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Posts by Michal2  

Joined: 30 Aug 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 8 Dec 2008
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Posts: Total: 78 / In This Archive: 71
From: Guildford
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Poland

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7 Jan 2009
Love / Polish man dating Russian women [42]

Now the question is, can Russian women move easily to Poland ? I would very much like to move from the US to Poland and live there with her?

You want to wait and get to know her first. Also, how old is she? Remember that women after forty turn odd somehow. Most Eastern women are greedy and want your cash and I very much doubt if she will be any different. Why was she is Egypt? She may have contacts there and she may secretly be planning a return to her true love but only with your wallet. Go to Russia, there are lots of Russian women there and they are all the same. Believe me.
4 Jan 2009
Life / 52% Poles: life in Poland is bad... [46]

Poland has always had a very poor economy and Pol;and has always traditionally been a country from which people have run away and with good reason. Poland will never be rich and successful country due to its location, poor natural resources and climate.
29 Dec 2008
News / Polish-Hungarian friendship - reality till today or just a phantasmagoria [144]

It is strange as the Poles have all sorts of expressions to say how close the poles are to the Hungarians when in fact there is really nothing similar whatsoever. The Poles do not share a natural border with the Hungarians and there is nothing whatsoever similar between the two languages either.
29 Dec 2008

Yes but it must be a very boring buying a huge boring book just learning the genitive case. There is much more interesting things to learn in life than when to use a silly 'a' or a silly 'u' on the end of silly Polish words!
24 Dec 2008
News / Polish-Hungarian friendship - reality till today or just a phantasmagoria [144]

I was born in Brasil (it's with S not Z, and Brasil means "live coal",it's not portuguese word, how almost everybody use to believe, but indeed it's arabic. But to clarify, I'm a first generation born here, and grew up, among hungarians here, I use to talk hungarian, almost to my 3 years, but how my father it's a engineer, we use to move around Brasil, to other places, and this forced me to learn the portuguese and forget the hungarian. I got my hungarian citizenship 4 years ago. We in Brasil, we do speak portuguese not spanish, how may people use to think. In Brasil, we have around 150 million portuguese speakers, around 200 thousand spanish speakers, and same number of Guarani (indian

A very interesting description of a country and its language. Brasil is certainly a country I would like to visit as well as Argentina. It must have taken you a long time to put this essay together.
18 Dec 2008

(proper: "my brother and I"), but I wonder if in Polish trying to convey that menaing with "my z bratem" is substandard, dialectic or regarded

No, this is poor grammar as it should be my brother and me in correct English. Ja jestem z moim bratem would be one way of saying this in Polish but there are others too. What about Mój brat i ja?
16 Dec 2008

Nagy is of a different matter: gy is a consonant (just like

In Hungarian, nagy is pronounced as if the word were spelled nody.
10 Dec 2008

Isn't it true that in Old Polish krasny could mean both beautiful and red. These words

No but it is true of the Russian Language. The old word for beautiful was krasny, hence krasnaja ploszczid-Red Square, meaning in fact, 'beautiful square' and not Red Square that it has become (wrongly) to signify to this day. Polish is a much more modern language, based on a simplified Russian therefore, Polish lakes the same historical traditions that Russian has.
10 Dec 2008
Language / Feminine Nouns Ending In A Consonant [11]

chorągiew - flag

What about the similar Polish word marchew for a carrot? It is a more daily used word than chorągiew and the declension is similar.
10 Dec 2008

for example Hitler becomes Gitler.

No, Hitler is still Hitler, John Major is John Major and Harold Wilson would still be Harold Wilson. Anyway, a Hungarian word would be complicated for a Pole to understand. I would suggest that Poles leave Hungarian words alone. Do not play with fire!
9 Dec 2008

t Sarkozy'ego

No. sarkozy is not even a Polish name. He is of Hungarian origin so his name can not be declined like a Polish surname.
8 Dec 2008
Language / Jechac or Jezdzic? [35]

, he says "za każdy dzień..."

No, it is a totally different context. If you live in Poland then you should know the language very well by now and should not even need to ask so perhaps it is time for you to give this up and start with French or another language, which will be of more international long term use than silly Polish.
8 Dec 2008
Language / Jechac or Jezdzic? [35]

, każdy dzień, or a conjuga

No, in Russian yes but not Polish.
8 Dec 2008
Language / Jechac or Jezdzic? [35]

Codziennie is written together

Yes but co dzień are in fact two words which together mean every day.
8 Dec 2008
Language / Jechac or Jezdzic? [35]

"każdego dnia" or "w każdy dzień"

No, that is really very bad Polish indeed. It should be 'ja chodzę do sklpeów co dziennie'. Każdego dnia and w każdy dzień is simply not Polish.
8 Dec 2008
Language / Jechac or Jezdzic? [35]


That is just spelling but ku Londynowi sounds a lot better than gips u nogi!
7 Dec 2008
Language / Jechac or Jezdzic? [35]

echać is determinate, Jeżdzić is the indeterminate form of the verbs meaning 'to go by vehicle, ride, journey'.

This is simple basic slav logic in grammar and it is not just confined to the Polish Language or the very jechać or jeździć. The verbs of motion on foot are similar and are used in the same sort of way. Chodzić and iść are the verbs of motion to go on foot.

Ja pojadę jutro ku Londynowi-I will go to London tomorrow
Ja jeżdżę pociągiem każdy dzień do pracy-going to work like a commuter (backwards and forwards).

Ja idę do sklupu-I am going to the shop and
ja chodzę wszędzie pieszo-I go everywhere on foot.
16 Nov 2008
Language / Difference between 'to' and 'jest' when describing people [4]

hat is the diference in meaning between:

The difference is that Kasia to miła nauczycielka is still in the nominative case because there is no verb such as the verb to be-być being employed in the present tense.
11 Nov 2008
Language / Correct form of BYĆ. Please help! [96]

But it is a much more complex language than Latin. But I expect

No, I do not know a single word of Latin, except, of course for all the words I probably use every day based on a Latin root without even knowing it.
11 Nov 2008
Language / Confusion about genitive plural [30]

there are several books full of these God damn examples from Polish grammar. I could download something nearing the bible with pages of boring examples. A very sad and bad way of showing a living language and quite pointless too.
11 Nov 2008
Language / Confusion about genitive plural [30]

This is just off the top of my head, so anyone, please, feel free to disagree or post some more accurate rules from grammar books.

No it is not. Yet again, you have copied all this out of a book and made a fun simple subject a misery. Forming the plurals in Polish is not difficult-it is mostly a simplified Russian grammar which was stolen from them in the first place.
11 Nov 2008

ationalism and chauvinism which are only a step away from

I think that the Polish, on the whole, are a racist lot but they hid it behind patriotism in the form of the Roman Catholic Church. After all, who dares to stand up against God and the Virgin Mary? The Poles are quite 'clever' on this touchy issue. A funny lot really, the Poles, all go to church on the Sunday morning falling down on the ground in from of the alter but five minutes later, drunk, they would walk over your body lying in the street. If you were having a heart attack in Poland, nobody would stop to help. In Germany or Sweden certainly, but would has any time for anybody in Poland of all places?
11 Nov 2008
Language / Correct form of BYĆ. Please help! [96]

My sister (Moja siostra) Jillian, she will be (będzie) a nurse (pielęgniarką).
My brother (Mój brat) Ryan, he will be (będzie) a policeman (policjantem).
My brother (Mój brat) Tye, he will be (b

I can never understand why you have got to make a simple subject so complicated and dry. Polish is not Latin. It is a nice living thing! you always do the same thing. You just look up tables in grammar books and then download it all on the Polishforums.
10 Nov 2008
Language / Correct form of BYĆ. Please help! [96]

The will be oni będą-men or a mixed grouping
one będą-females only, will be
Ty będziesz-you (my friend) will be
My będziemy-we will be
Wy będziecie-you will be