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What is the british obsession with Polish workers

irish exile  
2 Dec 2009 /  #1
i dont understand it?

Polish people have been in britain for mny years during world war two polish units faught in the british army, polish pilots flew fighter missions?

now a memebr of the Eu they come for work?


maybe its due to press scare mongering over the past 5 years that has finally brainwashed the thousands who sit outside jobcentres with a standard cider bottle and no intention of working. who knows.

what i do know over the past 5 years i have worked with, had working for me, associated with, socialised with, and generally had as customer and can say there is blank empty space whne i try to rationalise some peoples bigotry, against a race of people who work hard and try to provide for their families.

wake up and smell the roses people
Steveramsfan 2 | 305  
2 Dec 2009 /  #2
People make a fuss about Polish workers because they are an easy target. They are caucasians just like us.

If you complain about Pakistani and Indian and African migrant workers you are called a racist.

I have no problem with Poles working in the UK.
time means 5 | 1309  
2 Dec 2009 /  #3
Another Brit hater. Look at your own countries immigration problem ( where's RN when you need him)

More trolling/flaming threads. Why don't you just fcuk off you boring twat!
derek trotter 10 | 203  
2 Dec 2009 /  #4
maybe its due to press scare mongering over the past 5 years

Here you have the true answer.
Wroclaw Boy  
2 Dec 2009 /  #5
there is blank empty space whne i try to rationalise some peoples bigotry, against a race of people who work hard and try to provide for their families.

You will not find a more tolerant nation than the British, please give me if you can an example of another coutry that has taken under its wing 1,000,000 + foreigners in under four years and intergrated them into their society with all the trimmings.
slonce - | 21  
2 Dec 2009 /  #6
I dont think english people should hate us for coming to england to work.
We poles fit in very well,we love your food,your country,we get on with english people(with most of them),our culture is very much like english.

Pakistani, Indian and African migrant workers are 100% diffrent to english people,but you will not say a bad word about them!!!!they are trying to change england and english people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we dont
time means 5 | 1309  
2 Dec 2009 /  #7
I dont think english people should hate us for coming to england to work.

Most don't.

Irish exile is a troll/flamer spouting out tired old crap.
Wroclaw Boy  
2 Dec 2009 /  #8
Pakistani, Indian and African migrant workers are 100% diffrent to english people,but you will not say a bad word about them!!!!

Fcuking will.

Look mate imagine 1,000,000 Brits emmigrating to Poland in less than four years, taking jobs utilising precious resources, come on sit back and think about it for a minute. Thats where were at right now..

Originally we all thought theyd be going home after a couple of years but thats just not the case, they aint going no where for love nor money (actually they would go for money). Im worried about going home and seeing them all over the place.

The reason Poles get such a good bashing is because of sheer numbers nothing more.
Marek11111 9 | 808  
2 Dec 2009 /  #9
look it's Polish worker are scape goats for the British unemployment, easy target to zero on.
The real problem is British gov. as they set trade rules and british employers as they hire Pole for less then Brit, that is driving wages down for everyone and inflation is rising so you need to blame someone and why not Pole it's easy.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
2 Dec 2009 /  #10
Two words, mass immigration. Polish workers have been working in Scotland for many's a year, especially in the fishing ports. It's not a new phenomenon but mass immigration has come to be.
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1589  
2 Dec 2009 /  #11
Polish workers are wanted because most of them work very hard (esp. abroad), and sometimes they accept lower salary.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6138  
2 Dec 2009 /  #12
imagine 1,000,000 Brits emmigrating to Poland

Yuck !
Mister H 11 | 761  
3 Dec 2009 /  #13
People make a fuss about Polish workers because they are an easy target. They are caucasians just like us.

If you complain about Pakistani and Indian and African migrant workers you are called a racist.

I have no problem with Poles working in the UK.

It's nothing to do with easy targets, it's purely down to the fact that EU immigration has not been controlled in any way, shape or form. Britian has been swamped and that's what we object too.

We were never given any option or choice in this. We simply have to put up with it.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
3 Dec 2009 /  #14
I found the whole agency thing a little discriminatory. You cannot set up agencies for select nationals at the expense of others. Agencies in Scotland can be used by any national looking for work within their spheres of competence. Poles have their own agencies and that's a little underhand.
dtaylor5632 18 | 1998  
3 Dec 2009 /  #15
Poles have their own agencies and that's a little underhand.

Its more than underhand, its illegal.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
3 Dec 2009 /  #16
Yet, to my knowledge, it hasn't been stamped out. I'm interested to know what the British government's contingency plan was in the event of a huge influx of immigrants. Their conjectural guesswork was well wide of the mark.
BritishEmpire - | 148  
3 Dec 2009 /  #17
Polish people have been in britain for mny years

The answer is in there, it was a few polish people and not millions.

You will not find a more tolerant nation than the British

Stop it wroclaw your hurting my ribs, the establishment yes but not the people.

I dont think english people should hate us for coming to england to work.
We poles fit in very well,we love your food,your country,we get on with english people(with most of them),our culture is very much like english.
Pakistani, Indian and African migrant workers are 100% diffrent to english people,but you will not say a bad word about them!!!!they are trying to change england and english people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we dont

Your just thinking about it from your perspective, just because you want to come here or you like it doesn't mean that we want you here or like you coming here. Basically you don't care because your lining your pockets so its a win win situation for you.

Yes we do criticize africans and asians its just that we wouldn't go around telling immigrants about other immigrants because that wouldn't be to clever would it.

You aslo answered part of your question, you said you get on with most english people.
Theres a difference between getting on with someone and being friends with someone.
jwojcie 2 | 762  
3 Dec 2009 /  #18
Look mate imagine 1,000,000 Brits emmigrating to Poland in less than four years, taking jobs utilising precious resources, come on sit back and think about it for a minute. Thats where were at right now..

As far as I can understand that this sudden influx of Poles disturbed UK market and society, I would like to point to one thing by real life anecdote (polish worker somewhere in Britain):

"Englishmen think of all of us (CEE) people as Poles. One day my English superior came to me with some new guy and said: "you were a Pole, right? So instruct this new guy.". It turned out that new guy was a Hungarian" :-) :-).

I admit there is a lot of Poles in UK, but it seems that some Brits puts into "Pole" label all CE Europe :-)
3 Dec 2009 /  #19
I admit there is a lot of Poles in UK, but it seems that some Brits puts into "Pole" label all CE Europe :-)

I've noticed that too in Ireland - all Latvians, Lithuanians and even Russians were
sometimes referred to as "Poles". It looks like all CE is Poland according to some
Brits - does it mean that they are Polish imperialists? ;)
santander 1 | 68  
3 Dec 2009 /  #20
The huge problem in the uk, and the most expensive are asylum seekers. They offer nothing and give nothing. This is the true problem that should be addressed, they barely speak a word of english, enter the country illegally, and are entitled to almost everything that is available, and quite happy to take it. At least the polish get of their a..... and work which is a "foreign term" to asylum seekers, the word does not enter into their vocabulary, if they can indeed spell the word.
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Dec 2009 /  #21
"Englishmen think of all of us (CEE) people as Poles. One day my English superior came to me with some new guy and said: "you were a Pole, right? So instruct this new guy.". It turned out that new guy was a Hungarian" :-) :-).

Ok so lets take one such estimate that as many as 1.2 m Poles have emmigrated, add another few hundred thousand to cover romanians, bulgarinas, albanians, hungarians, russians and God knows who else and its even more likely that Poles would suffer the brunt of the discrimination as theyre the majority. You dont blame Romania or the Italians for WWII, do you?
time means 5 | 1309  
3 Dec 2009 /  #22


Not Brits, unless you mean the North.

most expensive are asylum seekers.

Very true. a 1000 Poles or one of the above and i will take the Poles everytime.
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Dec 2009 /  #23
At least the polish get of their a..... and work

Most of the Poles that i knew in the UK through my gym were either drug dealers or door men. The other ones i knew through my wife were mostly in and out of work, as they didnt want to take all the jobs offered just enough to live off.

Ive been claiming for years that crime rates in Poland have dropped since 2004 as most of the scammers and criminals high tailed it the land of opportunity that was England, its a criminals heaven over there.
3 Dec 2009 /  #24
Not Brits, unless you mean the North.

Let's say I meant the British Isles ;)

I remember my neighbour once told me that some Poles moved in to our
neighbourhood recently. They turned out to be Slovakians :-)

Oh, well - it's no big deal really. I was trying to explain to Nathan (a Ukrainian)
the other day, that we are all Poles anyway LOL

crime rates in Poland have dropped since 2004 as most of the scammers and criminals high tailed it the land of opportunity that was England,

Why thank you Great Britain! I really appreciate your sacrifice.
time means 5 | 1309  
3 Dec 2009 /  #25
that we are all Poles anyway LOL

Crow has finally got to you :-)
santander 1 | 68  
3 Dec 2009 /  #26
Ive been claiming for years that crime rates in Poland have dropped since 2004 as most of the scammers and criminals high tailed it the land of opportunity that was England, its a criminals heaven over there

Maybe so,but if you put it into prospective the amount of money that asylum seekers manage to embezzle from the uk, is very very high. Working the benefit system, and "milking it" is very different. "Did we all not grow up with varying degrees of poverty in the uk in the 60's", that did not entitle us to seek asylum in another country, thata was wealthier.
slonce - | 21  
3 Dec 2009 /  #27
Theres a difference between getting on with someone and being friends with someone
I have lots of english friends!!!!!!!!!!!!and i do get on with everybody too.

Polish people are invited by english employers all the time....why....becouse there is lots of jobs that british people will not do!!!!!!!
so maybe all polish people will go back home.....and you english lazy ........will go and pick some fruit on the farm .....but no ,,no 1 english person will go and work in a crap job like that!!!it is better to be on benefits and keep saying-"i want a job but i cannot get one becouse of all the polish people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it would be intresting to see if there will be many english people going for it???????????i dont think so
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Dec 2009 /  #28
and you english lazy

Look at our history and then compare it to yours lets see who is lazy hey.

will go and pick some fruit on the farm .....but no ,,no 1 english person will go and work in a crap job like that!

Well its not a career opportunity, i used to strawberry pick every year when i was a young whipper snapper. Easy money and you didnt have to worry about lunch.

i want a job but i cannot get one becouse of all the polish people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Picking fruit is not the issue here, its about skilled Poles such as plumbers, carpenters, brick layers and such under cutting Brits, doing more hours for less money. How can they afford to do it you say? as they dont have UK commitments.

Wroclaw Boy:
crime rates in Poland have dropped since 2004 as most of the scammers and criminals high tailed it the land of opportunity that was England,
Why thank you Great Britain! I really appreciate your sacrifice.

Youre welcome but remember what goes around comes around, youll have the same treatment in the future lets see what happens then. Just look at Ireland.
BritishEmpire - | 148  
4 Dec 2009 /  #29
Ive been claiming for years that crime rates in Poland have dropped since 2004 as most of the scammers and criminals high tailed it the land of opportunity that was England, its a criminals heaven over there.

I think thats actually been proven.

Polish people are invited by english employers all the time....why....becouse there is lots of jobs that british people will not do!!!!!!!

Pack it in with the BS one liner, the only reason why poles are here is because they are cheap labour, how else do you think companies have been posting record profits over the last 5-6 years. Tell me something if your so sure of it, why does my line of work pay 40% less than 5-6 years ago?.

so maybe all polish people will go back home.....and you english lazy ........will go and pick some fruit on the farm .....but no ,,no 1 english person will go and work in a crap job like that!!!it is better to be on benefits and keep saying-"i want a job but i cannot get one becouse of all the polish people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it would be intresting to see if there will be many english people going for it???????????i dont think so

haha your so full of sh!t i can smell it through my laptop, so who do you think was doing the job before the poles came??? and if you think living on benefits is so good why don't you give it ago because you might find that its not quite what its hyped up to be.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823  
4 Dec 2009 /  #30
Maybe so,but if you put it into prospective the amount of money that asylum seekers manage to embezzle from the uk, is very very high.

Where are they getting the money from, when asylum seekers actually receive a pittance? Unless the rules have changed (and I doubt they have!) - they were getting 70% of whatever JSA is equal to nowadays.

They're also prohibited from working (one reason why many of them end up turning to crime - what choice do you have if you get 40 pounds a week?!) - so just where is this 'embezzled' cash coming from?

The real problem in the UK lies in the fact that there is next to no motivation for a person on JSA to actually get a minimum wage job. What's the point in working 40 hours for an extra 10-20 quid a week? Okay, so intelligent people will get promoted and so on - but what hope do unintelligent people have? The smarter option is simply to stay home!

The truth is that what Brit is going to go and do a tough 40 hour week in a factory for 10-20 pounds extra a week, money they could make by doing some easy work 'on the side' anyway? The Poles don't have a choice - most of them aren't eligible for benefits anyway. But Brits do have a choice - and most of them just use the Poles as an excuse. I'm sure if it wasn't for the Polish, then gypsies, or the Irish, or the Asians, or anyone else would be getting the blame.

Incidentally, I made the offer on here before and I can make it again - I know of a company that always needs workers in Poland. Language skills optional -the only requirement is to be willing to work for minimum wage.

Funnily enough, no unemployed Brit has yet taken me up on the offer.

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