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Differences and similarities between slavic girls

southern 73 | 7059  
12 Oct 2009 /  #1
In my experience slavic girls appear quite similar in mentality,most of the differences being attributable to cultural factors like religion.What do you think?
scrappleton - | 829  
13 Oct 2009 /  #2
In my experience slavic girls appear quite similar in mentality

I thought you said Czech girls were the craziest.
MareGaea 29 | 2751  
13 Oct 2009 /  #3


they all got 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 mouth and 1 nose.
they all speak a language that I don't understand.
they all originally lived to the East or South-East of the Netherlands.
they all have two legs, two arms, two feet, two hands and two breasts.
between their legs they all look the same (anyway) :))))


They all don't know what they want.
They all can't make up their mind.
They all don't have a clue about logic.
They all can be erratic at times.
They all talk too much :)


Some have blonde hair, while others have black hair and darn me if some of them haven't got red hair.
Some have blue eyes, while others got brown, grey or green eyes.
Some are bigger than others (Some girls are bigger than others - the Smiths).
Some have bigger breasts, bigger noses or bigger ears than others.
Some shave, some don't (but should).
Some drink until they're stoked, some don't.
Some are easy, some are not.
Some have got a clue what they are talking about, while others wish they had.

In short, they're like any other girls around this planet, except for black and oriental girls, because they all have black hair.

Maybe we should consider slavic girls just like any other girl from any place in the world?


M-G (nah)
markcooper 4 | 80  
13 Oct 2009 /  #4
They all don't have a clue about logic.

Spot on with this one mate. You hit the nail right on the head. !!
OP southern 73 | 7059  
13 Oct 2009 /  #5
They have chick logic.
MareGaea 29 | 2751  
13 Oct 2009 /  #6

Which is not logic and doesn't make any sense at all, at times.


M-G (nah)
George8600 10 | 630  
15 Oct 2009 /  #7
In my experience slavic girls appear quite similar in mentality,most of the differences being attributable to cultural factors like religion.What do you think?

Okay Southern, here is what I see. Religion? If there's any culture/ethnical group in this world that's more diverse in religion- it would be the Slavic people. Just take Europe alone, you have Poland and the Poles whom are the highest religious contry in all of Europe, and Russia which has the highest atheist rate in all of Europe, and all the rest inbetween. As for all else. NO Slavic girls aren't all the same. Are all Mediteranean, western european, central european, scandinavian girls the same? Those countries at least have similarities since they're linked together. The slavic states are the most widespread by far in Europe. Look at the southern slavic states such as the ones that border Greece, Italy, and Turkey. I would say that they have inhibited more Meditranean mentality than slavic. Also look at central slavs as opposed to eastern slavs, you can even point out many differences in mentality there.

Sorry but I don't see your point here.
OP southern 73 | 7059  
15 Oct 2009 /  #8
You don't have a clue.For example I have noticed that there is a proportion of girls in all slavic countries,CR,Poland,Russia,Ukraine who can sleep with you for little money.It is about 10-20% of girls,they do the same in all these countries and their behaviour is socially acceptable.(this is the difference to the western Europe which is more prude and such behaviour is not considered acceptable).
MareGaea 29 | 2751  
15 Oct 2009 /  #9
You don't have a clue.For example I have noticed that there is a proportion of girls in all slavic countries,CR,Poland,Russia,Ukraine who can sleep with you for little money

You are speaking from experience, Southern?

.(this is the difference to the western Europe which is more prude and such behaviour is not considered acceptable).

In our countries girls like this would be called a wh*re. Slavic girls in Western countries who do this are also called a wh*re. Usually with the addition of the country where they're from.

Example: Dominika? Ah, that Polish wh*re!*)

This goes for all girls from abroad who display this behaviour.


M-G (suddenly knows where southern gets all his knowledge about girls from)
Sokrates 8 | 3335  
15 Oct 2009 /  #10
In my experience slavic girls appear quite similar in mentality

They scream for you to let them go just like Western girls do.

I thought you said Czech girls were the craziest.

Thats because Czech girls are the ones that most often escape from Southerns cellar.
OP southern 73 | 7059  
15 Oct 2009 /  #11
from Southerns cellar.

Don't give me ideas.(I really imagine enclosing now in a cellar a very submissive polish girl I have.I think she will like it).

This goes for all girls from abroad who display this behaviour.

Dutch girls who display this behaviour are not called whoeres?In Poland they are called kurwas,what is the big deal?They continue to do this and they are not ostracized for this.(not that I am against it,hm,hm).
Sokrates 8 | 3335  
15 Oct 2009 /  #12
a very submissive polish girl I have

She's not submissive mate,she's dead.
OP southern 73 | 7059  
15 Oct 2009 /  #13
Don't tell these words,you frighten me.
George8600 10 | 630  
15 Oct 2009 /  #14
It's called prostitution southern; maybe it seems little money for you but overall prices tend to be low in these post communist countries, even blackmarket luxuries such as prostitution.
OP southern 73 | 7059  
15 Oct 2009 /  #15
It's called prostitution

They are not prostitutes.They take some money from here and there from guys they like.
Arien 2 | 710  
15 Oct 2009 /  #16
this is the difference to the western Europe which is more prude and such behaviour is not considered acceptable.

So you think my generation is prude, and cares about what is acceptable? If it doesn't hurt anyone, it's okay. Dream on..

MareGaea 29 | 2751  
15 Oct 2009 /  #17
Dutch girls who display this behaviour are not called whoeres?

Read my post pls. I will quote:

In our countries girls like this would be called a wh*re.

They are not prostitutes.They take some money from here and there from guys they like.

Prostitutes don't just take anybody as well. If a dirty scumbag applies for their services, they will refuse. That makes the girls who do this wh*res. Amateur who*res :)


M-G (is getting sick)
Barr_2009 1 | 252  
16 Oct 2009 /  #18
The pole i know is religious, goes to church and that. Are they really so religious? I knew another who was going to church, then screwing around.. Is that the norm or the exception?
George8600 10 | 630  
16 Oct 2009 /  #19
Well the vast majority of Poles are religious. According to the government the atheist rate there is between 0.1% to 0.3%. 97.3% of them are conifrmed Catholics in the church, and the inbetween are minorities. Orthodoxy, Judism, Protestants, etc. However, I don't see how this is relevant to religion. Yes many Poles do follow it, but not all are ultra-conservative about it. Sure it might be hard to find things like homosexuality in their culture, but things like adultery are somewhat common like in all European countries. You also have to accept the fact that nearly 50% to 60% of Poles accept evolution and are very high in teaching the sciences in both preliminary education and teritary education.

ps. MareGaea's new avatar is uber-cute !!!! lol.
OP southern 73 | 7059  
16 Oct 2009 /  #20
Czech girls were the craziest.

Actually czech girls are the most reserved.(among slavic girls).They have this distinct german influence.I find czech girls by far the most reasonable and non-mental slavic girls.

I knew another who was going to church, then screwing around.. Is that the norm or the exception?

I like when you have two polish girls or two ukr girls doing special favours to you wearing nothing but their big crosses.
George8600 10 | 630  
17 Oct 2009 /  #21

Actually czech girls are the most reserved.(among slavic girls).They have this distinct german influence.I find czech girls by far the most reasonable and non-mental slavic girls.

Yes that German influence in polish girls? Noooo thanks.
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
17 Oct 2009 /  #22
We were talking about females with an overly active sexdrive who charge (a small amount of) money for their, let's say, co-operation. In most countries those females are usually called after the oldest profession in the world.

somebody has to take (a small amount of) advantage of those lonely desperate men who can't get a woman into bed with their good looks, personality and sense of humour - because those are non existent. that's where 'amateur prostitutes' come handy. i wonder, how does it make a man feel when he has to pay for sex? must be a massive blow to your pride and ego...

(shame on scrappy for not knowing that!

maybe some people don't need this kind of service in order to maintain an active sex life?

All those bitter, sexist and in southern's case imaginary comments in this thread really do make me think that outside of this forum where you claim to be experts on women and know everything about them you are emotionally, socially and sexually inept creeps. You talk about women as if they were sex objects and toys, a Polish one today, a Czech one tomorrow, they're all the same they just talk a lot of crap with a funny accent. Just because one or two took advatage of your *generous and giving* (more like naive) nature in the past, boo bloody hoo get over it. Shame on you, this is really low. Go cure your issues and keep those disgusting comments to yourself and your impotent mates.
Barr_2009 1 | 252  
17 Oct 2009 /  #23
I really hope its not true about some or most of these girls, sleeping around for small gifts and just for pathetic short experiences. The girl i will try to be friends with now, it would be so much easier to be her friend if i knew she's not sleeping around easily. That's where I wonder if her going to church and being 'religious' means anything like it should.
17 Oct 2009 /  #24
All those bitter, sexist and in southern's case imaginary comments in this thread really do make me think that outside of this forum where you claim to be experts on women and know everything about them you are emotionally, socially and sexually inept creeps. You talk about women as if they were sex objects and toys, a Polish one today, a Czech one tomorrow, they're all the same they just talk a lot of crap with a funny accent.

Reminds me of what I ws discussing with a friend a few weeks ago:

Me: "who do you think is more successful with women: me, who has managed to keep several Polish woman for years, or those guys online who claim to sleep with a different Polish girl every week, but can't form relationships?"

Her: "well, it depends on how you define success, but I know which I prefer".

Actually, you can substitute anything for the word "Polish", but we were discussing Polish people at the time, and I'm sure you know what I'm getting at here ;)
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
17 Oct 2009 /  #25
I really hope its not true about most girls, sleeping around for small gifts and things.

if she sleeps with you and then asks you to take her shopping or buy her stuff, an alarm should go off in your head this instant. remember that, it will save you a lot of heartache in the future.

it would be so much easier to be her friend if i knew she's not sleeping around

if you can't accept the fact she has many sexual partners and doesn't want to settle down yet then you are either jealous and have feelings for her, or you already made up an opinion about her and if this is something you can't accept this freindship will never work. don't judge.

That's where I wonder if her going to church and being 'religious' means anything like it should.

no it's all for show only
Barr_2009 1 | 252  
17 Oct 2009 /  #26
I dont agree with sleeping around so much and i dont think shes like that
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
17 Oct 2009 /  #27
"well, it depends on how you define success, but I know which I prefer".

for some people scoring every weekend is success. for others (usually the more mature ones) forming relationships is what it's all about. depends what stage of your life you're in. ever heard about the rebound stage? ;)

we were discussing Polish people at the time, and I'm sure you know what I'm getting at here ;)

not quite sure, should i be?

I dont agree with sleeping around so much and i dont think shes like that

i don't believe you only want to be friends with her, otherwise you wouldn't be going on about it so much....
17 Oct 2009 /  #28
not quite sure, should i be?

Just pointing this out in case someone starts with the "but this could happen with anyone, not just Polish women!!!!" stuff

depends what stage of your life you're in. ever heard about the rebound stage? ;)

Yes; been there, done that, etc ;)
Barr_2009 1 | 252  
17 Oct 2009 /  #29
I have feelings, but i may be friends, or just ignore her
Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1522  
17 Oct 2009 /  #30
Let us not dwell in differences. Let us just look for the similarities. And even if we want to look at the differences, let us look those with love and respect.

We are one. All human kind...

One God
One World
One Man..

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