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Joined: 1 May 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 25 Jun 2008
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 150 / In This Archive: 124

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20 Jun 2008
Life / How do you Poles feel about the fact that so many Poles work abroad? [145]

there is now a steady supply of dirt cheap labour coming into the area

- It's not the Poles, not even mostly the Poles, who toil in your beloved land. You've got folks from all over the world, mostly from the Third World. And yet you're picking on the Poles only. See what xenophobic and racist dirt you are? See how the media psychopaths have easily put $hit into your conk? Could the British economy survive without the guest workers' labour? I wonder.
20 Jun 2008
Life / How do you Poles feel about the fact that so many Poles work abroad? [145]

You are succumbing to the Polish steroetypical belief that the world blames Poland for all wrong doings.

- Do you mean the Poles believe the world blames Poland for all wrongdoings? Can you prove the Poles think so?

By the way, VanFuk, your spelling is really bad at times. It's the British government who should be blamed for this, of course?
20 Jun 2008
News / On the news: 600 of the 700 Polish criminals in Holland come from Warsaw [30]

No,I always make it a point of steering clear of paranoid schizophrenics when I can......

- More rude if powerless insults from a cowardly wimp? :)

I think we need to accept that I dont hate Poles

- On the contrary, let us not accept it. Why? Because of the things you've been saying about Poland and Poles in this forum.

I do, however, have very little patience for fukwits

- Do you suggest I am a fukwit? Please, explain why would you call me so nicely. It shouldn't be hard to do if you're as smart as you suggest....

I personally believe the world is not full of Polonophobes

- Well, I thought you meant you thought some world was full of Polonophobes.

I am prepared to accpet that I may be mistaken and in fact the world is full of Polonophobes

- So is the world full of Polonophobes or isn't?

But I think I get the main message of your post: it's the Poles who are to blame for Polonophobia.

See what racist blaming-the-victim creep you are, Bubba?
20 Jun 2008
Life / How do you Poles feel about the fact that so many Poles work abroad? [145]

Britian has for some time benn making degrees available for those who arguably should not be studying at degree level, with the predictable results.

- In other words: it's those damn foreigners (the Poles perhaps?) who are guilty that Britain's educational standards have dropped down? Is that what you mean, VanFuk?


Get some feking balls you mealy mouthed whinging baby.
Are you and Crow patients in the same institute?

- Rude insults from a primitive, cowardly, xenophobic and megalomaniac wimp who can't even write correctly in his native tongue. What educational standards was he raised on?

20 Jun 2008
News / On the news: 600 of the 700 Polish criminals in Holland come from Warsaw [30]

Well, this post is a perfect example of something that is too stupid to get frustrated about. Isthatu2 is right; I was just wondering why so many are from Warsav.

- Why exactly would my post be so 'stupid'? Because you prefer to believe it is, perhaps? As for your not getting frustrated about some things people say, well, thick-skinned people seldom get frustrated by the opinions of others. As for isthatu2, yes, he has backed you up, but what he scribbled is a bunch of nonsense. (I am dealing below with his attack against me.) Hence your assurance coming from his back-up that you're right after all doesn't seem to change the fact that in reality you aren't right.

in the firm I work. Peoples reactions on people from other countries (not only from Poland, but for example also from Russia, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Iraq, etc. etc.). How we all get along very well.

- Do you also storm into a Russian, Portugese, German, or Iraqi forum and ask them rude questions, e.g. how many Russian mafiosos have sneaked into Holland or how many Germans working in Holland have Nazis in their family? Characterstically, you haven't come to this forum to post anything positive about Poland and Poles, only something negative. Why's that?

For 5 months I had a Polish boyfriend. Even been to Poland to visit his hometown and his familiy

- This doesn't mean you're not racist towards us. You are; your post proves it. By the way, I don't like your comment about my language; in reality, my language isn't any harder to learn than yours. Your slamming my language also points to a deep-rooted racist convictions (e.g. that there are 'Germanic,' 'Slavic,' etc. languages, and that the 'Germanic' ones are far superior to the Slavic ones).

She is simply asking why out of X amount of polish crims so many are from Warsaw,a simple straight forward question.

- But my question is why has she chosen to ask this particular question of all the possible questions? Why hasn't she chosen to ask a positive question about the Poles, only a very negative one? I am not prejudiced against the Dutch and if I went to a Dutch forum I would talk with them about positive stuff pertainng to Holland; I would not want to ask them questions that could be painful to them, such as: 'Why do you hate and ridicule the Belgians?' 'Why do you propagate a culture of death (free drug use, euthanasia) in your country?' or 'What do you think about the Dutch slaughters of the natives in Dutch colonies?' In her case, the fact that she is asking such a rude and inflammatory question pertaining to my country seems to indicate that she has no respect for and is prejudiced against the Poles. Besides, her question is so stupid - and put in such a bad English - ('the 700 Poles who are prosecuted here in Holland for (small) crimes, 600 are from Warsaw! Where's that about?! Is there some organization-thing going on or something?') that it appears to me she posted her stuff not in order to get an answer to this particular question, but in order to get across the message that there are 700 Polish criminals in Holland and isn't it horrible.

Prove these facts wrong then puz,or,shut yer 1970s xenophobe cake hole.

- Facts show I am not a xenophobe, that is, I don't hate any foreigners, unless they hate my nation. So if I hated any foregn peoples it would be only my reaction to their own xenophobia. Should I be called a xenophobe then? If yes, then why? Now,you ignorant insulting creep, so far lots of xenophobia has been showed towards us Poles in your own country, i.e. UK. Also by many folks from your country scribbling in this forum....

Off your meds again then puz'?

shut yer 1970s xenophobe cake hole.

...the voices in his head.....

- It's so easy to level insults at a man on the internet, knowing that it is safe to do so, that the man won't come and kick your stinking a$$, eh, wimp? Would you dare to meet me in person and repeat your insults right into my face, wimp?

What explanation do you offer for a world full of Polonophobes, Puzzy?

- What do you mean by 'a world full of Polonophobes'? Do you mean that some world is full of Polonophobes? Please explain. By the way, how about your own hate of Poles, e.g. as expressed in this forum? Where does it come from?
20 Jun 2008
Life / How do you Poles feel about the fact that so many Poles work abroad? [145]

As usual, a bunch of low-self-esteem creatures picking on and mobbing up against the Poles? This mobbing up against one scapegoat group creates the sense of unity among the remaining groups, doesn't it?

Let's have a look at what they are babbling about this time.

This is a subject I'm very curious about.

- And exactly why would you be so 'curious' about it? Are you equally curious about the scores of Africans, Asiatics etc. illegals living in Holland? How about the crime rate amongst these folks in Holland? Do your media talk about it as much as about the alleged Polish crimes in Holland? By the way, what's wrong with Poles working in Holland? What's wrong with Poles working legally in any EU country?

I think noimmigration objects to Britain being used as a stepping stone for Poles to set up businesses in Poland or gain some valuable experience. I can see his point

- And here comes Seanus the Polonophobe and megalomaniac from Scotland who this time is seeing the 'point' in the rant of a vicious psychopath who has advocated physical violence against the Poles. So you think, Seanus, that the Poles use Britain as some 'stepping stone' to set up businesses in Poland and gain some valuable experience, and that it is bad, but oh well, that's the way the world is rollin' today? What would you mean by this alleged use of Britain by Poles as a stepping stone and by the alleged gaining of experience (in what?) by them in Britan, and why specifically this alleged use of Britain by Poles as a stepping stone and for gaining experience would be bad?

If England has a problem with Polish immigrants or any Eastern Europeans for that matter, maybe they should introduce some quota system? Follow the example of the US from 1800/1900s. That's how they regulated the amount of immigrants coming from e.g. Asia.

- To begin with, it's not in England but in Scotland that the Poles have been harassed the most by the locals. In England, it is mainly the media psychopaths (eg. Daily Mail, Daily Express, BBC) who attack the Poles. So you recommend a quota system in EU for 'East Europeans' but not for the Third World masses (there are ca 8 million of Third World illegals in EU)? Why? The American 'quota system' has been criticised as racist, but you say it should be used in regard to Poles and others? (Actually, it was used by US towards the Poles in the 1920s and is being used still re the visa harassment.) Maybe we should use a quota system on the number of British coming to 'Eastern Europe' and British businesses operating in our countries? Maybe we should kick out all the foreign 'supermarkets' from Poland; then our native business would flourish? What do you think, pal?

I think as long as poles can go to other countries and dodge their problems the problems in their home country won't be fixed

- And why would you think so? Do you also think so about any other folks going to work abroad, e.g. British?

They have a disturbingly backwards religious government and a garbage economy!

- And what do you exactly mean by 'a disturbingly religous government'? Give some facts proving your calling the Polish government so is correct. What exactly do you mean by ' a garbage economy'? Prove that your calling Polish economy so is justified.

Poles aren't a race they are a nationality for all of you morons claiming racism LOL!

- The word 'race' also means 'nationality.' And 'racism' signifies a very strong prejudice (also derived from the branding by the media), combined with a strong job, institutional, etc. discrimination. Therefore it is correct to say that there's racism against Poles. YOU too seem to be quite racist towards us. I wonder why? Is it because of your low self-esteem perhaps? E.g. did your parents tell you frequently in your childhood you were disturbingly stupid and just garbage?


By the way, Poles are moving out of UK and other places en masse. And that's very very good, I think. We shall remember and never forget the good and bad things we've gone through in those places.
18 Jun 2008
News / On the news: 600 of the 700 Polish criminals in Holland come from Warsaw [30]

Don't get me wrong.. I like Poland and I enjoy working with all my Polish colleagues here in Holland! But this week I heard on the radio that from the 700 Poles who are prosecuted here in Holland for (small) crimes, 600 are from Warsaw! Where's that about?! Is there some organization-thing going on or something?

- I can see the Polonophobic hate propaganda is carried out also by the Dutch media psychopaths. No, I won't get you wrong, 'Ewilina' - you are a typical Polonophobe (= a racist hating Poles), perhaps an unconscious Polonophobe, but still a Polonophobe. How about if we start branding the Dutch in Poland the way you're branding us? Would you like it then? I wonder. By the way, are you Dutch, Ewilina, or an ethnick?


PS. Seanus (a real 'expert' on Poland!) and Ewilina - two Polonophobes mobbing up against the Poles? Nice indeed.
6 Jun 2008
News / France to lift job restrictions on Poles [84]

lech walesa's son was cleared after he hit a woman on the z-crossing while driving under influence

- Do you mean Walesa's son was wrongly cleared?

are you sniffing another jewish plot to destroy polish christian spirit?

- Am I?

try to listen to the RADIO M

- How do you know I'm not listening?

you will realise what this people are made of.even my 80 years old,strict catholic grandma said that the amount of venom coming from torun's radio station is unbearable for any normal human being

- What if your '80 years old' (sic) and 'strict catholic' (sic) grandma is totally psychoneurotic?

WOW, Mr Rafik reserve to himself the right to offend anybody he dislike but

- ... but it's an unnecessary reservation, because the ability to offend any one seems to be totally nonexistent in 'Mr Rafik.'
6 Jun 2008
News / France to lift job restrictions on Poles [84]

not to do that he is necessarily a hypocrite?

And you question my English Putsey?

- Do you mean there's anything wrong with the phrase you're quoting? What would that be?

I questioned your English for a good reason, that is your horrible spelling
6 Jun 2008

One must not get wrapped up and absorbed by one's nationality and ethnicity

- You mean you won't tell your nationality and ethnicity? But you know I and others in this forum are Polish and you feel free to make all those stupid racist references to us, eh? What a $hitty creep you are. No honour, no courage.
6 Jun 2008
News / France to lift job restrictions on Poles [84]

If you are/were taking advantage of working abroad

- So if a man works abroad and advises others not to do that he is necessarily a hypocrite? Why? Imagine the following situation. A man works abroad. The work is extremely dangerous and the man cannot quit yet. He knows some countrymen of his who don't know the work is so dangerous and consider going abroad and getting the job. He warns them not to come. Is he a hypocrite or an honest man?

Have you been working abroad?

- Well, if some one whom I respect, that is some one intelligent, asked me the above question, I would satisfy his curiosity instantly, but when you're asking the question it's just too ad-hominem and invasive to me. Hence I won't tell YOU whether I have been working abroad or not.

6 Jun 2008

Sorry. I didn't mean to be offensive

- So what is your nationality and ethnicity?

In 1970's he was even younger and dumber than in 1981

- So Lech Walesa was 'dumb' in 1981? And why specifically?

he is the one who had the guts to start [...] the strikes in Gdansk

- Is he, really?

many of those researches kissed commie behinds in the 70's

- Have you got any proof they did? Give it. Meowrci (='thanks' in the cat language).

There were over 3 million part member in Poland. Who knows how many of them are now at IPN.

- Do you know it? Please share your knowledge with me.

A large number of company owners in Poland today were none other by little commie fvcks - now big capitalist fishes

- Can you give their names, please? Meowrci.

I think this is far more important issue to address than one young fella's alleged mistakes.

- Why 'more important'? Would it be 'more important' even if the 'young fella' were indeed in cahouts with those once-Communist-today-capitalist 'big fishes'?

Big deal

I betcha

one young fella's

Simple as that

- How excellent zdarius the cat's command of English is! It's just like that of many a native speaker! He's squeezed himself so very deep into the very fundament of the language that he sometimes forgets how to spell Polish surnames!

6 Jun 2008

Because it's so typically Polish

- Specifically why would 'it' (what?) be 'so typically Polish'?

Try and see how funny it all looks from an outside perspective, Puzzy :)

- What do you mean by 'an outside perspective'? Why should I try and see how funny 'it all' (what?) looks from the outside perspective? Why don't you tell me how funny 'it all' looks from the outside perspective?

And then read the last paragraph you have written above and how funny that looks in relation to what you wrote previously.

- What do you mean in the above quote? Do you mean that a paragraph I wrote looks 'funny' when the paragraph is compared with something I had written prior to writing the paragraph? What specific paragraph and previous text of mine do you mean? Why should the former look 'funny' as compared to the latter?

[quote=VaFunkoolo]PS. Just because I am saying you are funny, it doesn't mean that I am Polonophalic

- It depends on what you mean by 'Polonophalic.'

What is your nationality and ethnicity, pal?

What 'ethnick' group in America enjoys a fallic-faecal type of humour above all...?
6 Jun 2008
News / France to lift job restrictions on Poles [84]

Strangely, both of us are correct

- Of course zdarius the cat is 'correct' - in the Orwellian sense. Incorrect is correct! Zdarius the cat is always correct, even when he is incorrect! MEOW!

6 Jun 2008
News / How to form political party with Pan Slavic orrientation in Poland? [34]

How to form political party with Pan Slavic orrientation in Poland?

- Perhaps by propagating such an orientation and seeing whether Poles are interested in it? By the way, I think any Pan-Slavic movement will in advance be doomed to failure as long as Russia is accepted as leader of the Slavs.

Poles and Russians, Czechs and Slovaks, Serbs and Croats... they all love eachother dearly already, so I can't see it being much of a problem.

- :)

But, actually, Osiol, Poles like Serbs, Croats, Slovaks and Czechs. Some Poles also like Russians (gradually I start belonging to the latter category).
6 Jun 2008
Life / Poles' tolerance towards other Races [190]

Poles' tolerance towards other Races

I though that would be a more interesting topic

- Well, I suspect a still even more interesting topic for a Pole can be: 'Other races' tolerance towards the Poles.' For instance, how about Ukrainian 'tolerance' towards the Poles? Mirandovaya should know something about it.

6 Jun 2008

It's all too funny, really

- Why so funny?

Kaczynski said that he does not have to read the book to know that Walesa was an agent

- As an important political figure who was once close to Walesa, Kaczynski may indeed know some classified information on which to base his statement, don't you think? In the past he said a few other things about Walesa not to the latter's liking. Once Walesa even sued Kaczynski for alleged slander. Would Kaczynski risk today another legal action from Walesa and a harm to his credibility by lying about Walesa's alleged collaboration with the Communist secret service?
6 Jun 2008
News / France to lift job restrictions on Poles [84]

but the the communist fools under the soviet boot.

- Not such fools as zdarius the cat seems to fancy. The real reason why the Poles did not benefit from the Marshall Plan appears to be the Soviet despot Stalin. In the name of severing any closer ties with the 'rotting imperialistic West' (and keeping the Poles weak and underdeveloped), Stalin forbid his obedient puppets ruling Soviet-occupied 'Poland' to take advantage of the Marshall Plan. Stalin's puppets ruling Poland were no fools but actually very cunning. Meow.
6 Jun 2008

whether Lech Wałęsa in thde 1970s was a secret collaborator (tajny współpracownik) code-named Bolek [...] A new book published by the IPN (National Remebrance Institute) claim to have conclusive proof to that effect.

- Does the 'new book' really 'claim' it so? Is that a fact? Where specifically (what chapter, page, etc.)? Can you give the pertinent quote? So the book is already available in Polish bookshops? And only yesterday I read in the Polish press that the book was going to be published yet. This would appear to mean that it wasn't published as recently as yesterday. Have you read the book? If yes, how have you managed to do that?

5 Jun 2008
News / France to lift job restrictions on Poles [84]

When the media and book publishers falsify historical facts about Poland, and label all Poles as being anti this-and-that, this is ok and goes unchallenged by most discrimination eyewatch groups. There is no law for revisionist views of Polish history

- Right on the money, brother.

All ethnic and religious groups should be treated equally. No one group should be favored.

- I subscribe to this wholeheartedly. There are indeed some 'groups' who are more equal than others.
5 Jun 2008
News / France to lift job restrictions on Poles [84]

I don't advocate any legal punishment for anti-Polish comments (whatever that means)

- Of course, when it comes to Poles being vilified by the lowest scum of the earth, the various lessers of this world not only 'advocate' letting the slandering scum go unpunished, but muse whether any 'anti-Polish comments' are possible at all. Playing being 'liberal' and 'open-minded,' pal? I wonder if you showed equal 'tolerance' if some 'minority' group were slammed the way Poles are, e.g. on this forum?
5 Jun 2008
News / France to lift job restrictions on Poles [84]

oops there I go miss-spelling again- you're obviously a blind idiot

- Don't uneducated ignorant folks misspell frequently? Is hairboob one of them? Isn't it he, therefore, who ought to be called an idiot?


- Ah, so hairboob meant the word 'anti-Semitic' rather than, hehe, 'anti-semetic'? Would he actually know what the word 'anti-Semitic' means? I myself must admit that I don't know what it means, even though I've been trying to understand the meaning of the word for long years. So what 'anti-Semitic' means, hairboob? If you answer, you've got the chance to improve your 'idiot' reputation. Also, are you suggesting Father Rydzyk is 'anti-Semitic'? If so, please explain what you would mean by that, using pertinent evidence, of course. Good luck, hairbum.


To go back to the subject of this thread, 4 years since Poland joined the EU, the French are allowing the Poles to work in France. Within those 4 years, numerous folks from Africa, Asia and other non-EU places were allowed to live and work in France....
3 Jun 2008
News / France to lift job restrictions on Poles [84]

but there is anti-Semetic.

- Is there? Wherein? In your own personal 'dictionary,' perhaps, pal?

then your whereabouts are relevant to how much credence people should give your opinions.

- How specifically should those whereabouts of mine be relevant to the credence in question?
3 Jun 2008
Life / Need help finding a Polish song I saw on TV.... [14]

while the video coming through was great, the titles were messed up (ie, a Shakira song was billed as an Oasis one!), so I never found out what it was.

- You mean you saw titles of songs 'messed up' on Polish VH1?

Wow, what 'things' you can 'see.' What else you can 'see' when watching something?
1 Jun 2008
News / France to lift job restrictions on Poles [84]


- All the accusations against Father Rydzyk have been investigated by the Polish authorities and proven to be false. Facts show the accusations were fabricated by the likes of the Gazeta Wyborcza and other media hate-mongers, eager to destroy any influential independent (i.e. not politically correct) media in order to have the monopoly on the media biz in Poland. You're an avid reader of Michnik's rag, aren't you? Also, learn what the Solidarity leadership of the Gdansk Shipyard have said on the subject. They have defended Father Rydzyk. But you apparently, er, know better and like a parrot repeat Michnik's lies.

you probably have been an imigrant for too many years to remember that

- To remember specifically what? What if I am not an immigrant? And even if I were an immigrant, what if my being an immigrant had no bearing on what I remember or not?

would have been jailed.unfortunately he is a head of the radio with about 10 million supporters

- Are you actually accusing the Polish authorities of lying and purposely protecting a criminal, i.e. breaking the law? Can you prove they lied when they indicated they had found the accusations against Father Rydzyk to be false?

Wikipedia can be considered a credible source by dumb folks only, I think. Are you capable of figuring out why I think so?
1 Jun 2008
Travel / Polish visa - Nightmare! [40]

Im from the UK

- If you're from the UK, why would you have any visa problems when entering Poland? Citizens of UK (and of any other EU country) can enter Poland visa-free. So what's the whoop? Didn't you make up the entire horror story? Didn't you vilify my country for no other reason than your prejudice?
1 Jun 2008
Travel / Polish visa - Nightmare! [40]

Polish visa - Nightmare!

- You're obviously not from any EU country? What is your country? I know much more nightmarish countries than Poland as regards obtaining visa, red tape, etc. For example US and Canada. If obtaining a Polish visa is allegedly a nightmare, is there any word in human language to describe difficulties in obtaining visas from those countries? Don't you exaggerate big time? And before Poland joined EU many Poles trying to visit UK were simply not allowed to do that and were fiercely harassed by customs people. So what is your country?