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Posts by Ozi Dan  

Joined: 22 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 18 Mar 2015
Threads: Total: 26 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 566 / In This Archive: 220
From: Australia
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Martial arts, fishing, reading, the Napoleonic wars, my missus, Poland, cars......

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Ozi Dan   
9 May 2008
History / Poles executed in Warsaw '1939-44' [112]

do you think tht anyone will start giving a fuk about what happened in poland 60 yrs ago just because a few people moan about it on a forum?

Thats the point numb nuts - lots of Poles do care about what happened 60 years ago because they lost family and want to know what happened. Why do you think there's a history thread.

Aren't you the dill who was pretending to be drunk and posting nasty stuff about Poles on the forum a few weeks ago? Sipping beers and typing on a computer - what an exciting life you must lead. Original nuttah my left nut.
Ozi Dan   
9 May 2008
History / Poles executed in Warsaw '1939-44' [112]


Better watch out tough guy or I'll kick you with my legs!

Seriously mate - haven't you got anything better to do than come here and dole out advices to people who don't really care what you think. Do you honestly believe that anyone here cares and will change their discussion habits because poor ol' Boobba doesn't like a moaner - I think you'll find no one likes a whingeing Pom.
Ozi Dan   
9 May 2008
History / Poles executed in Warsaw '1939-44' [112]

you are well advised to do the same

I didn't hear anyone ask you for your opinion on the subject. If we wish to ***** and moan about the past, or indeed talk about any subject, we will. If you don't like it, you are well advised to push on and wave the finger somewhere else.
Ozi Dan   
8 May 2008

See my thread in Polish History section.

Henryk Piekarski - shot at Palmiry with 190 others on 26.2.1940 in reprisal for the killing of Burgomaster Marilke.

Anna Wladyslawa Piekarska shot 14.6.40 - no other details.

Ryszard Dominczak - born 1909 and shot at Palmiry on 14.12.39 with 46 others.
Ozi Dan   
8 May 2008
History / Poles executed in Warsaw '1939-44' [112]


I have a Kazimierz Ceglinski b 1.1.20. Held in custody and shot 16.6.44 for 'vile and craven assaults' against Germans.

No exact match for 'Celinski' though.

There is also a Eugenia Ceglinska - not much detail but deported to a prison camp 6.6.44. As far as I can glean, for AK related activities.
Ozi Dan   
8 May 2008
History / Poles executed in Warsaw '1939-44' [112]

Hi all,

I have quite an extensive list of several thousand names of those Poles executed by the Nazis in Warsaw and its environs for the period 39-44.

If you suspect someone suffered this fate, give me a name and dob and I'll check the list. In some cases I can give the circumstances and photos (portraits) of those killed.
Ozi Dan   
2 May 2008
Life / How to deal with rude rich Polish people? [65]


You're a mindless cretin and an oxygen thief. You scorn Poland and the Polish because you wish you had one iota of one percent of some Polishness about you.
Ozi Dan   
2 May 2008
History / Significance of May 3rd in Poland [21]

The "nobles democracy" was in 18 th century already a very degenerated political form of a statehood .

The question I always asked was how wold it have worked if not for outside interference from C17 onwards.
Ozi Dan   
25 Apr 2008
Life / Do Polish people respect other cultures? [96]

My accent is now so high-pitched and nasal that only dogs can hear it and I inflect every statement I make so that it sounds like a question.

Actually, the episodes you refer to were the dubbed ones, where the English accent was dubbed over the original Australian one.

so i tanned his hide when he died, clyde,

... and left it hanging on the shed - altogether now: tie me kangaroo down sport, tie me kangaroo down etc.

Rolf Harris' music was actually a cultural experiment inflicted on you Poms. Some prominent Australian experts recognised that only the most knuckle draggingly primitive and vulgar cultures would allow Rolf Harris' music into their homes - apparently he made it to number one with a bullet in the UK "Top of the Pops".

still shaggin the wallabee?

That was actually a little urban myth created by some Aussie's who felt sorry for you Poms. There was (and presumably still is) some international indignation and uproar generated from the rampant Pommy practice of defiling sheep, and the Aussies felt it best to create a diversion - sorry to shatter the bubble bub ;-).

Pip pip and all the rest - my shout for a round of warmed lager and jellied eel!
Ozi Dan   
25 Apr 2008
Life / Do Polish people respect other cultures? [96]

It is a problem.

Bubba identified the British inability to hold a knife or fork.

You Poms are coming along well though - the first step toward rehabilitation is owning up to the problem.
Ozi Dan   
25 Apr 2008
Life / Do Polish people respect other cultures? [96]

Poles are some of the most cultured and culturally aware.

Here in Australia, the older generation Poles, and myself, still rise when a lady leaves the table and some still kiss hands. This is expected of a Polish gentlemen.

Perhaps the problems of the Poles not being culturally aware of say Britain is perhaps more an issue of Britain not having much culture rather than a deficiency on the side of the Poles? Dunno, just throwing it out there.
Ozi Dan   
22 Apr 2008
Life / What do Polish people think of burning the national flags? [58]

convicted of what? burning the flag is not illegal and it should never be.

He said it, not me.

Burning a flag is a pretty cowardly, particularly if it's your own country's flag.

If flag burning is a symbolic gesture behind a deep seated sense of misjustice or a grievance against the government/state etc, why not actually do something about it, like lobby, or petition or meet with a politician - oh, that's right, that would actually involve the mind rather than a lighter and some fuel.
Ozi Dan   
22 Apr 2008
Life / What do Polish people think of burning the national flags? [58]

It's the most pure expression of our freedom of expression!

Burning flags expresses nothing but disdain for the people who place great value in the symbolism of that flag. What argument do you put forward and that you hope will convince others by burning the flag?

On what grounds would you appeal if you were convicted?
Ozi Dan   
19 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / My Views Of Poles Working in the UK [169]

The Englsih are an extremely tolerable nation

Don't know about that mate! Some find the Poms hard to tolerate ha ha.
Ozi Dan   
19 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / My Views Of Poles Working in the UK [169]

Nothing wrong with confidence and because of it I have a lovely girlfriend :)

Ego alert!

You'd probably have an even lovelier girlfriend with a bit more humility and respect old fruit.
Ozi Dan   
19 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / My Views Of Poles Working in the UK [169]

Like my name on this site, common sense is a man's (and a woman's) greatest weapon.

Methinks you fumbled and dropped yours...
Ozi Dan   
15 Apr 2008
Life / Wearing Amber in Poland - a yay or a nay? [4]

I reckon wear it - I bought my missus several pieces of amber jewellery. It may stimulate discussion, given Poland's link with amber.
Ozi Dan   
15 Apr 2008
News / Yitzhak Shamir - prime minister of Israel with anti-polish sentiment [41]

We should have dumped your festering marshland long ago,

But you (I take it not you personally) didn't, did you, so your view is a bit cynical really. Nothing like being wise after the fact is there? You're doing nothing but inflaming the situation really.
Ozi Dan   
14 Apr 2008
History / Polish reenacting/Living History [5]

Good on you blokes for bearing the torch.

I have relatives in Warsaw who apparently have a factory that makes Polish military czapska's. All things going well, I'll be going there this year. I'd be happy to check if they have any older style czapka's for your groups. I cant promise anything though.
Ozi Dan   
12 Apr 2008
Life / Dungeons & Dragons - big in Poland?/Who here plays it [45]



As in matchlocks and firelocks, not modern weaponry. Certain rolls would lead to misfires, explosions etc - I made up an entire table just for firearms. The PC's absolutely loved them and I loved having them too (not much you can do but surrender in the face of a well drilled group of NPC's formed up with arquebuses facing you). Don't knock them if you haven't tried them!
Ozi Dan   
12 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / 90,000 Scottish Immigrants in Poland! [67]

Several tens of thousands of Scots settled in the area around Danzig in the early to mid C17 due to religious strife in Scotland and religious tolerance in Poland at the time. Napierkowski, for example, is a Polonised Scots name.
Ozi Dan   
12 Apr 2008
Life / Dungeons & Dragons - big in Poland?/Who here plays it [45]

Our DM (the bastard) set one of our player's against me because I had become a bit cocky. The PC eventually killed me in mysterious circumstances, and to cover their tracks they had the same guy that killed me resurrect me shortly thereafter so I wouldnt suspect foul play. I found out months later when I found my gear when searching his body after he died - very sneaky.

As a DM, I had an army against my group (with lots of NPC's). It ended up being a siege, and my group escaped after blowing the castle's powder store and escaping thru a hidden tunnel.

I also loved using the scenarios pre made in Dragon magazine.

Our DM gave us an Uber-equipement planning that we lose it in the meantime.

Best way to make PC's lose stuff is have them on a boat and capsize it ;-)
Ozi Dan   
11 Apr 2008
Life / Dungeons & Dragons - big in Poland?/Who here plays it [45]

Great stories.

When I DM'd I allowed firearms which made the game all the more fun. Needless to say, the PC's became reliant on their pistols at close quarters and I'd throw in quite a few misfires when they really didnt want it to happen!

I also loved sending assassins after them. One of their arch nemesis lasted a few months til they got him cornered in a sewer. They found out he was a high level wererat right at the end. Great fun.

I wonder if it would be feasible gaming over the net with an eyecam - like a conferrencing set up??
Ozi Dan   
11 Apr 2008
Life / Dungeons & Dragons - big in Poland?/Who here plays it [45]

d&d for real dude

I draw my +4 vorpal schword and lop off your head! Just kidding mate - sounds good. I take it you get dressed up and act out the role play rather than verbally decribe/draw etc
Ozi Dan   
11 Apr 2008
Life / Dungeons & Dragons - big in Poland?/Who here plays it [45]

2nd Ed rules were better..

Definitely. We used to mix with 1st Ed too, but mainly for the character classes.

We used to play all Saturday afternoon and usually hit the hay at about sunrise Sunday morning!

My fave characters were elf mages, cavaliers or Paladins.
Ozi Dan   
10 Apr 2008
History / Jewish love towards Poles [389]

Dan,just google Bielski Brothers

I saw a similar program on these people several months ago - what a distasteful bunch of people they were too. Members of this band, including the Bielski's themselves, were interviewed. I recall the eldest brother was lauded by everyone in the group - he struck me as something of a foppish robber-prince.

The gist I got from their exploits was that of terrorising the local peasants into giving them food etc. With shoulders shrugged, they'd relate that if they werent given what they wanted, they'd simply kill, because they were purportedly hated anyway. The overall ambience, for those who are unfamilair with this period of history, would be that these guys were a heroic band fighting both the German and Polish oppressor.

The thing that really galls me about these shows is that they never mention some of the real Jewish heroes - those who fought and died alongside Poles amongst others. Why dont they make a show about those Jews in the AK (limited though they may be) and those numerous Polish Jews who fought in the '44 Uprising. Oh wait - that may promote reconciliation - certainly doesnt appear to be on these guys' agenda.