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Joined: 16 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
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Speaks Polish?: kind of

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18 Nov 2009
Language / 'Gateway' slavic language? [54]

it's not even worth it to bring up "cases" in English. nonsense.

well obviously it is, if it helps english speakers get their heads round the idea of cases, eg they will see immediately that one couldn't say "him book" for example.

It certainly helped me with Greek..:)
18 Nov 2009
Love / Polish woman and children [14]

in my experience you cannot say oh "such and such a nationality are great parents".
I have heard Polish mothers threaten "to whip that kid with a cable til the blood comes" and to use violence and shouting generally to control children.

In fact I have seen Polish mothers whose only priority is clean shirts, they would hit the kid if it got dirty.
I don't think this is to do with nationality just general fecktupness, which doesnt respect arbitrary frontiers.
As for being "full blooded" why not show us your pedigree?
18 Nov 2009
Language / Two questions for people who learn polish [57]

I thought it wasnt acceptable on this forum to insult others on the grounds of their language competence.
Hardly a "beginner".
Get over yourself.
18 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

In any case, immigration brings many benefits

tell that to the white working class who can't get jobs or council housing, as they watch every other nationality queue jump the housing register. And if they say A WORD about this, then they are "Racist" or "Lazy".
19 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

Can you prove this sweeping (and suspect) assertion?

I have seen it on our local estate, would you like photographs?

According to whom? Again, an example please.

Oh I have heard this plenty of times, either from Guardian reading eedjits or immigrants who are happy in their council houses.
19 Nov 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [427]

The whole Is it Eastern Europe or Central debate is silly because it depends on your own perspective

Geographically Europe ends at the Ural mountains. Therefore Poland is Central Europe, regardless of the speaker's perspective.
19 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

You haven't proved anything, just repeated hearsay, and bigoted hearsay at that.

It's not hearsay, I live on a council estate. The truth is before our eyes. I bet you read the Guardian.
I would have nothing to do with the BNP, but just maybe the BNP is speaking for people alot more pissed off and further to the right than I am. You are so very predictable.

19 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

Your posts about immigrants indeed suggest that.

Was there anything personally offensive in what I wrote? No I think not.
Just maybe it's time for a two way dialogue, y'see ppl like you dismiss anything that goes against your liberal orthodoxy as an invalid argument.

People who get all hot under the collar about "Racism" very often have something to hide.

Oh and "So do I"....er....your other posts would suggest you live in Poland, so you don't, obviously, live on a UK council estate.
19 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

Like what?

lol....like you're a secret candidate for the BNP or David Irving's private secretary, or....well something like that anyway...;)
20 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / English tossers give Brits a bad name in Poland [139]

Brits aren't seen that well by many Poles generally. Richer? Yes Smarter? No

it's OK Seanus the feelings mutual..Poland is hardly exporting its best now is it?:)
You're sick mate....;)
21 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / English tossers give Brits a bad name in Poland [139]

Again, my point is that the English culture encourages this type of behaviour more so than other national cultures

szkotja youre getting boring.......why not start a new thread?
"Scottish are far superior to English... but we're not racist"
or something like that...
then give us all a good rendition of a lovely cuddly Scottish ditty like..."The sash my father wore"...LOL
21 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / English tossers give Brits a bad name in Poland [139]

I mean that this type of boorish behaviour abroad is more prevalent in the English culture and .......wait a minute.......am I repeating myself

You're really getting boring.
23 Nov 2009
History / The Poms who stood by the Poles in WW2 [156]

Britain was very much Germany's most natural and closest ally in Hitler's mind. The idiot was so delusional

Actually not THAT delusional when you look at the recent ancestry of our Royal Family the Saxe COburg GOthas, why do you think Prince Philip's sisters werent invited to his wedding to Elizabeth, well thats because they were all married to SS officers.

Certain members of the Royal family had such strong Nazi sympathies they had to be shipped off to the Bahamas for the duration.
Aristocratic ruling class families thought Hitler was wonderful. Some of them (Well, one of them) even rushed off to Germany to seduce him....(Unity Mitford)

The delusional ones are the ones who think Hitler had no support in the British Isles.
30 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Where, in the UK, is the most Polish? [18]

I understand that some towns in the UK have almost completely been taken over by Poles, at least this is what I've heard. That these towns have many Polish facilities including schools.

For goodness sake where do you get your info?
What total rubbish.
Most UK towns have a Polish community yes.
30 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Leeds: Beware of purse snatch gangs in supermarkets [11]

How they know they are Polish? Are they wearing some badges?

For example the other day I was having a problem with my van and was inadvertantly blocking the pavement, some Polish witches came by giving me dirty looks, I knew immediately where they were from, it was the skin and bone legs, high heels and miserable faces that gave it away, SIMPLES!!
19 Dec 2009
UK, Ireland / Its strange that there arent many Poles who live in the UK on this Forum [102]

Thats tuff folks i tell yah, they say it gets easier, im not so sure.

it gets worse, WB, trust me. Wait til youre 40 something and young ppl look at you as though youre some freak cos u still like a beer and a laugh.

See u by the church in Zieleniec sometime in Feb I hope.... I will be the sad old lady in an army surplus parka who is still convinced she is 25..:)

Maybe the Poles in the UK are too busy working to go on a forum?...;)