Boy, you are a f****up moron. I pray to God that you don't represent an average person in Poland. But if you do, then my Old Country will remain a sh*t-hole for ever.
- Oh, how touchy he is about even the slightest word of criticism about Jews - so touchy he throws $hit at the alleged 'his' Old Country. Preferring not to notice the horrific Polonophobia of many Jews, its ultravulgar ultraslanderous expressions? Preferring not to remember e.g. the Stalinist period: Morel, Lola Potok, Berman, Wolinska-Brus, Michnik and the rest of the murderous bunch? - No, pal, Poland isn't your 'Old Country' and She isn't a sh*hole; it's you, I'm afraid, who are made of this precious matter. I consider those like you as ferocious enemies of Poland and Poles as Hitler and his bunch.
Jews were (and still are) targetted because
- Jews also target others, and very well indeed. For instance us Poles. For instance in this very forum. Preferring not to notice that? Learn history, ignorant hypocrite.
ask Palestinias holded in ghettos
- And e.g. the families of the Polish victims of Jewish Stalinists.
I have noticed a great deal of sympathy of Jews when they write in this forum about polish people
- For instance where?! What specific threads, posts?! I hope you wrote your post in a substance-induced state of mind...?