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Posts by dtaylor5632  

Joined: 2 May 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Jan 2013
Threads: Total: 18 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 1998 / In This Archive: 240
From: Kraków/Poland
Speaks Polish?: Spytałem rodziców i mogę iść na dyskotekę
Interests: Everything and anything

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10 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Brits Are 'Dangerously Lazy And Idle' [53]

You forgot to mention that 73% of those survery said they were too tired to have sex at the end of the day. ;)

hehe! glad to see this thread cleaned up...
9 Aug 2009
Travel / Thinking about having a roadtrip in Poland... [41]

Makes me an easy target for those gold-digging Lodz girls

Every girl from lodz is a gold-digging crazy assed biatch. Anyone I know who has had a girl from there has always complained about this or that :D
9 Aug 2009
Love / Abuse in relationships (my first Polish girlfriend) [216]

Why did she find that acceptable?

Because I was pushing her to loose her temper. I'm a calm guy so I cant really be bothered with someone arguing, I just pretend not to listen and repeat uhuh over and over...

She admitted it was not acceptable a few days later, we broke up a month or so later after constant arguments.
9 Aug 2009
Love / Abuse in relationships (my first Polish girlfriend) [216]

I have always found Polish girls a little bit more highly strung. My first Polish gf once cut my face with an empty beer can. I understood why she did it, I was being a little bit of a prick, but still I thought it was over the top. She didn't though.
8 Aug 2009
News / Rydzyk gets away with racism yet again [198]

The church is probably the only side in political arena

haha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Of course those who dislike the teaching of the church would welcome such resignation with open arms.

ever had sex lesser???

Of course he was not condemned by Vatican, delicately lectured if anything.

Not or was made to NOT?
8 Aug 2009
Love / What are your views (or Polish views) on abortion? [102]

If a woman thought she could approach the said man

There are too many if, buts, and maybes. If there is a chance of being able to air a view, then let it be aired. Im not talking about rape or **** here. Atleast let the opinion be heard.

Again if two people make this baby....shouldnt the two people agree to what happens to it??
In an ideal world of course.

Also what do u think about mothers who are clearly not fit to be them?

agree, so is judging others with negative remarks.

Get used to that, its lessers way ;)
8 Aug 2009
Love / What are your views (or Polish views) on abortion? [102]

Im not going to blame myself for the fact that women do not haemorrhage to death because they had a back street abortion.

I think u will find that this guy likes to blame life problems on those he feels aren't up to his so called level.

Who said she had fun? Men are guaranteed an orgasm, pregnancy is proof of that, women on the other hand are not.

Well not only, do u go into sex knowing you will have an orgasm?

Why do you think that is?

Many reasons of course. But why should a guy be left out of the process?

Only one to carry it for 9 months and take care of it for the rest of its life

Not exactly true, there are plenty of guys who if given the choice would do a lot more to be a part of that childs life.

All im saying is that there is a choice. Which I fully believe should be taken by both parties if possible. Unfortunately that is always the choice, final decision should be taken by the lass, but not without any talk with the guy.
7 Aug 2009
Love / What are your views (or Polish views) on abortion? [102]

1. Woman have abortions.

2. Women have safe abortions in countries where its legal

3. Woman do not die through having abortions to the degree they would if they were illegal.

4. Legalised abortion is a good thing.


5. If men had to have babies the abortion rate would be a lot higher.

hmm not sure about this, us guys love our kids aswell.

6. People shouldnt judge a person for their actions if they dont know the other persons situation.

again agreed.

7. Why are men so moralist about this, they had their fun they walked away, what the hell do they care?

The women did too obviously... but they have the option, we dont.

9. Men convince women to abort.

Sometimes, and sometimes the woman aborts without telling the guy.

10. Women have the right.

Should men too? it takes two to tango ;)
7 Aug 2009
Study / Do I really need a bulletproof vest to study in Poland? [35]

your military back ground shows, now stop fooling people here, although I enjoy your sense of humour.

I doubt anyone would take me seriously, it's a bit of a daft thread IMO, though im in Krakow where its common nature these days to see all cultures.

Reminds me of a story when I was sitting on Ayr beach with the ex, an a seagull came down and took her hotdog right out her hand. I thought it was hilarious but she actually tried to blame me!!! Like I had some psychic control over the seagull :D

Here is something i have just noticed, where the hell is the off-topic discussions? are they not shown on the front page?
7 Aug 2009
Study / Do I really need a bulletproof vest to study in Poland? [35]

you did not get hit in a head at the paint ball party did you LOL.

Not quite, I only got shot twice the whole time i was there, on the foot, and at point blank range on my spine....no head injuries I've noticed :)

I thought that was haggis shaggers they were after ???

Auch aye, bi ye cannie catch the wee buggers so it makes the whole love making process quite difficult.

Gotta be kidding!

Seriously, armoured vehicles are the way to go. Make sure you mount them first with a few flame-throwers...
7 Aug 2009
Study / Do I really need a bulletproof vest to study in Poland? [35]

You might want to look out for some armoured vehicles, Poles tend to place bombs on roads where black people are known to be. Having a small private army force might be an idea too...
6 Aug 2009
Love / What are your views (or Polish views) on abortion? [102]

Really? Let me know about criteria and who is a decider?

By whether a child will have a healthy life, or it could end up with the mothers life being taken due to complications during the birthing process.

I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.

Times have moved on mate, the oath evolves with the times.

Honestly, if your wife was pregnant, but you both were told by doctors that giving birth to that child would end her life..... what would you do?

I kinda bored of the convo really, closed mindedness is a real convo killer for me.

Caregiver with out hippocratic oath = Medical mercenary.

Na, just someone who can have opinions without it affecting my professional views. At work I do what I need to.
6 Aug 2009
Love / What are your views (or Polish views) on abortion? [102]

So you are saying that women should not bother men when they become pregnant.

Well then its still up to the guy to be safe, actually upto to them both. But you cant really complain for knocking someone up then don't take responsibility. I doubt turning round and punching the girl is the right way to go. I agree that men get a raw deal. In my opinion if the lass wants to keep the baby, she shouldnt force the guy into these high payments if he doesnt want to be part of its life.

Still, even mentioning that stupid falcon whatever, is fecked up.
6 Aug 2009
Love / What are your views (or Polish views) on abortion? [102]

But you are the one who is ruled by emotions as I stated earlier. Otherwise you would not write about poverty because this is not a subject of this thread.

I write about poverty because of the amount of resources that are poured onto to that group when it comes to abortion. If you read me properly then you would have seen that shock horror, I agreed with your point.

Oath stand in defence of human life, literally oppose abortions. You really need to educate yourself...

That stands true untill you have situation that the life in the womb is worth risking the carriers life.

Nonsense, you don't follow oath and I never claimed otherwise.

If I didnt, i still wouldn't be a registered nurse. Still what are you talking about, cos i really am lost with this....what oath are we speaking about now, medical?

Gosh, you really have some obsession! In our little conversation you are the only one who is writing about religion over and over. I did not mention religion even once, are you blind?

Ah but I already know that from previous debates with you, that your opinion is only ruled by your religion.

I dare anyone to give me a compelling argument as to why a man should be punished for this and a woman not.

In the same way a man or woman shouldn't lay a finger on another person.... do you know the damage this can cause someone? I'm guessing not, but if you really approve in that practise then I guess murder (for the woman) is like water off a ducks back. Prat.
6 Aug 2009
Love / What are your views (or Polish views) on abortion? [102]

Although I agree that men get short shrift on this one, often sadly for them and the child.

Its more to do with the physical side of it. Women have to do all the work, so even if a man says he wants an abortion, you cant violate the womans body because of it.
6 Aug 2009
Love / What are your views (or Polish views) on abortion? [102]

You need rather think why your belief are sooooooo backward.

I don't, because when you add emotion to the equation, you end up making the wrong decisions. To be able to have an outside view and not get attached is a good ability, it allows you to think with logic, not emotional attachments. For example I have one pill that can cure a 79 year old from her terminal sickness, or save a child's life who is suffering from same sickness.... who do I give the pill to? Obviously the child as he/she will prosper more, and live for a longer time.

stand unchanged since Hippocrates wrote his oath.

If it wasn't for these so called hippocrates, I doubt JP2nd would have lasted as long as he did. Maybe you want to think carefully why there is an oath? It was really stupid thing to say I think, it shows your maturity on the subject.

You have wrote about your emotions.

his is really strange, once you accuse me of following a hippocratic oath, then you accuse me of too emotional??? Will you make up your mind?

Following an oath..... from you that is even funnier 10 commandment boy. Who pushes your "oaths" on other people. Again back to subject, as religion has nothing to do with this topic.
5 Aug 2009
Life / Scot moving to Poland. [12]

Well good luck to u, and keep in touch, im sure we would enjoy a beer together ;)
5 Aug 2009
Love / Need help figuring out a polish guy [55]

For a guy to love someone, he needs sex, for a girl to have sex, they need love.... we are fecked from the beginning :D
5 Aug 2009
Life / Scot moving to Poland. [12]

You could make it here, like anyone who is prepared to work hard and take life as it gives it.
Personally I would look at complimenting your cheffing income with other options. But i think this could be very difficult as cheffing will require alot of your time here IF you are to be able to live off it. Fact with Krakow is that expats don't get cheffing jobs unless they have a spanking CV and speak the lingo.

My advise for now would be to look elsewhere for looking at jobs. The places I know that take on ex-pats in the kitchens, dont pay great.
4 Aug 2009
Love / What are your views (or Polish views) on abortion? [102]

So when you already presented your beliefs, please answer to my non-religious arguments. I promise to comment tomorrow.

Take ur time mate, id love for u to challenge what is considered world wide practised medical knowledge.
My beliefs are based on the faxt ive seen many kids die, turn to crime, or even kill themselves cos they didnt have families there....ur experience is going to come from a book published 2000 years ago which has less facts than the lord of the rings yes?
4 Aug 2009
Love / What are your views (or Polish views) on abortion? [102]

The right of abortion is left to the mother alone, it is a life choice, not religious ( like the CC ever knew something about family values). It is a decision to be taken by the parent. For me it isnt to be forced on someone. People make mistakes sometimes... 25 weeks is enough time to make the decision.