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Posts by markcooper  

Joined: 27 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 13 Jan 2010
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 80 / In This Archive: 66
From: London
Speaks Polish?: NO
Interests: Various

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23 Dec 2009
Food / Looking for Cider around Poznan Area [16]

I saw Strongbow in a bar in Poznan...

Sad really. People drinking cider for the first time will be of the opinion that Strongbow is the real thing. Rather than the cheap imitation that it is. Terrible stuff.
23 Dec 2009
Food / Looking for Cider around Poznan Area [16]

Miss me Cider very much...........

The last few times Ive been to Wroclaw have looked for cider. In the bar and also shops but can't find any. Coming from Gloucester I love the stuff. ( the real stuff). Don't think they sell it in Poland. Start exporting it mate. It will soon catch on.
23 Dec 2009

they haven't traveled is why

They have tried travelling on mass, two times in recent history. Both times firmly put back into thier place.
21 Dec 2009
UK, Ireland / Do you know any Polish war emigrants living in UK? [7]

Lots of Polish ex militiary in Lincolnshire. This due to lots of airbases located in this area during WW11. Basically after the war they just decided to settle in this area. I myself was in the Air Force in Lincoln so know the area quite well. You will find Polish communities in the following villages.

Metheringham, Sleaford, Scopwick, Ruskington, Digby and Branston
17 Dec 2009

I think it's cool that Brits are emigrating to Poland

You can never have to many British !
9 Dec 2009
UK, Ireland / What is the british obsession with Polish workers [39]

The huge problem in the uk, and the most expensive are asylum seekers.

Yes mate but it is not " thier" problem but " our" stupid governments fault for offering them all these benefits. Why do you think they are all camped in thier thousands along the coast of france ( notice i spell france with a small f and not a capital) like some medievil army awaiting to invade. France and Germany are the clever ones " nothing here for you mate so best fxx off". Also and just as important the government make money off them ( at our expense). Not sure how much but per head of imigrant we take in some £££s are handed out by the World Health Organisation and similar organisations. But we the public still pick up the peices by being taxed heavily to subsidise them. So I would say they are a problem but caused by the government policy on this subject. Please forget this arguement that some put across that we are a caring, free, democratic and humanistic nation and that's why we take them in. Sadly it's all down to £££s and jo public have to live with it. It stinks
3 Dec 2009
Love / Polish girls are pretty and high on morality. [65]

I find polish girls very pretty and high on morality

In general pretty " yes" high on morality " no !!" ( you have this wrong mate, no.....no way!)
30 Nov 2009

and if you have ever visited these areas you will know exactly what I mean.

Sorry I don't know what you mean. Can you please " spell it out" explain. Anyway the polish would have no right to complain ( and i don't think they will). Walk around any city / town in the UK. You will see there is a large and somtimes overwheliming number of polish people.
9 Nov 2009
History / 9th November 1989: And the wall came tumbling down [113]

Oh and for your question...Gorbatschov, definitely.

I would say Leonid Brezhnev. For failing to notice economic changes around the world and basically sticking his head in the sand ( Which is what russians / russia does best) Hence Russia not making the nessessary adjustments. A decade later they were bankcrupt.
9 Nov 2009
History / 9th November 1989: And the wall came tumbling down [113]


Was living in Berlin at the time ( Kladow district), and was in the Air Force. Went back there a few months ago. Suprising how many people would like the wall put back up. Conveniently forgetting the STASI, the effect they had on everyday life, and the brutality involved in running this mass prison. I don't think the GDR would have been a nice place to live
6 Nov 2009
History / Fall of the Wall II [8]

I lived in Berlin during these times ( 1979-84). Our flat was in a district called Kladow. The flat being only a few hundered yards from the wall. Interesting times.

We have a girl renting a room off us at the moment. Half Ukraine half Russian. Try telling her or her friends there is anything to celebrate. " it was better in the past " is the usual response.
5 Nov 2009
Love / Do not marry Polish woman [212]

so finally, all Poles are psychos indeed.

Well I am just refering to girlfriend and her friends, don't know about phycos but they are deluded. Nice but void of common sense and deluded. Mild insanity, if you were to see these traits in the early signs of adolesents you would make an appointment for you child to vist the doctor.
5 Nov 2009
Love / Do not marry Polish woman [212]

[quote=southern]Slavic behvaiour can strike as absurd and irrational [/quote]

your forgot deluded /delusional (a belief or impression that is not in accordance with a generally accepted reality. ) or Self delusion (when you allow yourself to believe something that is not true).

My girlfriend althrough very nice suffers from this. I have suggested she gets help but.......because she is deluded she is of the belief it is not necessary. All her friends are deluded as well but she/they can not see this for the same reason. If you came to visit my house when they have a girly get together, you could be forgiven for thinking you have walking into a house for the insane. Best just to let them get on with it. ( in thier mad world!!)
22 Oct 2009
Life / Surgery in Poland (varicose veins)...anyone with experience/advice? [18]

I spoke to the surgeon after my operation.He said the cause was ( explained in my none medical vocabulary !!) . That basically veins have valves, these get blocked which causes the vein to die due to lack of oxygen. Once dead they expand to over 100 / 150 size thier width and float to top of the skin / surface hence making them look worse than what they really are.

He went on to say that it was nothing to do with diet / lifestyle etc
22 Oct 2009
Life / Surgery in Poland (varicose veins)...anyone with experience/advice? [18]

they are not symptomatic of anything that is seriously wrong
Varicose veins can be painful when you stand up for a long time.

If you were to see mine you would think they are painful as look terrible ( especially for somone of my age!) But they not painful at all. One of the causes though is staning up for to long.
22 Oct 2009
Life / Surgery in Poland (varicose veins)...anyone with experience/advice? [18]

No need to go to poland mate. Have a look at this website [benenden.org.uk]
It's a trust rather than private medical insurance and offers affordable health cover for things such at varicose veins and minor operations. The only hurdle / snag being that if you join you can not claim for the first few months. Have not checked but think it is 3 or 6 months.

Had my left leg varicose veins removed last year. Bebenden were great. Within 5 weeks of phoning them up they had me into thier london clinic so the surgeon could take a look then straight into hospital for the operation. Went in on a Thursday morning. Operation was same day and back home by friday morning, and only requred 5 days off work for recovery. First class all went very well. In three weeks I go in to have my other leg done.

The varicose veins are a pain in the arse. On both legs they went from nothing to stretching from ankle to top of leg ( groin area). Surgeon was saying they are not symptomatic of anything that is seriously wrong, so i would not worry to much.
20 Oct 2009
News / BNP far right in Poland [116]

Does anyone know if Poland has a similar political party to the BNP. If so are they popular ??
19 Oct 2009
Life / How many people really know English in Poland? [53]

do Polish people speak English ?

Well..............there first language i think would be Polish. Then those that choose to learn English would in addition to speaking Polish also speak English. That's how i see it.
2 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish immigrant in the UK. Ch. 2 - Stress [63]

Especially with the nasty comments: not in the papers, not in the internet, but at work. But definitely your life is easier (and the roads go without saying)

Nasty comments like what ??
We have polish in are office. They are not subjected to nasty comments.
22 Sep 2009
Love / Received an email from a young Polish woman - Is she too good to be true? [70]

markcooper: I am a young and energetic 58 year old with more 'spunk' than a horny stud bull!

So going by your previous posts this put her in her late twenties at the most. (?)
I'm forever optimistic but must say mate.............you are pushing the boat out a little bit far. Put mildly......................I don't think she has your interests at heart.
21 Sep 2009
Love / Broken Heart, An amazing girl from Poland [139]

[quote=motoman]Nika Yesterday, 23:37#82

Change your photo / picture Nika (!!). I always notice this for wrong reason. ( a sad looking lady with a tear running down right hand side of face).
11 Sep 2009
UK, Ireland / England, Dirty, Expensive and a dangerous place to live? [205]

My two pennies worth.

Berlin: Visited many times over the years. Twice this year. No dirtier/Cleaner than London. Price wise, I would say about the same.

Gdansk: Visited three times this year. Cheaper yes, cleaner no. Safer ( in my opinion Gdansk is not a safe city).

Wroclaw: Visited three times this year. Cheaper yes, cleaner no. Safer undecided.

Moscow: Visited once this year. Cheaper no, cleaner no. ? Safe No, dangerous yes

Chelyabinsk: Visited once this year. A fxxing dirty city, cheap yes, dangerous.. fxxk yes.

It is to generalistic to say England is Dirty, Expensive and Dangerous. London is very different to Canterbury !!
The country has a lot to offer. Funny thing is, lots of folk moan and complain. If it was that bad they could always get a one way ticket back home. ( but the majority don't).

Berlin: Visited many times over the years. Twice this year. No dirtier/Cleaner than London. Price wise, I would say about the same.
Which Berlin you went to?

I go there very often, i always find it spotless, clean, and affordable. An average person pays around 600euros to live in an appartment near the center, while in Amsterdam you have to pay around 1100 euros!

(Me plans to move to Berlin in 3 years :D )

Rent is cheap but.............local wage compared to local prices ( food, beer, taxi's) it works out quite pricey.

Clean: I used to live in Spandau. I did not find it that clean.
28 Aug 2009
Life / Life in Pre and Post Communist Poland [12]

I like the way you use the term " capitalsit" when describing all countires other than those within the Soviet regime and behind the iron curtain.

I remember these days very well when living in London and also West Berlin. Many of the products on sale in shops were marked with " made in USSR" " made in Czech Rep" " made in Poland". Thier export market was huge.

These were just as much capitlaist countries . The difference being the benefits and profits when to the central government and not the people.
27 Aug 2009
Life / Life in Pre and Post Communist Poland [12]

Were you aloud to leave Poland in the Soviet Union days ? or baiscally held prisoner of your own country like the former East Germany / GDR ?
26 Aug 2009
Love / Do Anglo-Polish relationships actually work long term ? [13]

Relationship going strong. She Polish myself English. Spend one week per month in Gdansk and she comes over here also one week in every month. Can't imagine being with anyone else. Early next year plan on moving to Gdansk to live / work from home.So that I can be with Ms Kopcynska every day and night.!! I live for her.
29 Jul 2009

I think alot of it is total bollocks to be honest. Where I live the Polish are quite accepted in the local pubs / clubs /community etc. We have problems with the ******* and paki's but not the Polish.