits when I travel.
LAGirl  9 | 496  
10 Aug 2009 /  #23
Tyskie sledz is a man. I hear most Polish people dont tolerate Gays. ok what about the Catholic priest what they do to boys a bunch of hypocrites people dont you think.

I am from Los Anegeles where everything is accepted my best friend is Bisexual I know some gay people at least they are better then some strait men they never hurt or treated me bad. more power to you if you are Gay and happy about it dont be ashamed and dont go telling Polish people you are Gay be careful good luck.Gays are Cool.
Tyskie  1 | 27  
10 Aug 2009 /  #24
I know sledz is a man! Never said he wasn't!
sledz  23 | 2247  
10 Aug 2009 /  #25
ok what about the Catholic priest what they do to boys a bunch of hypocrites people dont you think.

If I were catholic I would of left the church, its pretty sick yet alot of them got away with it like Michael Jackson did.

You say most Poles are 'homophobes'? Like yourself, you mean? You used the word 'faggot' in a derogatory way and should be fined like that other Polsih fascist woman! lol

Just because I dont believe in something doesnt make me a homo phob fascist

Would it be bad form to say something like "pillow biter" or "turd burglar"?

Be carefull what you say the PC Brigade is watching...lol
Lucy  - | 23  
10 Aug 2009 /  #26
I want to know what `smell gay` actually means? Erm, let me re-phrase that - no I don't! I know loads of gays in the UK and none there would say anything like this so I suspect that this is someone being silly.
mvefa  5 | 591  
10 Aug 2009 /  #27
When can I expect a formal apology from you guys for bringing HIV into the hetrosexual community? Lets face it. That was all you. We have been waiting for awhile now.

What the heck is this guy talking about? hahaha wow,, out of space...as far as i know, aids was first found in Africa, in hetero couples...ignorance is the mother of all stupid comments.
Lucy  - | 23  
10 Aug 2009 /  #28

Yes and wasn't it introduced via drug use?
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
10 Aug 2009 /  #29
Poles are civilized people and most are open to gays

I have never met a Polish person who was open to gays... Don't forget that Polish mentality is a bit behind the rest of Europe. You can call this "traditional" or you can call it "retard", up to you.

Gays are generally not accepted in Poland - I have many (Polish and non-Polish) gay friends and the Polish ones tell me horror stories from back home. This even goes so far that their own parents don't accept it. Or that they cannot tell their parents as those parents for sure would kick them out. Strange, that your kid suddenly is not your kid anymore because he/she is gay.

M-G (if one of my kids would be gay, they would still be my son or daughter)
Pan Kazimierz  1 | 195  
10 Aug 2009 /  #30
I am from Los Anegeles

a bunch of hypocrites people dont you think.

I could not resist that little bit of quote-chopping.
Regardless, and for the rest of you here that, y'know, don't actually live in Poland and never have, your opinion is quite worthless here.

I have never met a Polish person who was open to gays...

And then you proceed with talking about how you know gays who are Polish, and therefore not open to gays. So, they are only open to straight guys? That's exactly the sort of gay that annoys me greatly.

I know a lot of gay people myself, I have nothing bad to say about most.

I knew a few in the States... as distantly as possible, had nothing good to say about any. In fact, I'm still quite miffed at one of them for the great inconvenience he put me through after I punched him in the face for groping at my buttocks on my way to class.

I mean, I was studying in one of the most liberal towns in the whole SE... no way was I going to try to get the message across the legal way. Just bringing up a sexual harrasment suit against a homosexual there would probably be ruled a hate crime!

What the heck is this guy talking about? hahaha wow,, out of space...as far as i know, aids was first found in Africa, in hetero couples...ignorance is the mother of all stupid comments.

Allow me to extend your origin story a little further: Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus originates in a separate and benign virus commonly found in the African baboon. How it then transitioned to humans- yeah. Details, details...

Don't forget that Polish mentality is a bit behind the rest of Europe.

Behind indeed... which could be seen as a bad thing by those who actually believe the mentality of the rest of Europe is progressing.

Anyway, as far as being gay in Poland goes: there is a difference between being 'openly gay' and being 'obnoxiously gay'. Do you plan to wear women's clothing? Bad idea. Do you plan to have bumper stickers all over your pink car which will announce this fact to the world? Bad idea. Do you plan to attempt to flirt with/hit on men who you know have almost no chance of sharing your sexual orientation? Bad, bad, bad idea, and don't do it- I'd get pissed off at you for that.

If you act like a human being to the effect that people don't really know that you're gay unless you tell them, it really shouldn't be a huge problem for you, depending on where you're planning on staying. In Warsaw or Kraków you should be quite able to happily live a life more or less free of persecution. In smaller cities, expect rude gestures/shouts and insults from people driving by if you're walking with another man on the sidewalk. Possibly they'll throw trash at you, even. Rural areas... you're not going to like it, so you hopefully don't have a reason to move to one.

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