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Posts by Olasz  

Joined: 17 Feb 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 10 Mar 2009
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Posts: Total: 69 / In This Archive: 44
From: UK, Doncaster
Speaks Polish?: yes

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20 Mar 2009
Love / should I go to Poland with him? [13]

any chances he made up a story about being a gang member? You know, just to make himself more interesting? Where does he come from, in Poland?
20 Mar 2009
Love / 3 Polish Men.. it isnt just me right???? [25]

polish guys arent looking in my direction,maybe because im black.

Might be, but I think it's because they don't want to stare.
We don't really have many non-Caucasian people in Poland, mums will tell us not to stare when we see one. I know it sounds stupid, but many Poles will find themselves thinking "what if she/he thinks I'm staring?! well, in that case I'll simply stare at the floor".

Smile nicely and keep hopeing it'll encourage them :)
19 Mar 2009
Genealogy / Tracz family in Olchowiec and Samocice [5]

but also:
tracz nurogęś Polish
and English version
other birds called tracz
19 Mar 2009
Life / Coffee Grinder in Poznan and Warsaw [9]

no, sorry, I'm not freom the area.
Have a look in one of them shops selling coffee and tea.
How about on-line shopping?
15 Mar 2009
Love / Polish girls' obsession with marriage [124]

I don't agree completely. I will tell you why.

wow, I wish my English was as good as yours (or your Polish as good as mine ;)), to let me hold proper conversation :)

But the modern human makes a lot of choices that do not promote evolution.

I think the point of evolution is time, "modern human" that's a lifetime for us but only miliseconds for evolution. Evolution has means to protect itself from our poor choices :)

So evidently there must be more involved than just biological instincts.

of coure there is more to that than instincts! There're all that bits society and its groups dictates, bits we collect along the way by getting to know other cultures, other people, growing older - all thet can determine or change our choices. But try to think of people's behavior in unusual (for them) situations (desert island, war, to much alcohol for not-so-frequent-drinker, all-alone-in-foreign-country+language barrier, etc.), times when "the society" can't see them - and suddenly here you have them relying on instincts again and I think it's because instinct is in us (we like it or not, admit it or deny) and "society" it's something we easly pick up along the way and drop even easier :)

As far as I know we are the only animals that can do so complex thinking and feeling that it wins over the biological instincts. So I don't agree with you when you say that "it doesn't involve thinking".

yes, and that's why pharmacies sell prosac by kilograms ;) (sorry - couldn't ressist)

Ever heard of that Eskimo hospitality thing? :)

But all this is OT.
The OT i was interested in was

They (Polish woman) are much more eager to start a relationship with a foriegn man than a native pole, and one of the major reasons for this is that a man from western europe/NA is more likely to give her a better life, financially speaking.

As much as I would like to say it's bullshit it is only part of the truth. The instinct tells us to pick up a partner that would be abble to give healthy offspring ("promoting evolution" and so on) and support while offspring is being rised. And it's not about money as such, it's about forethought, common sence, IQ etc.

Now I got myself into trouble :)
14 Mar 2009
Love / Polish girls' obsession with marriage [124]

Aha sorry, I didn't read what you wrote carefully enough :)


I guess they think more about that than the gene pool. ;)

it's nature, doesn't involve thinking - after all we're animals (we use extremely complex tools, but still - we are animals) ;)
14 Mar 2009
Love / Polish girls' obsession with marriage [124]

I don't think this is so much of an Iceland "speciality"

it's not only about Icelanders, it's about islanders (as in an island) :) Getting fresh genes, prolonging human kind and so on ;)
13 Mar 2009
Genealogy / I am looking for my old friend Henry Woynowski [7]

Well, I'm glad you guys were able to found each other :)

(...)but I have signed out soon after I have realized that this side is for morns who are showing off (...) He can write to me in Polish or Turkish or Russian or Japanese or English

and that's not showing off? I'm sure that simply Polish or English will do ;)
11 Mar 2009
Law / Register for VAT in Poland [9]

why not to ask "the source", drop them a line or two:
6 Mar 2009
Love / Polish girls' obsession with marriage [124]

Olasz, I am not saying that Polish girls are useless. I'm not even saying that each and everyone of them is a gold digger. But many are, and they love to pounce on foreigners like a cat would pounce on a mouse.

I'm sorry if I offended you, after half an hour "chat" with my mum I'm shouldn't talk to other people for few hours, just in case ;)

I travel to Poland often and i see how girls react to me and other foreigners. I know what people (esp. women) think about foreigners in poland (i speak polish). They are much more eager to start a relationship with a foriegn man than a native pole, and one of the major reasons for this is that a man from western europe/NA is more likely to give her a better life, financially speaking.
I am not personally affected by this (as you have suggested) as I have a canadian girlfriend.

Do you travel to other countries as well?
What I noticed while living in Wroclaw for a while, few years back, getting to know my friend's american bf and his friends... Foreigners seem to be more easy going, they are a kind of "novelty", with more positive self-esteem, they do have that air of holiday affair around them, exoticness - all that make them more attractive.

What funny jumping at foreigners it's a "speciality" of islanders or people living in remote/closed communities. While I was living in Iceland I've noticed that every half-decent looking foreigner could find a shag (is that correct? to find a shag?) easly. I've been told by one icelandic uni teacher as much - it's a "speciality" of islanders or people living in remote/closed communities.
6 Mar 2009
Love / Polish girls' obsession with marriage [124]

polishcanuck - you seem to be convinced polish girls are so useless that the only way for them is to force some poor chap into marriage. Ever crossed your mind you met wrong girls, and it was only because you might be sending out a wrong message? As long as you think somebody is interested in you only because of your nationality, money or others "goods" that's exactly the way it's gonna be.

And just for you to know, girls are fine on their own, able to earn their own money, get degrees etc., nowadays we are even allowed do vote, can you imagine that?! SO if we need a man it's not necessarily for "goods" it might be for "partnership" you know...
6 Mar 2009
Love / Do Poles ignore domestic abuse? [54]

The other guys just ignore it/act as if nothing is happening/laugh it off - even if I am sitting sobbing on the sofa, he is drunkenly shoving/etc. me and it is totally clear that this isn't funny.

I imagine the guys're convinced the situation you're in doesn't bother you at all as you put up with it.
I know

it's your life and you make your choices

but I was just wondering... do you realize it'll only get worst? As you're not opposing every single "next time" will leave darker and bigger bruises to the point he'll get some kind of response from you...

Read to find out what's going on around you, as you clearly have no idea... - here - effects it has on your child
28 Feb 2009
Love / In love with polish cleaning woman, but don't speak an OUNCE of polish :( [57]

Sokrates, I'm not sure who is 15 here. Adults surely know how make a conversation without using that kind of language.
Mistakes and divorces
it's happens every day. My mom made a mistake at one point, married her first husband. Lived with control freak for a year, to afraid to ask for a divorce. Met my dad, divorced (no infidelity at any point), got married again. Now she's happy.
28 Feb 2009
Love / In love with polish cleaning woman, but don't speak an OUNCE of polish :( [57]

A final update is that she is indeed married, but now i know instead of wondering :).

Silver... so she's married... so what? You know what divorce is? ;)
The truth is (well, my truth) if the girl loves one man she won't be smiling, blushing etc. on the other man. If she is smiling at you "that" way she is not happy in the mariage. Go on, save her :) What if she's got married when 18, said yes to first man that asked the question, just to realize 3 months later that it was the mistake of her life.

Take her for lunch, don't forget your dictionary and ask if she's happy.
You have to put some fight in order to win what you're dreaming about :)
28 Feb 2009
Genealogy / Hrys Galicia? Anyone know where this is? (Possible incorrect spelling). [4]

what's the date on the document? any surnames on the document?
Galicia (Ukrainian: Галичина (Halychyna), Polish: Galicja) is a historical region in East Central Europe, currently divided between Poland and Ukraine.
So you might to be looking for smtg that's not in Poland anymore. If it's Ukraine then it's Cyrillic alphabet.

In Polish it could be:

- Hryś?
- Ryś (which is a name for a cat-like animal) living in those parts
- Ruś?
- could it be Boryslaw, Ukraine? hell, long shot, but have a look - Jewish community, at some point (1941?) getto establ. if I got it right - read here.

Here different old maps of Galicja, this one looks relatively new...

good luck :)

what if the place doesn't exist anymore, so it's not on the map - have no idea how to look for it...