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Posts by mets2redsox0  

Joined: 24 Mar 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 20 Oct 2009
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Posts: Total: 40 / In This Archive: 21
From: Stamford CT
Interests: Movies, Broadway Show's, the outdoor's and Life in general

Displayed posts: 21
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5 Oct 2009
Love / Why do Polish Women Think They Know Better? [134]

Why do Polish Women Think They Know Better?

Two Reason's:

1, they are Women

2, they are Polish-Women

No more need be said!. LOL!. :-D

Love them!, or Leave them!, if you leave them!, you'll miss them!!.
28 Jun 2009
History / 1940 massacre of Poles remains potent issue [35]

I don't think so. It was discovered in 1942 by Polish railroad workers, but it was not believed at that time. Then the Germans unearthed the remains in April 1943

The Allies were aware that the Nazis had found a mass grave as the discovery transpired, via radio transmissions intercepted and decrypted by Bletchley Park. Germans and the international commission, which was invited by Germany, investigated the Katyn corpses and soon produced physical evidence that the massacre took place in early 1940, at a time when the area was still under Soviet control.

the link: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn_massacre

I hope you mean that Stalin knew

Yes, Unlce Joe Signed the order, but, who knew that the Brit's Knew from his spy at Bletchley Park .

What's the spy's name and rank?

that shouldn't be easy to figure out, how many Polish Officer's worked at Bletchley Park at that time!.
28 Jun 2009
History / 1940 massacre of Poles remains potent issue [35]

the Nazi invasion of USSR or subsequent events that followed in the years after the executions which led to the discovery of the NKVD's mass graves.

the Funny thing is the British Knew in Real Time, as the German Forces unearth the remains, they (German's in the field) Radioed all of the names (of the dead) back to Berlin, and the Brit's at Bletchley Park listen in and noted (all the names of the dead) what the German had found at Katyn, so, it's No Question at all, what had happened there!, the Soviets (the KNVD) did it, not the Germans, and the Brit's knew it in 1941, and so did Stalin, since, he had a spy at Bletchley Park, a Polish Officer no less, Sorry to say!. :-(
26 Jun 2009
Feedback / What if Polishforums would not exist? [50]

I haven't met nice guy in here.

well, that maybe true for you! (Arlene), but, there are some of us (nice guy's) here and still around!, Romance is alive and well!. All You Need is Love!!! (Lennon & McCartney). Scott :-)
19 Jun 2009
News / Poland and Germany - Germany unhappy with the present border with Poland? [88]

"Expulsion of Germans after World War II. From 1944 until 1948, between 13.5 and 16.5 million Germans were expelled, evacuated or fled from Central and Eastern Europe, making this the largest single instance of ethnic cleansing in recorded history. Estimated number of those who died in the process is being debated by historians and estimated between 500,000 and 3,000,000"

Well, let me put my Two Cents in here, Now, I am Second Generation Irish / Lithuanian American.

Having said all of that, the last Time I checked, the German's (the Nazi's, Hitler) Started World War II in Europe in the first place, and the Russian's Kicked-Out (or Killed) all the German's and all of the People of German heritage from the east back in to what became East German!, after the War was over!.
19 Jun 2009
History / Gdansk and it's history with Poland [116]

well, to use a Cliton-ism, that depend's on when? "The city is close to the former boundary between West Slavic and Germanic lands and it has a complex political history with long spells of Polish rule interspersed with periods of German control and two spells as a free city. For much of its history the majority of its inhabitants were German-speakers who referred to their city as Danzig, but after World War II it again became part of Poland".

I was under the Belief that before 1945, that the majority of the people living in Gdańsk were of German heritage and the people living around Gdańsk were of Polish heritage, until after the war, when the Russian's Kicked-out almost all of the German's out of Gdańsk!, along with what was East Prussia and most of what was (Eastern Part of) the Prussia German State as September of 1939.
18 Jun 2009
Life / "K*rwa"-why do young Poles find this word so cool ? [67]

well, I've never dated anyone of that age range!, LOL!. but, I can say, with the one born in 1982, she told Never, use this word (Kurwa) when we were in Greenpoint (New York), but, she did use it all the time!. LOL!.
18 Jun 2009
Life / "K*rwa"-why do young Poles find this word so cool ? [67]

after reading all of the above post's, I just had to put my two-cent's in for what it's worth!.

I think, it's a generational thing, I when dated a Polish Woman who was born in 1972 (we dated five years ago), she never used the word "Kurwa" but, there again, I dated Polish Woman who was born in 1982 (we dated a year ago), she used it all, and I mean all the time!, both were highly Educated, but, it was night and day between them!.

as to the use of the "F" Word, by English speaker's?, That depends on where you are, here in the US, the "F" word is not used, by most people, where in the UK, the "F" word is much more widely used, like on the BBC and in News print!, where here, it cannot be used on Broadcast TV. Bloody, or Bloody Hell in the UK is like the "F" word is here in the US.
18 Jun 2009
Food / baby food in Poland - culture differences in feeding babies. [23]

after reading all of the above post's, I just had to put my two-cent's in for what it's worth!.

I was raised by a work at home mom (my mom was first generation born here, Lithuanian / American), and having been breast fed, I believe (for myself that is), that I have a better relationship along with a great deal of respect for the female breast, now, having said that, from what I understand (that is), not all women can or do breast feed their babies for many reason's, but, "they" say (who ever "they" are that is), the best thing (food wise) for baby is mom's milk, so, I think, in this day and age, it's a balancing act for many!.

Once, upon a time (long, long ago, in a far of Galaxy, LOL) a Wet Nurse was not uncommon to be found (A wet nurse is a woman who breast-feeds a baby that is not her own. These children may be known as milk-siblings and in some cultures share a special relationship). but, thank's to good folk's at Gerber (and other Companies), that profession has gone the way of the Candlestick maker and whale oil salesmen!. LOL!.

I am very interested to see what posting's follow this one!, LOL! :-q Scott :-)
11 Jul 2007
Love / Polish mail order brides? [89]

Polish mail order brides and Russian's??::

You have a Catalog?, do you take pay'pal?, LOL
11 Jul 2007
Love / OK then Girls, whats good about the Polish lady?? [46]

Well, Polish women, they are the best in many ways, some are they are Big Hearted, Intelligent, Loving and besides they are the best Kisser's on the earth, better then French Girl's!!!!!!!!, Scott :-D
24 Mar 2007
Love / Illegal Polish girl wants me to marry her for citizenship [124]

Misiu28 said:
I just don't understand why Polish people can work so hard to make a life in America, but they just let their own country go to hell. I guess it's easier to just run away.

that's harsh!, sometimes, us American's forget "we" all came from someplace else,