USA, Canada /
Dear American Poles, look how much Brits make in Poland [28]
Warszawa 3% Poznan 2,5% Krakow 3% Wroclaw 4% ...
as with all the official number they don't show reality on the ground.. unemployment is in double digits and pretty bad in some places.
and i really don't watch any TV and surely not the faux news, ok?
What is the tax structure like in Poland?
that's the other issue.. i sure don't want to have to navigate that bs.
and i am thinking a few are really fooling themselves if they think they can have beter life in PL then almost anywhere in the western world. i commend those who keep trying though. i am good with it.
i can tell you that the size of the house/yard i have here, the cars and all the other things, i could never have enough room or money to swing any of those. some people rush around, true.. i find that to be not my style so i take it easy. i know i would have less time in PL then i do here. guaranteed. life, overall is easier here then in PL. no way i would move back now.. retire? possibly but i am not going to sweat that as i have quite a bit of time before i do that. plus i am almost sure i'll cut my roots loose about then and go on checking out the world.