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Popular drink shots in Poland?

3 Nov 2008 /  #1
What are the most popular shots people drink in Poland? I'm from the West Coast U.S. and was just curious. Besides the ever popular Tequila shot, we like Jager Bombs (Jager and Red Bull), Touchdowns (Stoli Orange and Red Bull), Washington Apple (Crown Royal, Dekypers Apple and Cranberry Juice), Three Wise Men (Jose, Jack and Johnnie Walker) and the Flaming Dr. Pepper (151, amaretto and beer). What do you people in Poland like?
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
3 Nov 2008 /  #2
andy b 4 | 156  
3 Nov 2008 /  #3
"Wściekły Pies" which translates as Mad Dog (or more literally "rabid dog") and is half vodka, half cherry syrup and a few drops of tobasco. Sweet and spicy, very tasty. Popular in Krakow, don't know about the rest of the country.
OP tank  
3 Nov 2008 /  #4
We have a drink somewhat like Wściekły Pies but it is called a Prarie Fire. It can either be a full shot of Bacardi 151 or Tequila with lots of Tabasco. It burns even after about a half hour. If you get drunk enough you can get a "Stuntman". The bartender will usually give it to you for free just because you were either brave enough or dumb enough to take one. It is like a regular Tequila shot except you take the salt align it in a line on the table, snort it, take the Tequila shot and squirt the lilme in your eye. I don't recommend it but it sure is funny to see done.
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Nov 2008 /  #5
Vodka, bols & Vodka, bols..........

Dont forget your drinking boots sunshine..
3 Nov 2008 /  #6
how is the blue colored shot called?
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
3 Nov 2008 /  #7
What do you people in Poland like?

To be honest I have always found the whole "drinks" a bit... unheterosexual...
LondonChick 31 | 1133  
3 Nov 2008 /  #8
Kameekazees (or however they're spellt) are popular. No idea what's in them, but they're not really all that strong.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
3 Nov 2008 /  #9
They're filled with blue curacao and some diluted vodka I think. I can shoot them freely and don't feel drunk. They give u a nice brain freeze tho as they are loaded with ice.
22 Nov 2008 /  #10
what is "shliverwitz" my opa is polish but i can't find it in Aust. and im not sure of the spelling, can anyone help? its a drink like wodka but the polish version?
22 Nov 2008 /  #11

Seanus 15 | 19668  
22 Sep 2009 /  #12
Krupnik can be too. Krupnik has 3 meanings or more in Polish. I remember shooting it after beer and I took my time getting off my chair.
wildrover 98 | 4431  
22 Sep 2009 /  #13

I don,t know the spelling either..but i know the demon stuff you mean....A mate of mine who is in the UK army brought me a bottle back from Bosnia where the stuff is known as ...sleepinaditch...i can see why....
sledz 23 | 2247  
23 Sep 2009 /  #14
how is the blue colored shot called?

Thats called a Tidy bowl

Vodka and Blue Cucaro

Some bartenders will drop a few coffee beans into it as a garnish, so it looks
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1593  
23 Sep 2009 /  #15
how is the blue colored shot called?

Thats called a Tidy bowl

Called Kamikaze, as far as I know, in Poland. Usually:
1 part Blue Curacao
2 parts Vodka
1 part Lemon Juice

Popular and nice to shot.

I think there is a shot called Kamikaze in most countries, but the contents vary.
wildrover 98 | 4431  
23 Sep 2009 /  #16
I was with a group of Poles and got introduced to the u boat...its a tumbler of vodka dropped into a pint of beer a depth charge.....and just as dangerous...!
frd 7 | 1385  
23 Sep 2009 /  #17
Heh, the version of uboot I know was buying a big plastic bottle of table water - fi 2L pouring 0,7L of vodka into it and then adding 0,5L beer. Although it's not a short drink.. I don't think it's actually a drink at all ; ) It was pretty horrible to drink..
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1593  
23 Sep 2009 /  #18
the u boat

In many countries it common to drop a shot-glas of Jägermeister into a big glas of beer. It's a better combination than many people think. The JM slowly diffuses out to the beer from the shot-glas submerged in the beer. But I guess it's more common to do it with vodka in PL, because the bartender looked at us like if we were UFOs. haha. :)
andrewwright 8 | 65  
23 Sep 2009 /  #19
sledz 23 | 2247  
24 Sep 2009 /  #20
Called Kamikaze, as far as I know, in Poland.

True it varies, the way I would make one:

1 part Triple Sec
2 part wodka
1 part lemon

Triple sec/ Blue curaco are pretty much the same thing, different color.

Trip has alittle bit of orange taste in it
LondonChick 31 | 1133  
24 Sep 2009 /  #21
True it varies, the way I would make one:

Yes - that was the type that I've had.

There is no way on earth I am drinking something that is BLUE :D
Jay24 12 | 64  
24 Sep 2009 /  #22
If you get drunk enough you can get a "Stuntman". The bartender will usually give it to you for free just because you were either brave enough or dumb enough to take one. It is like a regular Tequila shot except you take the salt align it in a line on the table, snort it, take the Tequila shot and squirt the lilme in your eye

Also known as a Tequila Suicide
andrewwright 8 | 65  
24 Sep 2009 /  #23
VODKA VODKA AND MORE BLOODY VODKA Thats all the pols seem to drink
Ajb 6 | 232  
24 Sep 2009 /  #24
Triple sec/ Blue curaco are pretty much the same thing, different color

not correct Blue Curaçao is made from a orange like fuit from island of Curaçao, Tripple sec is made from orange's from the Caribian region (Blue being about 21% abv and Triple sec about 40%abv) tripple sec being triple distilled (like vodka), hense its name..

Sorry to be so picky but really they are different... Triple Sec is quite dry to taste Blue isnt!

sledz 23 | 2247  
24 Sep 2009 /  #25
Sorry to be so picky but really they are different... Triple Sec is quite dry to taste Blue isnt

Ill go along with that, it sounds like you know your booze:)

Im a little rusty

I remember making alot of shooters like Silk Panty, Purple hooters,Mind Eraser and Watermelons...good stuff

The best drink of all time, according to me is:

1 oz dark Rum
1/2 oz blackberry brandy
1/2 oz creme de banana
1/2 oz grenadine or cherry juice
2 1/2 oz sweet and sour mix
Best served frozen/blender
Top with 1/2 oz 151 Rum and pour it down the straw:)
Ajb 6 | 232  
25 Sep 2009 /  #26
I think your American because you use oz's which is 28ml as were in the UK we use 25ml's as 1 shot.

To be honest i spent 4 years writing cocktail menus and manageing cocktal bars so i get really funny with alcohol based things! lol

The best drink of all time, according to me is:

I nearly agree! although i would make a rum runner:
37.5ml Havana rum
12.5ml Creme de Mure
25ml Creme de banane
half a lime juiced
50ml pineapple juice
12.5ml grenadine (sunk)

OK to be honest the best of all time is just a simple Cuba Libra
50ml Havana 7yr
half a lime juiced
topped with coke

Im drinking Havana Club - from Cuba rite now!
sledz 23 | 2247  
25 Sep 2009 /  #27
think your American because you use oz's

Yeah, the part thing wasnt working

37.5ml Havana rum

Thats sounds great, I like the Jamacian Rums Ive tried.

I dont know if the US govt would them import Cuban Rum here?

Im drinking Havana Club - from Cuba rite now!

I wish I was on a tropical Island drinking some Rum right about now:)
Lucky you
Ajb 6 | 232  
25 Sep 2009 /  #28
I dont know if the US govt would them import Cuban Rum here?

Oh! i was under the impression you could buy Havana Club in America.... maybe not as ive never been to America! i dont know! lol.

I would love to be somewere hot now... Oh f you see it you should try "Brugal" its from the Domican Republic is also good :)

Archives - 2005-2009 / Food / Popular drink shots in Poland?Archived