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Posts by SzwedwPolsce  

Joined: 21 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Nov 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1589 / In This Archive: 631
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Staram się... hehe. ;-)
Interests: Driving motorcycle, SCUBA-diving, playing guitar, delicious food etc.

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26 Sep 2009
Language / How does Polish sound to you? How to make Polish sound more pleasurable? [100]

1. Pronunce the hard consonants softer.
2. Less rolling of the R-sound.
3. A little bit more "floating" melody (less marked intonation).

But I don't think you should change the words, e.g. kobieta should not be kobita.

You have to be amped up to be heard or to get in a word.

Depends on who's speaking of course. I've heard girls speaking very soft and rather quiet.
24 Sep 2009
Language / Blackboard Language Project [28]

Sep 24, 09, 21:05 - Thread attached on merging:
Excellent video with Polish pronunciation

This is the best video I've seen about Polish pronunciation. The examples after every sound is great to make it even more clear. Excellent!

23 Sep 2009
Love / Proposing to my Polish girlfriend [33]

make sure it's a special romantic moment which she will always remember

Yes, the emotional value is the most important value. If she always remembers the passion between you two when she looks at the ring, it's worth more than any money you can spend on a ring.
23 Sep 2009
Food / Popular drink shots in Poland? [28]

the u boat

In many countries it common to drop a shot-glas of Jägermeister into a big glas of beer. It's a better combination than many people think. The JM slowly diffuses out to the beer from the shot-glas submerged in the beer. But I guess it's more common to do it with vodka in PL, because the bartender looked at us like if we were UFOs. haha. :)
23 Sep 2009
Food / Popular drink shots in Poland? [28]

how is the blue colored shot called?

Thats called a Tidy bowl

Called Kamikaze, as far as I know, in Poland. Usually:
1 part Blue Curacao
2 parts Vodka
1 part Lemon Juice

Popular and nice to shot.

I think there is a shot called Kamikaze in most countries, but the contents vary.
23 Sep 2009
Language / Verb forms and conjugation [28]

and I'v come across jestem, jesteś, jest, jestemy, jestecie, są
Would this be -em, -eś, conjugation?

Być (jestem, jesteś, jest etc.) is irregular, it doesn't follow any of the normal pathways. The same with Mieć (mam, masz, ma etc).
22 Sep 2009
Love / Broken Heart, An amazing girl from Poland [139]

i've heard that headaches aren't that fashionable anymore and women have to use other excuses....

These days it's the men who have to make up excuses. ;)
22 Sep 2009
Travel / Polish Zoos and their animals [27]

We have a Zoo not very far from where I live. But I haven't been there yet, even though I like animals a lot.

My friend was there. and she said that many of the animals have too small cages. There is also some lack of physical and social stimulation for several animals. I hope it will improve.
19 Sep 2009
Language / I'm really interested in learning Polish [33]

So, do you know a website -- a polish learning website -- that provides audio or pronunciation samples?


Here you can write any text you want and they will read it in Polish. But you have to spell it correctly, or else it will be wrong pronunciation.
19 Sep 2009
Life / Wedding Reception Venues in Gdansk [17]

At my cousin's wedding she had a chocolate fondue fountain. There were assorted fruits and marshmallows to cover with delicious toppings.

I saw a really cool one some time ago. This is the thing to have on the next big party (wedding or whatever).
19 Sep 2009
Language / The sound of the Polish 'R' [33]

How do I make that sound?!?!

Once again, there are lots of videos on Youtube that teach you how to roll the 'r'.
19 Sep 2009
Travel / Alcohol on trains in Poland [40]

the police are hardly going to check every bottle!

The police has probably never walked around on trains to check if people are drinking any alcohol. But the train security guards appear often when you least expect it. And if the find you drinking alc. the will most likely fine you.
19 Sep 2009
Travel / Alcohol on trains in Poland [40]

I saw a few young people (probably hooligans) getting fined for drinking alcohol on the train only a few weeks ago.
19 Sep 2009
Life / The Elderly and their Psyche in Poland. [20]

Even if the dead person doesn't care about the stone on his/her grave, maybe his/her family who is still alive does care.
19 Sep 2009
Life / The Elderly and their Psyche in Poland. [20]

There is no one who can tell so fascinating stories as old people. Sometimes sad, but still amazing, life-stories.

You can hear a 60-year-old love story, that is still as alive as it was 60 years ago. Amazing!
17 Sep 2009
Life / How often do you think Poles smile :) [58]

cultural difference

For sure it is. In Polish culture you usually don't smile at strangers. I discovered that pretty quickly when I came to PL. And I had it confirmed later as well. But when it's people they know well, I think people are smiling much more.
17 Sep 2009
Life / How often do you think Poles smile :) [58]

Yes, that's the way it is. No doubt, and I think most people know it.

It's usually easy to get to know Polish ppl. But until you know them they are usually rather "closed". Then they open up completely. :)
17 Sep 2009
Life / How often do you think Poles smile :) [58]

In my experience Poles smile a lot to people they know, and very little to people they don't know.

If you know only very few Poles, the impression will be that Poles don't smile.
17 Sep 2009
Life / Meds in Poland - do they require a prescription? [2]

Anyway, I am moving to Gdansk in a few days, and I am just wondering about the situation there. Do all the meds require a prescription in Poland? Can someone please tell me what meds can be bought without a prescription? I am not asking about something in particular, but I would really like to be able to buy some allergy or fever meds without seeing a doctor first. And what about the pain killers?

You can buy many basic drugs without prescription. For example:
- painkillers/against fever (aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen)
- against stomach ulcer/pain (omeprazole)
- against allergy (many different anti-histamines)
- sprays to clear your nose when you have a cold
- etc...