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Questions about Warsaw Institute of Technology & some about life in Poland too.

Chirag  1 | 8  
12 May 2009 /  #1
Hello Friends !
I am from India and want to do get my engineering degree (Computer Engineering) from Warsaw Institute of Technology (I've heard that its one of the largest of its kind in central Europe)

Now, i want to know the opinions of all of you, who are currently in Poland...to sum it up im asking my questions in a nutshell--

1)What is the admission fee to study in WIT (Warsaw Institute of Technology)?..ive gone through their website but couldn't figure out a head or tail of it...can anyone please direct me?

2)Apart from the admission fee, how much money will i require for my lodgings, food etc etc (on a monthly basis)

3)Can i do a part time job in poland? By part time job i mean any kind of job-fit-for-a-student [My English is good (at least my English teacher says that :D)]

I also have some "social" questions in my mind--

4) You see India is a very very diverse country..so you will rarely find racism there..but when it comes to Poland everyone is a christian...so i just want to know if Polish people are racist..please don't take it otherwise...i know they are also modern and people of 21st century but im just a bit curious...for your reference, im neither underfried nor overfried (neither a white nor a black :D )

5)Ok..so a last question...may sound weird...Can i have a polish girlfriend? :D :D
wait..before you answer that question let me tell you why i asked that question...Among Indian females, light travels faster than sound...so females judge others by their looks...i know several countries where such thing doesn't happen at all! can i count Poland among those countries?

[I have a polish friend, she is also a female..same age as mine and she often tells me that i am very honest, reliable, truthful and can be trusted..but i have never asked her how i look(although she has my photo)]

So...that's all..those were my doubts :)
Awaiting for your reply friends!
Thank you in advance!
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
12 May 2009 /  #2
eng.pw.edu.pl/ - Link to Warsaw University of Technology
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
12 May 2009 /  #3
3)Can i do a part time job in poland? By part time job i mean any kind of job-fit-for-a-student [My English is good (at least my English teacher says that :D)]

That wont help much since they speak Polish in Poland.

5)Ok..so a last question...may sound weird...Can i have a polish girlfriend? :D :D
wait..before you answer that question let me tell you why i asked that question...Among Indian females, light travels faster than sound...so females judge others by their looks...i know several countries where such thing doesn't happen at all! can i count Poland among those countries?

Which countries are these that women do not judge a man based on his appearance? Im not Polish but I'd say Polish women will judge you on how you look and what your prospects are, the same as an Indian woman.
OP Chirag  1 | 8  
12 May 2009 /  #4
Link to Warsaw University of Technology

Thank you for the link SzwedwPolsce...i think i can contact them through telephone now..thanks a lot again mate !

Perhaps you got me a little wrong...i did'nt mean that a gorilla will get a human girl friend
I just want to say that appearance counts..but around 20% of the total 100%...i have a strong opinion that its the inner looks that matters...when you come to the end of the road..no one will judge you by how you looked...but what you did in your life time...when a celebrity dies people cry to show off..all her looks are forgotten but what if a soldier dies? The whole country salutes him...even his dead body is taken in pride as if it were an expensive ornament...Hope you get what i want to tell

Well, people who run after looks will always be there...but i want to know their % in poland..thats all
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
12 May 2009 /  #5
Well, people who run after looks will always be there...but i want to know their % in poland..thats all

I'd say a large proportion prefer a man with good looks and money same as a vast majority of women in Europe, who would actually chose to marry an ugly poor man even if he does have a heart of gold? Ever wondered why marriages fail so often?

I just want to say that appearance counts..but around 20% of the total 100%...i have a strong opinion that its the inner looks that matters...when you come to the end of the road..no one will judge you by how you looked...but what you did in your life time...when a celebrity dies people cry to show off..all her looks are forgotten but what if a soldier dies? The whole country salutes him...even his dead body is taken in pride as if it were an expensive ornament...Hope you get what i want to tell

I understand you, but the above has very little to do with what a woman look for, it's about society, and by the way a soldier will get a small corner in the paper or a quick mention on the news - where as Jade Goody got front page news for nearly 4 weeks...thats just the way it is.
OP Chirag  1 | 8  
12 May 2009 /  #6
ha ha ha ha ShelleyS..you and me are like two sides of a coin...we can never agree to each other hahaha...well there is no point in arguing.

Anyway, thanks for your opinion :)
...i was just wondering why beyonce married JayZ ..looks? nah..money? maybe..Inner qualities? i think i can bet on it hahaha

Again, thank you for your opinions ShelleyS :)
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
12 May 2009 /  #7
It's impossible to get a final answer to the question what women/men, in general, are looking for. People will always say different things because they have different experiences.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
12 May 2009 /  #8
ha ha ha ha ShelleyS..you and me are like two sides of a coin...we can never agree to each other hahaha...well there is no point in arguing.
Anyway, thanks for your opinion :)
...i was just wondering why beyonce married JayZ ..looks? nah..money? maybe..Inner qualities? i think i can bet on it hahaha

I answered your question, No? There was no argument from my side, I was merely pointing out facts.

Im curious, why did you chose Poland for your studies?
Ironside  50 | 12897  
12 May 2009 /  #9
Im curious, why did you chose Poland for your studies?

cheaper !
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
12 May 2009 /  #10
Than where? He lives in India, they have universities there and Im sure it would be cheaper than studying abroad and easier than studying in a country where he doesn't know the language or the culture.
OP Chirag  1 | 8  
12 May 2009 /  #11
Well, i chose to study in WIT because its cheaper. How? The universities in india equivalent to WIT charge more amount than WIT hahaha
Well, i just want to reconfirm how much WIT charges...does anyone know?
SRK85  - | 72  
13 May 2009 /  #12
Damn mate you should come to Krakow instead I love meeting international people, I am American though but I have some Indian friends. Buts its up to you, also don't go to Poland just to find a girlfriend get an education first then if your lucky you'll meet a nice Polish girl. As for questions about admissions including payment email the international office.. I have emailed a few Polish universities and got a response within 48 hours.
OP Chirag  1 | 8  
13 May 2009 /  #13
lol have i told that im going to poland to get a girlfriend? hahaha
i asked "can"/"if" i could get one

anyway..thanks for replying mate..when i come i will surely visit you :)
Juche  9 | 292  
13 May 2009 /  #14
im neither underfried nor overfried (neither a white nor a black

is this Indian slang? Remember words of Mao: To fry a rat is easy, but to overfy it is a criminal."
SRK85  - | 72  
14 May 2009 /  #15
lol have i told that im going to poland to get a girlfriend? hahaha
i asked "can"/"if" i could get one

anyway..thanks for replying mate..when i come i will surely visit you :)

Sorry mate yes its very possible to get a Polish girlfriend you never know. But sounds good Krakow is amazing have not made it to warsaw yet.
OP Chirag  1 | 8  
14 May 2009 /  #16
But sounds good Krakow is amazing have not made it to warsaw yet.

When i come to poland, you give me a tour of Krakow SRK85...okay? :)
BB630  1 | 19  
21 May 2009 /  #17
WUT is a fine school. I know many people who have come out of there with quality educations. As far as what you should look to pay for living expenses, I suppose you can live on around 600-700 USD per Month comfortably. You can probably make do with less (400-500 USD) if you don't mind general quality of living. You will spend 100 USD or so on food every month and another 100 USD on your basic communications fees. How much your room costs over and above this depends entirely on the type of residence you would like. Don't plan on spending any more than 400-500 USD per month on a room/apartment. You will also need some money for things such as your bus ticket (fairly cheap as a student) and basic necessities so figure you will need a bit more as well. As for employment, no you will undoubtedly be unable to find much work outside of your studies. Even though your English is obviously very good for a non-native speaker, you will only be able to teach it yourself and not through a school. You should be prepared to pay your way without work and consider any you do find to be a luxury.
OP Chirag  1 | 8  
23 May 2009 /  #18
Hey BB630, Thanks Mate ! I really needed those information

and BB630, i think that apartment cost is a bit high..i mean 600-700 dollars is fine but that apartment cost is eating around 80% of that...now i dont want a suite or something like that ! is it possible to get a room for a little less cost? if i can shuffle 100 dollars from the mentioned apartment cost then it would be great..is it possible?

Because, you see as u said 700 dollars is to fulfill basic necessities ..right?..apart from that i will need to have some pocket money also.

and... i understand that i wont be able to do any kind of part time job in poland..thanks for the info mate :)
Ewcinka  - | 27  
4 Jun 2009 /  #19
I think it is possible to get a room for about 600 pln...(that's about 200 USD) I have a small flat in warsaw I rent my spare room to a friend and that's how much I get.

You'd need to spend about 100 pln on buses every 90 days. For food and other basic staff (like toiletries, photocopying and a beer from time to time) you would need at least another 600 pln and preferably more. For bigger expense you'd need extra money.

It all depends on the quality of live you want to live... many polish students make do with less...

Archives - 2005-2009 / Study / Questions about Warsaw Institute of Technology & some about life in Poland too.Archived