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Any sweet Polish phrases

28 Jul 2008 /  #121
Me too its what my family and friends all call me ;)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
28 Jul 2008 /  #122
ok so please excuse my lack of Polish language, what do the two words mean, firstly 'Pimpek' is that just a name you have created or does it mean something??

i think the second word 'misiu' is something like a cuddle or bear something like that, hhhmmm maybe even teddy bear but i can't remember, lol.
28 Jul 2008 /  #123
kay well pimpek is a polish word well slang word that means cute little one or thing... and misiu means teddy bear exactly ;)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
28 Jul 2008 /  #124
misiu means teddy bear exactly ;)

lol, i don't know where i remember that from :) but hay i'll claim it :)

kay well pimpek is a polish word well slang word that means cute little one or thing

i'll have to remember that one and store it away nice and safely, are you going to join the forums??
Pimpek  1 | 23  
28 Jul 2008 /  #125
haha nice...and yes i did XD
Del boy  20 | 254  
28 Jul 2008 /  #126
pimpek is probably not translatable from one word to other one in different language, its rather description of bahavior with conjunction to lass clever animals but I am not so sure cos maybie there is a couple meanings of this word. Most time I would call that name to a dog, big not clever dog with big wet black nose. That of course may vary.
Pimpek  1 | 23  
28 Jul 2008 /  #127
ya it is said to animals..but i am sure that it also means cute thing well not exactly its hard to translate but cute small something
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
28 Jul 2008 /  #128
haha nice...and yes i did XD

lol, i can see that now :)

pimpek is probably not translatable from one word to other one in different language, its rather description of bahavior with conjunction to lass clever animals but I am not so sure cos maybie there is a couple meanings of this word. Most time I would call that name to a dog, big not clever dog with big wet black nose. That of course may vary.

thanks for the explanation, it adds to what pimpek has already said. Every little helps :)
sledz  23 | 2247  
2 Aug 2008 /  #129
he wouldn't be a teach

I dont know about the UK education system but in America they`re called


I didn`t bother to read the first thread but how quick you are to point out peoples

It must feel so good to be such a perfect person!
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
2 Aug 2008 /  #130

there was a wink at the end of it, it was meant to be a joke, nothing more!
sledz  23 | 2247  
2 Aug 2008 /  #131
Are you trying to pick me up:):)

Nice edit job btw
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
2 Aug 2008 /  #132
Are you trying to pick me up:):)

Absolutely not :)

Nice edit job btw

I didn't edit...
12 Aug 2008 /  #133
say "stu spo wy ła mi wan ni me nogami" really fast, messes you up, but sounds kickass if you do it right like me ;), it means "table without a leg", sorry if the spelling of it isn't right, you pencil neck dorks.
rdywenur  1 | 157  
17 Aug 2008 /  #134
Isn't pimpek something to do with a belly button. Seem I use to hear that with small babies. Otherwise in American English all I hear in "pimp" which is not a nice thing to be called as an endearment or otherwise.

I have only heard the word misiu used recently and I thought at first they were saying mouse. Aren't the words similar in sound in Polish maybe not spelled same though.
17 Aug 2008 /  #135
Hi, just found this website, have read some interesting words on here!!!!

I am seeing a polish guy and he text me this:

jestes dla mnie zyciem prgane i chce byc z toba. What does this mean please?
Poor Edward  10 | 154  
17 Aug 2008 /  #136
jestes dla mnie zyciem prgane i chce byc z toba. What does this mean please

You are for to me (zyciem prgane)?, and I want to be with you. Im only learning but I gave it a shot for you, Im sure someone will give you a better translation.
17 Aug 2008 /  #137
Aww thanks Edward for giving it a go. Its sounds nice from what you have written :)
Poor Edward  10 | 154  
17 Aug 2008 /  #138
No worries Im glad I could help, maybe you should invest in a small polish-english dictionary they're fairly cheap thats all I used. Theres also plenty of online translator sites.
17 Aug 2008 /  #139
Sorry me again what is honey or sweetheart to say to a man?
Poor Edward  10 | 154  
17 Aug 2008 /  #140
sweetheart to say to a man?



sausage  19 | 775  
17 Aug 2008 /  #141

works for both sexes (I think), but I have had this sent to me and I am a man.
17 Aug 2008 /  #142
Haha that is good as I said Kochanie and thought I made a mistake. Cheers Sausage
Barney  19 | 1785  
17 Aug 2008 /  #143
karaluchy pod poduchy

I think this can be sweet

****context is all****
sausage  19 | 775  
18 Aug 2008 /  #144
Sorry me again what is honey or sweetheart to say to a man?

Another thing you can use is for honey/sweetheart is "skarbie" (to a man). Literally means "treasure" (I think).
19 Aug 2008 /  #145
What does Zachochalem sie w tobie mean?
19 Aug 2008 /  #146
Zachochalem sie w tobie

zakochałem się w Tobie - i fell in love with you
19 Aug 2008 /  #147
Thank you so much for your quick response, Im very happy with those words :)
23 Aug 2008 /  #148
Hi all. Last week I was in Poland for the first time and I met someone with whom I'm text messaging a lot now. I couldn't learn much Polish in 10 days, but I'd like to say some things in Polish to her. I tried some online translators, but I don't trust those :). I was wondering if someone could help me to translate the following sentences/words. Thanks in advance.

I miss you
I miss you a lot
Thinking about you all the time
You're always on my mind
Wish you were here
Wish I could hold you
Wish we were dancing again
Big kiss
Lots of kisses
I want to see you
3 Sep 2008 /  #149
it's pronounced mee-shoo

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