Love /
Polish girls' obsession with marriage [124]
I don't agree completely. I will tell you why.
wow, I wish my English was as good as yours (or your Polish as good as mine ;)), to let me hold proper conversation :)
But the modern human makes a lot of choices that do not promote evolution.
I think the point of evolution is time, "modern human" that's a lifetime for us but only miliseconds for evolution. Evolution has means to protect itself from our poor choices :)
So evidently there must be more involved than just biological instincts.
of coure there is more to that than instincts! There're all that bits society and its groups dictates, bits we collect along the way by getting to know other cultures, other people, growing older - all thet can determine or change our choices. But try to think of people's behavior in unusual (for them) situations (desert island, war, to much alcohol for not-so-frequent-drinker, all-alone-in-foreign-country+language barrier, etc.), times when "the society" can't see them - and suddenly here you have them relying on instincts again and I think it's because instinct is in us (we like it or not, admit it or deny) and "society" it's something we easly pick up along the way and drop even easier :)
As far as I know we are the only animals that can do so complex thinking and feeling that it wins over the biological instincts. So I don't agree with you when you say that "it doesn't involve thinking".
yes, and that's why pharmacies sell prosac by kilograms ;) (sorry - couldn't ressist)
Ever heard of that Eskimo hospitality thing? :)
But all this is OT.
The OT i was interested in was
They (Polish woman) are much more eager to start a relationship with a foriegn man than a native pole, and one of the major reasons for this is that a man from western europe/NA is more likely to give her a better life, financially speaking.
As much as I would like to say it's bullshit it is only part of the truth. The instinct tells us to pick up a partner that would be abble to give healthy offspring ("promoting evolution" and so on) and support while offspring is being rised. And it's not about money as such, it's about forethought, common sence, IQ etc.
Now I got myself into trouble :)