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Posts by Juche  

Joined: 17 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Nov 2012
Threads: Total: 9 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 292 / In This Archive: 149
From: Pyongyang, DPRK
Speaks Polish?: Korean, Engrish
Interests: Spread ideas of North Korean glory and self sufficiency

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11 Mar 2009
Love / Just met the man of my dreams. I'm an American girl, he's Polish. [49]

And my (polish) husband will throw out a sock at any sign of wear off or a hole.

then he is questionable practicality as he does not understand value of natural ventilation of socks with holes but those with correct socialistic mindset will adapt to any conditions!
12 Mar 2009
Love / Just met the man of my dreams. I'm an American girl, he's Polish. [49]

I think most Scandinavian girls think like this: If both the woman and man work full time at their jobs, why should the woman do all the routine work at home?

this is correct thinking of the commune where all participate equal and recieve according to need - we paracticce prinicple which is simplicity: no work, no bowl of rice
12 Mar 2009
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

They will never stop being gay.

what is needed is nice long experience in re-education camp where even most ardent recividists and counter-revolutionaries bend in the end
17 Mar 2009
Love / Chatting up Polish girls in the street. [60]

they can't resist my friendly and soft Latino approach, with a nice smile and sexy Spanish accent

that is because they think they get to marry you for your Bolivian passport, quite a commodity for Polish girls who are always on the go
23 Mar 2009
Food / Why do Poles just not "understand" healthy eating ?? [82]

And Americans and Brits understand healthy eating? Since when do the people who brought us McDonalds and potato chips constitute authority on health foods? For socialistic sustenance, seek instead nutricious diet of North Korean roots and tubers.
23 Mar 2009
Food / Why do Poles just not "understand" healthy eating ?? [82]

The Poles, due to family break-ups, seem to be eating less at home and more fast food.

broken family or no it is easy to buy an apple and a carrot in any shop, eating fast food is a consious choice.

do not dare mock North Korea diet, for every day I wake at 4:30am to sound of military marching music, do 150 push ups (one hand each) then eat one raw pigeon egg plus one carrot and one handfull wild mushrooms which grow in countryside. then I drink water, while immediate after breakfasting I march to work, happy to do my duty for betterment of the collective.
23 Mar 2009
Food / Why do Poles just not "understand" healthy eating ?? [82]

Polish food so so healthy (fats , starches, and too much sugars common), Polish prefer cheap things to healthy (for example cooking with nasty cheap oils instead of healhty but more expensive olive oil and similair). However thanks in part to good system of public transport devloped by the socialistic Poles every day engage in physical exertion to catch buses, etc, which keeps them slimmer even if they eat junk food and other trappings of decadent capitalist lifestyle.
23 Mar 2009
Food / Why do Poles just not "understand" healthy eating ?? [82]

It could be dubbed as Polish cous-cous.

but much stinkier.

Comrade Seanus I never say cheap food is bad or unnutritious, on contrary notion! Picking wild mushrooms cost nothing, no? And of course very nutritious! But living in socialistic society is more vigourous physically, more running and marching of course, plus non-commercial nature of life assures less junk being sold for empty shallow profit so capitalist class can line its pockets with wealth while working class lines itself with flab. My treatise on oil for cooking is of course uncomplete but worry not one day it will be included in the working peoples' polemics and what not.
25 Mar 2009
Polonia / Dubai-any Polish Associations? Polish speakers? Need some help... [15]

i'm trying to find a job in dubai. where should i mail or who should i contact?

recently in the newspaper was an article about how the days of Dubai as a boomtown for expats seeking lucrative jobs is on hold - massive layoffs and fleeing foreigners aware, here is the link on the story:
25 Mar 2009
Australia / Polish Military (Polish and Australian citizenship) [3]

Most likely you will be required to get a "ksiazeczka wojskowa" (military booklet) which shows your official status, you need this booklet by law and it is often asked for when registering at a place of residence. It involves beuracracy and some time to get, also you get a physical exam and then the "comission" and the army doctor give you a stamp in the booklet which shows your status: A for fit for duty, B fit for duty in time of war only, etc...

Now that Poland is going for volunteer only force, you have no obligation to join (same if you are over a certain age, I think 30 or something close to that). They can not penalize you for not signing up in past years because it is obvious you were living permanently overseas, either.

As for the "booklet" of course you do not even need to worry about this crap if you will continue to live outside Poland on a permanent basis.
26 Mar 2009
History / Why communism failed in Poland? [275]


communism is stupid. That`s why

this is true only if you are capitalist puppeteer hoping to enslave working class, who aspire to build friendship filled future with workers and peasants of all world
13 May 2009
Travel / Slovakia, neighboring Poland [19]

Compared to Poland it is more rustic and mountainous. Shops are closed more often than in Poland, meaning Poland not as devote to old school socialistic as this former eastern teritory of Peoples Socialistic Republik of Czechoslovakia. Polish people used to think of SL as cheap place to go ski and buy vodka, now Slovaks come to Poland for shopping deals. Polish people think of them as slightly frumpy and kind of redneckish, but nice once you know them personaly.
13 May 2009
Travel / Slovakia, neighboring Poland [19]

Anyone i have met who has been there has had nothing good to say about the place.

here, here. this was the funniest part of the film, good post
16 Jun 2009
History / Poland before WWII or Poland now what would you choose? [390]

if you had a chance would you change it back to what Poland was before or prefer it the way it is now?

smart people would choose on behalf of the collective the Poland between the two reactionary Polands you mention of course. Poland before WWII was a rusticated swamp, the Poland now is the crass puppet state which kow-tows to international investment class who scurry like rats in drive for conquest and privatiseation. Poland between these two was shining beacon of socialistic victorious progress define by tractors, welders, and shock troops.
31 Aug 2009

ah the wonderful world of politics...but it is not known if the USA has the time to send a high official to every country's war rememberance celebrations for who would have the time with so many wars because dumb hu8man race never learns. Of course in Peoples Democratic Rep of North Korea every day is good day to remember aggression of imperialist puppet masters and their running dog lackeys.
31 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Exploiting Polish Workers by the UK businesses [90]

if you thinks thats bad, how about how Polish are treated by Polish employers in Poland, where the govt coudnt care less. for example not paying for compulsory overtime, and the legendary story of how women cashi9ers at a supermarket chain were given pampers so as not to waste productivity for going on bathroom breaks...
1 Sep 2009
Life / How much Zloty to have an average life in Poland? [98]

Living above average or affluent life is seen as living against the times.
Thank you f**n liberals.

without the liberals you wouldnt have something called "the weekend" for you would be expected to keep working in coal mine or textile mill 7 days a week.
1 Sep 2009
Love / What are the perceptions of polish towards homosexuality? [106]

dunno bout polish, but in albania, u both dead. prob stone to death, or sumthing else if ur lucky

common attitude in undeveloped countries. in some countries in the middle east they supposedely super glue the rectum shut then feed the victim laxative to cause a slow painful death.
1 Sep 2009
News / The Polish Economy and its future [101]

Why not just be happy with a medium-sized TV set, A car which produces less emisions, and a house which fits our needs?

because people get bored with what they already have (TV, car, wife, etc), its human nature.
9 Sep 2009
Life / Most overpriced things in Poland? [72]

They seem to think that, by virtue of having your own company, that you are some kind of self-made millionaire. It's just a convenience for schools but an inconvenience for me and others who will have to pay around 840PLN a month for entering the third year of my company.

well said, total bollocks and just another cheap method of ripping off the general public.

Tennis balls

and tennis court fees, what a rip off.

and no one mentioned flat prices, especially in Warsaw. Now those are a TOTAL rip off.
9 Sep 2009
Life / Most overpriced things in Poland? [72]

The bosses make damn sure that they can drive around in the latest flash car.

exactly dude haha welcome to PL
9 Sep 2009
Life / Most overpriced things in Poland? [72]

Communism put shackles on (I'm not advocating its imposition back then) and didn't allow too many to be too showy and grabbing. They have quickly become Western in their approach to money and that isn't good.

All DPRK jokes aside, I disagree...Communism fed the ambitions of pricks and ******* and beeaches just as much as capitalism does, but notice that in places like Poland the coming of the red army just overturned the power structure...the maids and the street cleaners were given medium level positions to keep the old money crowd under the thumbs of the new rulers and they were very eager to do it in most cases. There is a very telling scene about this in Wajda's film Katyn, where the old housekeeper returns after the war and thanks to her husband's new position was elevated to the status of master (or at least master's wife). Very good scene. In the end its all the same shite: greed and excess ambition. Now dig those tunnels, bourgoeis stooges!
9 Sep 2009
Life / Most overpriced things in Poland? [72]

I had everyday people in mind. Animal Farm showed the evil machinations of communism amongst the power brokers. The average Joe had to queue in the freezing cold for precious little.

Now a lot of average Joes still have precious little, pondering their illusions of material good while staring at their new plasma screens bought on credit...while the phone bill goes unpaid and they borrow cash from neighbours for groceries. They work for peanuts and get taken advantage of by the people who employ them (the same ones who shaft them out of their ZUS or whatever), but why ask questions? You'll never get yours because what lawyer would want to work pro bono to get your 2500 PLN that your employer screwed you out of because he won't pay your back overtime?

In the PRL days it was the same...your commie urzednik had you by the balls and could do whatever he or she wanted, and you had to put up with it...what Poland didnt have then and still doesnt have is accountability at the top. Probably wont ever have it, as its not a Polish custom for people at the top to answer to anyone.
9 Sep 2009
Life / Most overpriced things in Poland? [72]

point is, anyone who pushes their way forward to the troth of power and privellge while stepping on the backs of the people around them are nothing more than scheming vermin, doesnt matter if it happens under communism or capitalism.
10 Sep 2009

I will attempt to lure him into a discussion about Poles. A report will be forthcoming..

we are eagerly awaiting this report. dont let us down.
10 Sep 2009
Life / Polish culture differences from the rest of Europe. [19]

Show me the last time there were race riots in Poland.

Show me how you could possibly have a race riot in a country (Poland) where you can see a black guy coming from two miles away?