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Postage from Poland to England - is it expensive for a Brit?

HelenaWojtczak 28 | 177  
14 Aug 2008 /  #1
It's all in the title!

Can someone who sends parcels home to the UK let me know if it is v. expensive to post parcels home to the UK?
CoolMoon 1 | 60  
14 Aug 2008 /  #2
You could try the Forum search function...
Wersal 5 | 19  
14 Aug 2008 /  #3
Well to give you some sort of an idea i just recently sent a 1kg parcel from UK to Poland which cost me £12 (secure delivery) I have heard that its a bit more from Poland to UK, but i doubt there will be to much of a difference.
Wroclaw 44 | 5,369  
14 Aug 2008 /  #4
expensive to post parcels home to the UK?

depends what is in it.

If I were sending two or three dress shirts or a couple of sweaters I would put them in a large envelope and send them as a letter. You are allowed to do this, and they will go by air mail.

I wouldn't say that Polish post is expensive, but you can make it cheaper for yourself, if you know the shortcuts.

Always make sure that whatever you send is registered one way or the other.

This has been dealt with on other threads.
OP HelenaWojtczak 28 | 177  
15 Aug 2008 /  #5
Oh, has it? I'm taking some paperwork with me, maybe 200 sheets of paper. Once I've done the paperwork, I am thinking of posting it home, so I don't have to lug it around for another ten days.
Mister H 11 | 761  
19 Aug 2008 /  #6
It's all in the title!

Can someone who sends parcels home to the UK let me know if it is v. expensive to post parcels home to the UK?

Hope you sorted out your problem with that nasty bookseller, he sounded really horrible.

(Sorry for sounding cryptic, but just saw your name on another forum)

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / Postage from Poland to England - is it expensive for a Brit?Archived