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Polish legal system.

Buddy 7 | 167  
16 Jan 2008 /  #1
I was watching the local news the other day, which featured the on camera (CCTV) arrested of a mugger at 2 am in my local town. All good viewing and it was impressive to see how quickly the local town guard reacted. The CCTV system covers the center of town very very well and is actively monitored, to the same efficiency level as any in the UK that I've seen. This is great since it does make one feel safe in the knowledge that you are being looked over. Though this is somewhat of a double edged sword, we have to accept that BiG Brother is and has always been watching.

Anyway I'm digresing, back to the dimwitted youth who was arrested for puching a lone female and running away with her bag. An unpleasant crime, though one commited through alcohol/drug induced idiocy with a victim who was badly shaken but not stirred.

The TV report I think said that the perp would receive anything from 6 to 12 years??????
Now I would like some clarifiation on this did I miss understand 6 to 12 years for months ? Or was I correct in understanding 'years'?
jones101 1 | 349  
16 Jan 2008 /  #2
Years...they don't mess around...though he quite likely could have had prior offenses to account for the longer time.
OP Buddy 7 | 167  
16 Jan 2008 /  #3
ouch... well I suppose he wont be mugging anyone for at least 6 years...
polska22 - | 2  
21 Jan 2008 /  #4
thats what i like about poland though, you comit a crime do the time, easy, here we have assaults an all that an people getting a few months or just comunity service, even with a list of priors
jones101 1 | 349  
21 Jan 2008 /  #5
Well if you are poor and get caught you do the time...if you are wealthy and know the right people everything is for sale...including your freedom.

They have shown videos of politicians taking bribes and somehow they are not in Prison.
21 Jan 2008 /  #6
They have shown videos of politicians taking bribes and somehow they are not in Prison.

More sh*t from the Poland expert! Which Polish politicians were caught on camera accepting bribes? Name them! Give us all a good laugh.
jones101 1 | 349  
21 Jan 2008 /  #7
Are you cyber stalking me? That is just creepy man.
21 Jan 2008 /  #8
Wow! You must be having a busy day teaching lots of your high-paying private students.

Now how about naming all these politicians you have seen accepting bribes on video? Unless you were just lying again.
jones101 1 | 349  
21 Jan 2008 /  #9
OK...I am seriously getting creeped out have an obsession and really need to step back and take a look at how psychotic your behavior is.
21 Jan 2008 /  #10
So you mean that you were lying again. That's good to know. You keep on lying, I'll keep on calling you on your lies.
jones101 1 | 349  
21 Jan 2008 /  #11 is hard to take you seriously when you can't even keep things people say straight...for example when I said I was teaching here a week (but other places before) you conveniently left out the second part and screamed "you have only taught a week!!! OMGGG!!!" I also explained several of the other things you are flapping on about yet you can't seem to comprehend them...I expected nothing less from a bitter, old expat like yourself.

You are a joke my friend. What is this obsession you have with taking what people say and then saying "So what that means is..." or "What you mean is...." I mean exactly what I say not what you wish it to mean.

If you think you are besting me...and that that somehow makes you a winner in life...then you are sad as well.

You really should quit following me around the site and stalking my is just weird.
21 Jan 2008 /  #12
Can you perhaps name those politicians you have seen caught on video accepting bribes?

Or perhaps you'd prefer to share with us the huge salary you have made in a week and is bigger than anybody apart from "a director in some university program" would earn?
jones101 1 | 349  
21 Jan 2008 /  #13
Why in the world should I give you what you want now? You really need to read the book about making friends and influencing people. Twice.
plk123 8 | 4129  
21 Jan 2008 /  #14
how about the two get a room and leave us alone with this personal garbage. eh?

yeah they don't really mess around in PL like they do in US or UK. once you've been behind bars, you do not ever want to go there again, unlike here in the states.. most criminals are repeat visitors to the big house.

i don't care for the cctv.. i think that's bunk.. big middle finger to the big bro.
21 Jan 2008 /  #15
Why in the world should I give you what you want now?

You've insulted the Polish nation by stating that Polish politicians are caught on camera accepting bribes but that no action is taken by the Polish state against those politicians. But when you are asked for the names of those politicians you refuse to give those names. Because in fact nothing like that has happened and you are simply telling another of your anti-Polish lies.

You really are a pathetic person. Hopefully you'll be getting deported soon because you are too unintelligent to work out how to collect a simple document from a government office.
jones101 1 | 349  
21 Jan 2008 /  #16
Wow you are really a nasty person.

Lies? How about you repeating I am too unintelligent to collect a document. I will say again I know fully well HOW. I just don't like the red tape surrounding keep saying the same thing over and over and the reality will still be the reality. I see you like to jump on the polonophobe bandwagon too because you know you will get support from some of the crazies here...good tactic actually.

You demand answers to your questions in between you really think that is a good way to get a response?

I don't know what has happened to you so mean and spiteful but it must have been bad. I think you have some very deep rooted problems and I am a convenient punching bag. If you need to keep berating me to feel better about yourself then go ahead...I will not argue anymore. Feel free to have the last means nothing to me. But I would encourage you to step back and take a look at your behavior and how you are acting to an anonymous person on the internet. If you can be objective you will see how disturbing that actually is and that you are simply lashing out in a safe environment because you know the recipient of your abuse can't really do anything about it. I know you would never be so brave to speak to someone in person as you have here.

Good luck getting yourself straightened out. I know things are tough for you now but there is always hope.


Ah and that was "to make you so mean and spiteful" before you inevitably use that editing error to illustrate my lack of smarts.

Again...get some help don't have to keep suffering like this. Admitting you have a problem is a giant first step. Wish you the best.
22 Jan 2008 /  #17
I know you would never be so brave to speak to someone in person as you have here.

My name is Harry and I'm really not hard to find. Just read my column in the NWE and you'll soon know where I spend my free time.

I note that despite all of your bluster you have failed to name any of the Polish politicians who you claim were shown on video accepting bribes but are not in prison. The reason you have not named them is because they do not exist and you were lying when you said they did. You are simply a bitter, twisted liar who can not cope with the day-to-day normalities of life in Poland.
jones101 1 | 349  
22 Jan 2008 /  #18
Hahahaha....Harry, Harry, Harry....I will not answer your questions because I don't have to. I know that irritates you to no end. You are clearly a person that thinks he can demand things of others.

You enjoy calling people names and acting all superior don't you?

Am I supposed to be impressed you write articles? No doubt they are about how wise and amazing you are. You are silly.

How in the world can you twist me not liking something to me not being able to handle it? Clearly I can handle it as I am here. You have a weird reality filter.

Damn...I really need to work on ignoring are quite good at the trolling/baiting thing. Oh well...we all have weak moments.
22 Jan 2008 /  #19
I will not answer your questions because I don't have to. I know that irritates you to no end.

You won't answer because you can not. You can not because your original statement was a lie. You lie because you are a liar who will say anything to make Poles look bad. You do not irritate me at all, pointing out that you are nothing more than a pathetic liar is actually rather amusing. Do keep on posting.
jones101 1 | 349  
22 Jan 2008 /  #20
Welcome to Harry's Bizzaro World ladies and gentlemen!

Step right up and have your reality interpreted by the all seeing, all knowing Hairy Harry!

Hey buddy...what are the winning Lotto numbers this time around? You seem to know everything so I figure you can pull this one out too :)
Topolski - | 13  
22 Jan 2008 /  #21
I think a lot of Americans are repeat "visitors" because it's a joke. I don't really know much about prison but jail, they get TV and other recreational activities. Sometimes it's a better life than living on the street.

Americans are retarded, sometimes. I hate to say that, being American and all. Don't get me wrong, I love my country... and there are dumb people in every one of them.

Also, the US has the "third strike" law. That's not what it's called but I can't remember the name. After a persons third felony they go to prison for life, no questions asked. So, in that sense they don't mess around.
22 Jan 2008 /  #22
Welcome to Harry's Bizzaro World ladies and gentlemen!

Step right up and have your reality interpreted by the all seeing, all knowing Hairy Harry!

Hey buddy...what are the winning Lotto numbers this time around? You seem to know everything so I figure you can pull this one out too :)

I seem to know everything? You're the one who's been making statements that he can not back up (of course you can't back them up because they're lies).

Always nice to see you resorting to playground name-calling, shows wonderfully how good your debating skills are and how strong your message really is.
22 Jan 2008 /  #23
The reason you have not named them is because they do not exist and you were lying when you said they did.

No Harry the reason he cannot name them is because he hasn't been here that long, remember Renata Beger trying to feather her nest with PiS :O)
22 Jan 2008 /  #24
She was not caught on camera accepting a bribe. She was not caught on camera doing anything.
22 Jan 2008 /  #25
Thats a bit of a Grey one isn't it Harry, she was trying to setup a post for herself with PiS government minister Adam Lipiński, admittedly it was setup to discredit PiS, but to say she wasn't caught on camera doing anything is stretching the truth a bit.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
22 Jan 2008 /  #26
6 to 12 years

I doubt It. There are very few crimes, which are punished by at least 6 years... More like 2 to 12 and in this case I would rather say 1 to 10...
22 Jan 2008 /  #27
Thats a bit of a Grey one isn't it Harry, she was trying to setup a post for herself with PiS government minister Adam Lipiński, admittedly it was setup to discredit PiS, but to say she wasn't caught on camera doing anything is stretching the truth a bit.

No she wasn't. Lipinski was trying to get her to accept a post with PiS! And she was not caught on camera, she was the one doing the recording.
plk123 8 | 4129  
22 Jan 2008 /  #28
I will not answer your questions because I don't have to.

ok, you don't have to tell him but tell me otherwise you're just expelling methane.
23 Jan 2008 /  #29
No she wasn't. Lipinski was trying to get her to accept a post with PiS! And she was not caught on camera, she was the one doing the recording.

Which is what I said!!!

The TV report I think said that the perp would receive anything from 6 to 12 years

The legal system here is getting better but it is still a two tier system, with the rich being able to hire very good Lawyers, and poorer being left with basic legal representation.

But saying that there is more opportunely opened up through the European courts for more important cases such as the Alicja Tysiac case where she took the Polish government to the European Court of Human Rights over her case where she was refused an abortion, which would and some say it did, be a problem for her health if she gave birth.

Following the birth she suffered a retinal haemorrhage and won the case, in the European courts.
cyg 5 | 119  
23 Jan 2008 /  #30
The legal system here is getting better but it is still a two tier system, with the rich being able to hire very good Lawyers, and poorer being left with basic legal representation.

You know countries where this isn't the case? Not that I'd want to defend the Polish legal system, which I think is deeply flawed in very many ways, but that's one feature I think it shares with most others.

BTW, you are right about the recourse to European courts having already made a difference - for one, people are talking about the horrid practice of preventive "temporary arrest", where people sometimes spend years in jail with no formal charges, in conditions far worse than those already sentenced (no visits, crowded cells, etc.).

Archives - 2005-2009 / Life / Polish legal system.Archived