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Posts by Maati  

Joined: 4 Nov 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 23 Nov 2006
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 178 / In This Archive: 158
From: Poland
Interests: Literature, Art, Linguistics

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4 Dec 2006
Life / Well-educated Polish modern slaves abroad [35]

" Nobody is stopping you from going back home if it is so bad here then leave "

Yeah, exactly. People should be more proud.
And educated people from PL speak English and more languages, so "no language" does not apply to them.
29 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / Polish Education Grading and Uk Edu. Grading? [73]

Polish qualifications mean nothing outside Poland.

That's too bad.
Here in PL I teach many univeristy students from USA, Germany, Britain, Scandinavia, Italy, Spain etc.
They study nursing, IT, medicine, history, philosophy etc.
I guess they will end up as homeless losers, when they come back to their countries.
Or maybe it's like only Polish people qualifications mean nothing outside PL?
As long as you are whatever native, you will get a good job, even if graduated from Planet Mars Univeristy.
27 Nov 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

"They will not want to come and work for 1000 zlotys"

they are already here-many of them illegaly-i don't know why?- if i were unskilled worker from former soviet union or whateva- i would prefer to work in the uk or germany...
27 Nov 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

"unqualified workers "

that's why they "import" those ppl from former soviet union to exploit them here ....
27 Nov 2006
Love / Feminism effects both sexes in a different way - opinions? [115]

"I'm feminist .... like i will fight for women's rights if a guys comes up to me and says i have a nice ass i tell him off and stuff... i'm so feminist..."

I would tell him - Your ass is not bad too...Can you show me more?

I am a feminist activist . I love men- intelligent,sensitive and non-chauvinists guys.
Age, race and material status do not matter :)
27 Nov 2006
Love / Are you in a Polish-nonPolish relationship? [150]

"Actually, she's not very beautiful, but she is and feels "like a woman", cooks well, likes me, and I feel good with her "

She is not very beautiful? I hope she's not reading your posts here :)
27 Nov 2006
Life / Well-educated Polish modern slaves abroad [35]


I am not sure, if she was earning 10 times more.
I was in the States when I was very young (19) and I was earning $7,50/hour in this sandwich bar, I wrote about before in different thread. US Dollar is so weak now, at that time it was a little stronger. Living in Warsaw, I get more than in the States as a modern slave and I do what I like. My job is quite creative. I am a languages teacher. Sometimes I work for culture institutions. That woman has a similar graduate degree to mine. And she is also a literary critic living in Crakow... She could get even better job than me...

As for the book- I will try to write about it more later, I must go now.

And I DO NOT criticise anybody. Just wanted to share a different perspective...
25 Nov 2006

"How is that ? Most of these people are factory workers, truck drivers, waitress etc. "

Exactly, even when they are well-educated but unfortunately graduated from artistic faculties i.e. art history, linguistics, literature, culture studies etc.
On the other hand, what good is here, right-wing extremists,illegal abortion, poverty, no future for young,beautiful, well-educated people...
25 Nov 2006
Love / Why Polish Women are Attracted to Foreign Men? [17]

She is playing with you...I hate this kind of ppl, do not care what nationality they are...
Please write her next time: Proszę, nie baw się moimi uczuciami i zostaw mnie w spokoju/zostańmy przyjaciółmi...
25 Nov 2006
Life / Well-educated Polish modern slaves abroad [35]

Hi, there...

I found a good book about well-educated, young and pretty Polish woman who chose to work in Chicago as a modern slave. This book is "fresh" very new and very well written, unfortunately only in Polish. I would recommend it for these ppl who speak Polish of course and are wondering why young and well-educated Polish folks accept modern slave position all over the so-called first world.

24 Nov 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

"So in the minds of Poles they are justified in their racist views. "

Nothing justifices racism.
And by saying what you said, you are just as racists as those dumb prejudiced people, who accept the inferiority of whoever on this Planet ...

What about Black ppl who do not live in slums of Chicago?
My bf mother has a beautiful house in Cambridge, MA.
It looks great and I would be very happy, if I have the one like she has, ever in my life...
And his father has a nice house in NY, Brooklyn. Thanks God , far from Polish community , that accept Blacks' inferiority...

What about these ppl who live in good areas in Poland/ Warsaw and they do not do anything bad to anybody?

Why they are abused every day, at least verbally, being called derogatory names ? Why many ppl stare at them, like they are some kind of aliens from outer space ? And yes, staring is not considered in Poland as something normal. Those folks who stare at you here are just very bad mannered.

BTW. Aren't most of the Polish ppl in Chicago Catholics ? Aren't we all Gods' children? What about the first and the most important commandment, the commandment of love? "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another ..."So... how can you accept the inferiority of anybody? Maybe Blacks and Hispanics just do not belong to a human race for you?
22 Nov 2006

We've got a saying here: "Kto ma miękkie serce musi mieć twardą dupę" which translates as "Those with a soft heart need a hard arse."

Exactly !!!
22 Nov 2006
Life / The strangest things in Poland [468]

Matyjasz-I would call your mom a TYPICAL POLISH MOTHER not Matka Polka.
Matka Polka is like a dumb "kura domowa" to me. You know what I mean?
And education has nothing to do with it.
My grandma is not well educated, because of the war etc. and she is one of the most intelligent people I met in my life...
21 Nov 2006
Life / The strangest things in Poland [468]

"Sorry maati, could you explain what you mean?"

no work=no money=no food for your kids...

communists times are over...

nothing we get as a gift "from the state" anymore.

we have a wild capitalism here right now.


being a "matka-polka" means that:
a. a woman is unemployed without chances of getting any job...

b. her husband is a president of a company and she does not have to work and to worry about the money...

c. if he's not the boss, both of them are in the UK having 2 s*** jobs while grandparents are taking care of their kids here.

d. money is sent through western union.

and i really know what i'm talikng about

i have 2 daughters

my parents are quite young.

they work average 10-12 hrs a day in the hospital .

they will be retired in about 15 yrs. when my daughers are nearly in their 20-es.
20 Nov 2006
Work / Finding work in Poland as an Englishman [11]

"Have your private lessons with me [for 100zl ] and watch your marks [in my class at university] rise through the roof."

yes, that's the way it is...

as a teacher of polish as a second language i get about 30 zl/hour in the school i work for. the person i know- british guy- gets much more... why? because they don't want him to escape one month after he came here :)
20 Nov 2006
Life / Worrying observation about Polish attitudes to lying and cheating [62]


Thnx. Of course that was a joke. I know she did not tell me a white lie...I wish she did.

Anyways, after I sent her a few emails, she was also trying to present me a very nagative image of my bf. accusing him of many things he did not do... For a short time I was very confused. She gave me so much pain and unnecessary stress. I really do not like her and I hope sth like this will happen to her in the future as well.
20 Nov 2006
Life / Worrying observation about Polish attitudes to lying and cheating [62]


i cheated in the primary school ... especially, on russian language classes...
then again, it was not accepted... we were told that cheating was wrong...

in high school and at university cheating was very risky. i mean, some ppl were cheating as well, but when they did got caught , they got 0 points in result of their test or essay (?)

and also when i was in the states i was said that telling a white-lie ( what the hell is it? :) is not wrong... interesting... and i met some girls , most of them were white , well-educated , working in corporate places who liked my boyfriend and wanted to "make a romance with him" like Borat would say :) and they knew about me from the very beginning... i may be an evil atheist, but if the guy has a girlfirend and she is pregnant i do not want to get involved in any type of relationship with him. I do not care how attractive or rich he would be , am i weird :)

One day I found this email to my bf from one american girl, very talented but ugly graphic designer from boston...

She wrote very long, poetic message to him . It was sth like this: "I know we are at different points in life but on the same vertical line... love is not about one person , there are many others... i know you will leave a piece of yourself here before you go..." She meant, before he goes to Poland.

I asked her what she wanted. She said she was very sorry... She just broke up with her bf (the first lie) and was going through very hard times. And she only wanted to get a SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE from my bf ( second lie) :) Why she just could not tell me the truth?

I did not know that sex is called spiritual guidance these days...

And just in case you think I am controlling- I got my bf email password from him and he has mine as well... He said he had nothing to hide and I can read his emails as often as I want...
20 Nov 2006
Life / The strangest things in Poland [468]

"All these women we call them "matki Polki".."

I live in PL , I am a mother myself and I must admit that I never met "matka polka" in my life. I thought they died out just like dinosaurs...

I think that women really understand these days, that it is like a suicide not to work at all outside of your home/ family. What happens if your husband is dead or become unemployed, even if your family is doing very well now... And what about retirement compensation for women who never worked in their lives?

I am Polish and for me one the strangest things here is dog s*** everywhere on the pavement. Even in the center of Warsaw...
20 Nov 2006
Work / Finding work in Poland as an Englishman [11]

"Also, why would a company pay more just because you are English."

From my experience, English teachers in Warsaw make quite good money IN COMPARE with Polish languages teachers... And you may get a job as a proofreader too. You can also teach English privately and charge at least 50 zł. per 1 hour. One of English guys I know, who has been here for almost 20 yrs. charges 100 zł per hour and he still have students willing to pay that much for private lesson. He also work at the University and sometimes as a proofreader.
20 Nov 2006
Work / Polish Labor Is Scarce as Workers Go West [60]

I'm not sure if having two s****, low paid jobs and studying/ continuing education at the same time makes a "normal" living. When I was 19, I came to the US. I was working then in the sandwich bar as well , I believe it was called "Au Bon Pain".It was extremely positive experience for me AT THAT TIME. I met many nice, interesting, artistic people. I lived and worked not far from Harvard Sq.,Cambridge, MA.

Then I came back to PL to finish my studies. I am not going to work as a waitress or baby- sitter anymore. Here in Warsaw where I was born, I work as a teacher in a private languages school and as a proofreader for translation company. I am involved in cultural projects in The Center for Contemporary Arts. I am trying to get a job in PR corporations.

I know I would not have such a good position in the UK. And I'm 26.

And I may have less money than my frends... Obviously, they have British Pounds or Euros and I have Polish Złoty...Howewever, I do not have to work two jobs 16 hours a day and then study for my school, having aleady gained a degree from Warsaw University. Most of my friends do not live in well-standard places, because they cannot afford to rent a good place. I do not want that kind of life....

If I leave Poland , it will be mostly because of the government and the right-wing mentality that is domineering here, not because of the money.

I was in the UK before. I was invited there by the PL Embassy for the linguistic show as a qualified teacher of Polish as a second language to present my workshop on teaching Polish. It was a good experience as well. I may get a job over there as a teacher unless I have some special education and methodical courses done in England. They are too expensive right now for me. Maybe in the future... But working as a baby-sitter, waitress, cleaning lady, factory worker is not for me... I do not want this kind of job.
19 Nov 2006
Work / Polish Labor Is Scarce as Workers Go West [60]

Unfortunately, I have MA in Polish Philology and Culture Studies. I graduated after PL joined EU. Most of my friends graduated from different Philology departments, Art, Philosophy, Cross-Cultural studies, European studies, Political Science etc. They live in UK for about two yrs. Most of them work in hotels and in factories. Their English is good. Some of them have even MA degree in English Philology. Sad but true.
19 Nov 2006
Work / Polish Labor Is Scarce as Workers Go West [60]

I guess it's too late now to change it.

Many people in PL suffer from poverty, that's why they go there believing that they will change their lives.

They work hard, sometimes they also study and really are too tired to socialise.
It's about survival for them, not about having fun, unfortunately.

Many of these folks do not speak English or are at intermediate level and do not understand British accent.

Such is life.

And this is both governments' fault ...
19 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / Poles in GB: Why did you go - for money or something else? [53]

most of my friends are there for money,they are recent university graduates with good english, french, german etc... some of them are going to school there and are able to work in the same time - both full-time- i don't know how they do it...

and i really miss them, but don't want to have such a pityful life as they have there... maybe i'm just too proud or sth. that i don't want to clean british toilets with my diploma ...

i hope they will come back here in the future although there is no future in poland for them, unless they can live with 1000 pl zloty in warsaw... i hope WE WILL ENJOY OUR LIVES like we used to do... that involves sex, drugs and electro ... sometimes hitchhiking to weird, hot places, singing on the streets, drinking too much and gang-bangs ...
19 Nov 2006
Life / How do Polish view others [116]

Hi, I live in Warsaw. I met here people from Spain, Portugal, South America, Cuba and Dominicana Rep. Many of them are my students, some of them friends. They are here for different puroses- travel, love, diplomatic work, buisness, education etc. They all seem to enjoy their life here...