Life /
Are Polish People Racist? [1037]
"So in the minds of Poles they are justified in their racist views. "
Nothing justifices racism.
And by saying what you said, you are just as racists as those dumb prejudiced people, who accept the inferiority of whoever on this Planet ...
What about Black ppl who do not live in slums of Chicago?
My bf mother has a beautiful house in Cambridge, MA.
It looks great and I would be very happy, if I have the one like she has, ever in my life...
And his father has a nice house in NY, Brooklyn. Thanks God , far from Polish community , that accept Blacks' inferiority...
What about these ppl who live in good areas in Poland/ Warsaw and they do not do anything bad to anybody?
Why they are abused every day, at least verbally, being called derogatory names ? Why many ppl stare at them, like they are some kind of aliens from outer space ? And yes, staring is not considered in Poland as something normal. Those folks who stare at you here are just very bad mannered.
BTW. Aren't most of the Polish ppl in Chicago Catholics ? Aren't we all Gods' children? What about the first and the most important commandment, the commandment of love? "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another ..."So... how can you accept the inferiority of anybody? Maybe Blacks and Hispanics just do not belong to a human race for you?