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Posts by joepilsudski  

Joined: 27 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 17 Oct 2012
Threads: Total: 26 / In This Archive: 23
Posts: Total: 1,388 / In This Archive: 686
From: United States
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: music & history

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20 Oct 2008
Life / Why are Polish people cheap? [126]

Some of this supposed behavior might come from having been exposed to Jewish culture for many years, or perhaps the Germans...And as for you, what is your ethnic heritage?
20 Oct 2008
History / Where did the stereotype of Polish people being stupid come from? [131]

Where did the stereotype of Polish people being stupid come from?

I am not 100% Polish, in fact I'm about every nationality. Every time I mention my great grandmother was Polish, I get the "dumb pollack" remark. Where exactly did it start? I've done so many internet searches and I can't come up with a definite answer. Some sites say it was the swift takeover by the Germans in WWII and others say it's because immigrants to America didn't speak much English. No immigrant speaks much English. Can anyone offer some insight on this stereotype? Thanks

Some of this comes from hostility, some from stupidity, some from jealousy and some from reality.
20 Oct 2008

The president was told he can't go because a pilot fell ill and there is no-one to fly his plane there. Kaczyński says he can get to Brussels in otehr ways than using the official plane.

He could have hitch-hiked...Is this still legal in the USSEUR?
9 Oct 2008
History / Who were European natives? What happened to them? Where they are? [79]

What were the beliefs ?

They were animists and nature worshippers; they worshipped the phallus, and practiced human sacrifice to fertility gods...On the other other hand, I have read some 'histories' from anthropologists stating that , at least in parts of the Iberian peninsula and France, ancient society was primarily agricultural and based on matriarchy, and was peaceful in nature...The problems came later when Scythians or their relatives, invaded with HORSES, and turned the peaceful agricultural society into a 'slash and burn' 'hunter-gatherer' modality...the religion of this matriarchal society was probably a form of nature worship, without overt 'phallic' symbolism and such.
8 Oct 2008
News / "We buy out Poland, Hungary, and Romania!" - the President of Israel [74]

How to think about that? First it looks to me like a joke, but finally the last sentence is quite improtant. I'm not antisemitic, to say that first, but obviously the influence of the jewish lobby in poland is rising exponentially, e.g. if you see such projects like the planned "Shalom Tower" in Warsaw:
This project will cost more than several hundred million Euro, where does all this money come from? And who needs such a gigantic project, just for the jewish community, when there are not living more than 5.000 to 6.000 jews in whole poland. Very strange!

I'll tell you what I think...The 'official' Jewish culture is all a 'Tower of Babel', whether it be building skyscrapers or gambling casinos or banking networks...They worship at the Golden Calf...And of course they want to 'buy' Poland, along with other Eastern European nations...The already 'own' a large chunk of Hungary...They 'own' much of the USA, but they have gone too far here, with their 'non-Jewish' partners, and it is falling apart...The historic home of the Khazars/Eastern Jews is, of course, the region between the Caspian and Black Seas, which includes the Ukraine and Souhtern Russia...they wish to reconquer this too, but Putin has blocked the way...The ultimate Jewish aim is a global 'Pax Judaica' with it's capitol in Jerusalem, control of Europe through the EU, and, finally the control of Russia...Poland, which gave a home to the Jews when no one else would take them, has a special place in their hearts; Yes, they dream of 'buying' it, because then they would be justified for all the 'suffering' they went through in Poland...Pehaps Yiddish will become the second, or first language again when they make the final settlement.

Also, if Israel goes down the tubes, and it is only a question of when & how, many Jews will need a place to go...Europe is a preferred destination.
8 Oct 2008
News / Should Poland let in refugees from USA ? [80]


Sure let them in...We let in many refugees: Polish, Germans, Ukranian, Jews...Hey, I want to be a refugee or an immigrant to Poland...I'm tired of it here...Anyone willing to sponsor me?


I remember when you were down
You would always come running to me
I never denied you and I would guide you
Through all of your difficulties
Now Im calling all citizens from all over the world
This is captain america calling
I bailed you out when you were down on your knees
So will you catch me now Im falling

7 Oct 2008
Life / Using of a handkerchief by Polish men... [15]

I think it's a good idea to have a handkerchief...Especially if you need to blow your nose...However, tissues are good, too...You can blow your nose or spit into a tissue and not look like a bum: they also can be recycled.
4 Oct 2008
News / What is the future of Catholic church in Poland. [154]

You make some very good points...the Church is, indeed, the assembly of it's faithful: the Body of Christ...The Church has always been a cornerstone of Polish civilization, and it will continue to be...My main objections with regard to Catholicism is the Vatican...You must understand that the Vatican is also a 'political entity', and a bureaucracy...I feel that in many, many ways the Vatican has lost the guidance of the Holy Spirit...Also, the Church's ban on allowing priests to marry is a big error...It has no basis in Scripture...This ban is the cause of the rampant homosexuality among the clergy...In closing, the heart of the Church is, as you said the believers, and this is best expressed and displayed at the local level...Remember, the Greatest Parrish Priest was Jesus Christ.
3 Oct 2008
News / Dealing with constant insults against Polish [323]

My dear Juliet:

You are so angry, so I will make you laugh:

What happened when an insurgent missile hit the Polish Embassy in Baghdad?

The one light bulb was knocked out!

This Pole got married, but he was too dumb to know what to do on his wedding night.

"For God’s sake, Stan," said his bride, "you take that thing you play with and you put it where I pee."

So he got up and threw his bowling ball in the sink.

and here's a Jewish one:

Why do Jewish women hate colostomies?

Because they can never find shoes that match the bag!

2 Oct 2008
News / What is the future of Catholic church in Poland. [154]

You are interchanging two things here imply GOD is CHRISTIAN!
You imply if people reject CHRISTIANITY they reject GOD...but God(s) come in many forms.
If Christianity wanders into insignificance mankind will survive it (and God too)....

No, no...How can God be a Christian?...He is God...Jesus Christ was not a Christian, nor a 'Jew' in His earthly life...Jesus is considered the founder of what is called Christianity...But he never identified Himself with any kind of 'religious ritual' while on earth, except for baptism.

I am for religious tolerance, and I believe that many people have a concept and belief in God...But, as a believer in Christ, I believe that He provides mankind with a bridge to His Father, and presents us with a promise of Eternal Life...There is no such promise from any other 'religion', although other religions do have some concept of a life beyond what we have here...And I do not for a minute believe that Christianity will devolve into insignifigance, because mankind will not survive it.
2 Oct 2008
News / What is the future of Catholic church in Poland. [154]

Christians rejected Zeus, Perun and others. Does it mean they have no morals?

Christians rejected these because they were false gods...But, for the sake of argument, as I am open minded, perhaps you can point me to some Holy Scriptures of Zeus or Perun, and I can read them...or, at least, some prophets of these gods, so I can read their words..Wait...Weren't the Stoics believers in Zeus?
2 Oct 2008
News / Rothschilds Open Banking Network in Poland: Allianz Polska [19]

I'm in Ireland and our govt has just decided to guarantee all accounts. That's good, but now all the scumbags from overseas are putting their money here because they know it's safe.

Now, why could the govt not have said that everything already invested is guaranteed up until the announcement date and anything deposited later is not guaranteed.

Yes, it is interesting what Ireland had done...I was listening to BBC World Service last night and they talked about this...And your second point is spot on, because what has happened in the US, and in the UK to some degree, is that the banks become money laundries for foreign interests, who then 'leverage' the system and milk it dry.
2 Oct 2008
News / What is the future of Catholic church in Poland. [154]

Since you reject God, this is a rhetorical exercise for you...There is no 'core mythology' concerning Jesus Christ...These are words you have learned from the foolish lips of what are called 'intellectuals' fact, you know not of what you speak...I don't mean to be harsh with you, but you have already fallen victim to the 'secular mythology'...God is the source of all morals and righteousness...Without God, man is simply a deluded victim of his own pride...Have you not learned this from history?...Man imagines, in his vanity, that he can create a 'utopia'...You have many vain English & French 'philosophers', and spiritually ill 'thinkers' such as Marx, Hegel, Nietzsche who have driven themselves mad and caused sorrow for mankind by these 'imaginings', and by the vain men who follow such crap ...As I said, if man turns his face away from God, all is lost....These are not words you will hear in your public schools, or even universities, nor from the media...Why?...Because God is an inconvient 'mythology' to them, and a belief in God will make them see themselves for who they truly are...And they are too proud for this.
2 Oct 2008
News / What is the future of Catholic church in Poland. [154]

The Catholic Church will do well in Poland, and in other countries...For example, I read a story in the NY Times yesterday about Catholic schools in France, which is a country founded on atheism in the modern era...The Catholic schools are accepting Muslims, because many Muslims reject the 'secular' French schools were their girls are persecuted, and cannot wear headscarves...The Catholic schools do not enforce this religious persecution...Muslims in Catholic schools, you may ask?...

Better for the Catholics to show this tolerance and let the Muslims attend...Some will think that the catholic schools will be subverted by this...No, I say...Jesus Christ works in mysterious ways at times, and through the kindness of local parrish priests, as shown here, many Muslims will be, in fact, converted, and learn about Christ...Read the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman.

Also, do not confuse the Church with the Vatican...the Vatican is a political entity, a dead bureucracy akin to the fact, through the mechanism/spirit of Freemasonry, they work together...Christianity will never die, because you cannot kill Jesus Christ...He is risen...But, if the Polish and European people turn their face from Him, then all will be lost.
2 Oct 2008
Life / Poland Miracles [7]

Yeah, communism disappeared and hasn't resurfaced ;)

Very good.

This is sort of thing I am thinking happens many times and goes unrecorded.

Jesus Christ comes 'as a thief in the night'.
2 Oct 2008
News / Dealing with constant insults against Polish [323]

Hello. My name is Benjamin Spychaj. I recently mentioned I am Polish to my friends and they constantly make jokes about my people. Every single day I have to hear about how Polish cavalry attacked German tanks with swords, how Polish have small penises, how "Polacks" are stupid and cannot do anything right. Does anyone have good ways to counter these kinds of jokes? Sometimes they really **** me off and I am tempted to go Polack and throw them out the window.

Pan Spychaj:

Do not be upset...If your current girlfriend or wife is satisfied with you penis, and how you use it, there is no reason to be troubled...In the 'Kingdom Come' you will not have a material penis in any case...Now, if Poles as a nation wish to eliminate this 'anti-Polonia' and hateful propaganda against them, they should do as the Jews do: buy up major organs of the press, make films, TV shows and educate the world as to the truth about the Poles...Also, this way we will not have to hear endlessly about the Jewish 'holocaust'...When Poles own the media, we can tell the truth about the slaughter of 3 million Poles by the Nazis and Communists.

Sto Lat, JoePilsudski
2 Oct 2008
Life / polish-indian couple looking for baby names [28]

My wife is Polish and I am Indian we live in the US. We are about to have a baby girl and we wanted to try to find a name that works in both cultures.

How about 'Chandanaska'?
2 Oct 2008
News / This is horrible... Baby farm in Poznan!!!! [41]

Polish 'Fertility Farm' to Open in Przemysl

IHT October 2, 2008
by Boleslaw Shumski

Polish 'Investment Capital' group Brudny Interes LTD, announced that it would be financing the construction and operation of a 'fertility farm' outside of the Polish city of Przemysl in Eastern Poland. This was announced by Brudny VP Stasiu Glebko yesterday. The 'farm' would work as a supplier to the new baby 'mini-mart' to be opened in Warsaw in partnership with American retail giant Wal-Mart. Glebko estimated that the 'farm' would be ready to open in some six months time. Female 'surrogates' would be drawn primarily from Romania and Moldova, Glebko said, because of relatively high unemployment rates there. But he also noted that Polish women would make up a good portion of the work force within a years time, because 'Polish women are industrious and provide a good breeding stock'and provide a 'high quality product' for the expected European/UK/US customers.

For more, go here:
2 Oct 2008
News / Poland to open its first-ever baby store selling human babies [21]

I wonder if their prices are going to be lower than at the other stores.

Brudny Interes LTD VP Stasiu Grebko announced that 'Initially prices for the babies would range from 10-15000 Euros, depending, of course, on the child's age, characteristics, appearance. And we will acept zlotys of equivalent value, along with major credit cards'. Grebko also said financing will be available through a major Polish bank yet to be announced. Grebko said that the purchase would be ' easier then buying a car.'
2 Oct 2008
News / Poland to open its first-ever baby store selling human babies [21]

Wal-Mart Announces New 'Baby-Mart' to Open in Warsaw

IHT October 1, 2008
by Boleslaw Shumski

The American retail giant Wal-Mart announced that it would open up a 'baby store' in Poland's capitol Warsaw, a spokesman for the company announcd today. Natasha Walton, Wal-Mart public relations person in Europe said that the store was going to be run as a joint venture with the Polish retail group Brudny Interes LTD. The store would sell infants from the age of 6 weeks to one year. Ms. Walton stated that 'there is a big market in Europe and the UK for infants, mostly consisting of 'infertile' couples who have been unable to procreate themselves. These couples have a usually have a much higher than average income level, and the demand is there'. The store expects a brisk trade. Wal-Mart and Brudny Interes considered having the 'baby store' as an 'online' shop, via the Internet, but certain EU Internet regulations posed a problem, so they decided to open an actual store. The pilot store in warsaw will not be a typical mega Wal-Mart operation, but rather more of a boutique 'mini-mart'. Initially, most of the infants will come from Romania, Moldova and also some Asian 'breeders'. But Ms. Walton stated that Brudny Interes LTD hope to establish a Polish 'breeding farm,' as a spur to local and regional business development.............
1 Oct 2008
News / Are we going in this direction - Orwell 1984 [11]

In short, yes, but not as crudely as portrayed in Orwell's novel...'1984' was REQUIRED reading when I was in high school...I'm sure it is not now...For my perspective on how this is being played out, go to my weblog:

and read my essay 'The Ministry of Truth'...It is about the third article down when you open up the link.
1 Oct 2008
Life / 'The Pianist' - the movie. What's your opinion? Polanski [59]

I don't think, as far as thinking goes, that you have understood my post in the slightest.

I read and understood your post quite well...The point I was making was that mindless violence leaves one numb, and sometimes one must get past politics to recognise the effect this violence has on everyone.

I thought that this film was not very difficult to interpret. How wrong I was...

No, you were correct...Some posters have gotten too wrapped up in politics in regard to the film...I am guilty of this myself at times...But in the case of 'The Pianist', I thought the message was one of man's inhumanity to man, and also man's ability to endure through seemingly hopeless circumstances.