England, Dirty, Expensive and a dangerous place to live?
Is this about the women? Are they that dangerous? ;)
I have lived in London, several times, great place, wouldn't want to live there if you know what I mean, if you know yourself and the way about others, your grand, just wake up one morning 60 years later wondering what happened, that's the reason.
I used to live in Hackney and cycle everyday to work in Brixton. It isn't that far.
I have a lot of good friends in Hackney, salt of the earth if you know them, if you don't well that is another story.
I think London is a different country to the rest of England.
I have spent some time in other parts of England, working.
I prefer London, people from the rest of England are different.
I even went to Manchester when i was about 12, on a school trip, the people were very friendly.
Not everywhere, for sure.
I have been to other places that hated "scum bag Paddies".
There were very few foreigners, like your self and all your problems were your own.
Or am i going off topic now? should I be witch hunting?.
Ok, back on topic, those bloody Irish and Spanish coming here, taking our women, taking our jobs!, it ain't right you hear! it ain't right!.
Or has it not struck anyone else that this farce of a thread is about the "foreigners" in England and that the two perpetrators are of "foreign" decent?.
Oh sorry, was this meant to be a natural progression on the fibre of "your" country being brought to it's knees by non-desirable non whites?.
I love where i live (south london),
I used to live in Greenwich, great place, full of people from far east Asia.