UK, Ireland /
No Irish Need Apply - Polish Builders get their own back [42]
Because my accent had changed and became a little British sounding
I understand this...I was born in UK but I have lived in Ireland since I was 2, my parents are Irish, I have an Irish passport, I dont have an english accent but I dont sound typical Irish. On a recent holiday with a group of friends and some others, my passport was stolen, when I was reporting it stolen I had to state my birth country....the look of disgust on some of my "friends" faces when I said England. I was told by some of them if they had known they would not have spoken to me.
When I am out I have Irish guys speak to me in broken english because they think I am not Irish, on a couple of occassions what was said to me I would never repeat to anyone...(but this is another topic)
Anyway, my point is some people are just a**holes regardless... they will be like that to whoever you are or where ever you are from.
do you really blame all Irish people?
No you cant say all Irish are the same, good and bad in all countries. I would certainly not like to be judged based on these people.
surely this is racist and illegal.
yes it is both