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Posts by SzwedwPolsce  

Joined: 21 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Nov 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1589 / In This Archive: 631
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Staram się... hehe. ;-)
Interests: Driving motorcycle, SCUBA-diving, playing guitar, delicious food etc.

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5 Oct 2009
Language / Pan/Pani necessary? [8]

Use Pan/Pani if you talk to people who are not your friends.

An exception is if you are young and the one you talk to also is, and you have something in common. For example in school or university the students never use Pan/Pani to other students. But absolutely 100% to all teachers and staff. For children you don't use Pan/Pani as well.
5 Oct 2009
News / Polish converts: When did you have your revelation? [29]

When did you have your realization that the only way to be saved from eternal damnation in Poland e and to live in eternal happiness in Poland A was to declare Poland your savior and condemn russia?

Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)?
4 Oct 2009
Work / Is 8000zl Brutto per Month a good salary in Wroclaw??? [39]

I was paying about 100zl in Warsaw for a traver card which was valid for 3 months - all buses, trains, night communication, metro included :)

If you go to Western Europe and say this, no one will ever believe you.¨

That's 33 zl per month. In Sweden I payed about 275 zl per month. City transport is extremely cheap in PL.
4 Oct 2009
Work / Is 8000zl Brutto per Month a good salary in Wroclaw??? [39]


Gas, water etc. are really expensive here in PL.


City buses etc. are extremely cheap compared to Western Europe.
The first time I paid 1.40 zl (if not a student about 2.50 zl) for a 30 minutes bus-ride in Wawa I thought it was a joke.
4 Oct 2009
Work / Is 8000zl Brutto per Month a good salary in Wroclaw??? [39]

once I had to pay 12zl for a beer in a bar

Especially if you go where there are a lot of tourists it will be expensive. But normally outside Wawa and Krakow 6-8 zl for a beer in a bar.

6-8 zl

Or 5-6 zl if you are really lucky.
4 Oct 2009
Work / Is 8000zl Brutto per Month a good salary in Wroclaw??? [39]

Wondering how much per month could I be able to save?

It depends only on your lifestyle. It's easy to live on 3000 zl per month, but it's also easy to spend 10 000 zl per month.

But if you want to save money, you can do it for sure. You don't seem to be a huge "money-waster".

Cost of living in Warsaw, Lublin and Wroclaw is very similar!

I'd say that Lublin is 20-30% cheaper than Warsaw

I think 20-30% is a considerable difference.

But I agree with you that cost of living in Wrocław is somewhere between Wawa and Lublin.
3 Oct 2009
Language / A poem about (strangely enough) cases in Polish! [6]

Swedish has no case declensions

In fact we have. Nominative and genitive. And for pronomen we also have a accusative/dative case (mig, dig, honom, henne, oss etc.). But compared to Polish this is very simple.
3 Oct 2009
Life / Poland not so cheap anymore!! [47]

It's the same situations all over Europe. The prices have increased a lot everywhere.

The biggest problem in Poland is not the cost of living itself, it's the low salaries. It's normal that the prices increase when things get more westernized. But the salaries should also increase, or else it will be an impossible equation. And now that equation is difficult for many Poles.

Don't know how long my money would last in Poland

All people must learn to adjust their way of living to their income. And one's income can change quickly.
1 Oct 2009
Life / Poland's westernization [44]

I think that the old division between Western and Eastern Europe feels a strange these days. Or at least, it's something completely different than 15-20 years ago. Poland has worked hard to get into the EU. And with almost 40 mln people it will be a powerful EU-player.

And it's a huge difference if we compare the biggest Polish cities with the countryside. In some places it feels like time has been standing still.

Western Europe is a heterogeneous place. And it has also changed a lot the last 20 years.

I like the balance between Western and Eastern culture and tradition in Poland.
30 Sep 2009
Language / Basic learning words and phrases for Polish Language [9]

Most of the following are informal expressions.

Jak masz na imię? - What's your first name?
Mam na imię ... - My first name is ...

Jak się nazywasz? - What's you name? (both first and last name)
Nazywam się ... - My name is ...

Jak się masz? - How are you?
Świetnie - Great
Dobrze - Okey/Good
-le - Bad

Ile masz lat? - How old are you?
Mam ... lat(a). - I am ... years old.

Skąd jesteś? - Where are you from?
Jestem z ... - I'm from...

Kocham Cię - I love you

Poproszę o... - Can I have ... please

Dziękuje - Thank you!

Proszę - You're welcome
(usually when someone says thank you before, or you give sth to someone.)
30 Sep 2009
Language / Learning Polish Quickly [12]

Is it really possible though to learn polish in two months? If you're doing it 8 hours per day even?

It depends on how you define "learn Polish". No one on earth can learn to speak Polish fluently in 2 months. But if you try hard you can manage to have quite nice basic conversations after 2 months.

But we should remember that Slavic languages are some of the hardest in the world to learn (after Chinese, Greek etc).
29 Sep 2009
USA, Canada / Sweetest Day - October 18 - 19 [36]

We enjoy romantic atmosphere and warm feelings.

I think people can do this whenever they want. It feels strange that it must be a specific day.
28 Sep 2009
Life / Polish speed cameras [37]

I've been caught once (near Lomianki) and the police were actually dialled into the camera and waiting a further 2km down the road to pull me over.

Hehe... that was quick.
27 Sep 2009
Life / Are there any good vitamin shops in Warsaw? [9]

Where i can buy vitamin tablets etc.

In any Pharmacy (Apteka). They are everywhere. You can find all kinds of vitamin combinations.

But not everyone knows that some vitamins/minerals are toxic if you take too much (esp. vit. A and D). High doses of iron can cause life-threatening intoxication in esp. children. There are many peope who take harmful doses of vitamins without knowing it.
26 Sep 2009
Love / Polish blonds are so beautiful [99]

Ask Ms. Monroe....

Could be difficult since she died 47 years ago.

there are girls with natural black hair in poland??!!

Very many.
26 Sep 2009
Language / How does Polish sound to you? How to make Polish sound more pleasurable? [100]

Yes, that's usually of no value at all. Except for some things. Like that cz is pronounced like ch in cheese. Or that c has a distinct t-sound in the beginning. Except listening/talking to people, Polish music actually helped me to better differentiate the sounds.

But I love that the sounds are almost always the same, they usually don't change depending on which other letters are in the word.

However, in the beginning I thought all these sounds would kill me sooner or later (probably sooner).
26 Sep 2009
Language / How does Polish sound to you? How to make Polish sound more pleasurable? [100]

I still find it hard to discern the differences between some of them when compared side by side.

And it doesn't get easier when different Poles pronounce them a little different as well.
But as far as I know rz and sz are pronounced exactly the same.