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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1164 / In This Archive: 984
From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
Interests: People places history life

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8 Oct 2007
News / Racist attack against Poles via Polish language [30]

puzzler,chill baby chill. Most of my Polish mates said the same to me,"dont worry about getting all the grammer right as most of us dont" ,are they being rascist(or your buzzword,polonophobic) ? I think they are just being polite and trying to make people learning a new and difficult language feel a bit better about themselves,hardly a crim is it?
8 Oct 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish teenager murdered after arriving in UK [117]

oh crikey no,I dont think anyones actually been killed for being Polish here ,yet.The knuckle draggers and scumbags have more clearly defined,ie brown,targets to pick on.
8 Oct 2007
UK, Ireland / Stop the Polish from entering the UK (yet another thread) [192]

sorry,boxers fight in trenches? since when? the rest I just couldnt follow.....

ha ha ha mramerica THE BRITISH ARE COMIN , THE BRITISH ARE COMING.....you really are a prize shmuck though(tho to you) ,you come into a thread on a forum called Polonia UK and complain that people in the UK are on it....DoH!! Go off and destabalise a latin american econamy or eat twinkies,whatever you continentals do these days for entertainment....

(btw,all the other colo...sorry,US citizens out there,I luv ya :) )

oh and Roofer,Polish Pilots were award the VM not the VC,but I think I get you.
8 Oct 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish teenager murdered after arriving in UK [117]

Jareck I fear you may be right. I have always felt safer in mainland Europe/Poland than here in the UK.That said,the UK is hardly the crime ridden nightmare that may be portrayed in some media. Of approximatly 1 1/2 million Poles here over the last few years I can think of around four or five who have come to tragic ends,the lass in Scotland,the young lad in london,the girl shot last week also in london,obviously little Zuzanna and the girl caught up in the london bombings. Wouldnt this compare ,percentage wise to the murder rate in Poland itself? Obviously to die far from home is somehow more tragic but I dont think the UK is any more deadly for Poles than anywhere else. Random acts of violence and drunken/drugged up street crime are ,I would guess far more commen over here though to this countries shame.
7 Oct 2007
UK, Ireland / Stop the Polish from entering the UK (yet another thread) [192]

sorry roofer,it is below the belt to judge by someones spelling,not cricket.
But as I am free to judge your opinions,as you are mine,let me put it another way. Your neo nazi esque rants are not the last word in English opinion about anything other than the ill informed hysteria drummed up by rags like the ***coughspit***daily (hate)mail.

As to being "stuck in a trench" with anyone,roofer,when was the last time you faced this dilema? Have you any idea just ho many VCs were won by Indian Army soldiers not to mention Ghurkhas,or are they the "ok sort of darkies" rascists are fond of dragging out to show just how ethnicaly tollerent they are?
7 Oct 2007
History / Polish resettlement camps in Britain 1945 [82]

lukasz, The Polish fellas cracked the origional two disc enigma machine. Alan turing and his boffins cracked the 3 and 4 disc enigma machines that were used during the war.

Of course Britain was a grey and miserable place back then ,it had just bled itself white in a six year war that cost it the empire empire and its econamy to the USA which had literally made a killing through the war years by dealing with all sides.

I wish the few of you that bleat on and on and on about britains betrayal of Poland would remember where the Free Polish Govt was located,London, and where the vast majority of Poles who could leave ended up,Britain, then as now though located in grim northern towns with shakey employment prospects,not only were our servicemen returning to find jobs taken by women for the first time,they were also being taken by forgienrs,not only Poles(many of who were ex POWs who had never signed up with anders after "liberation" from the WH) but also ex Galician Div ukrainiens....anyhow,Im bored with this perpetual whining about being sold out by britain,it was Polish Communists who sold you out by getting into bed with Stalin,get over it.
7 Oct 2007
UK, Ireland / Stop the Polish from entering the UK (yet another thread) [192]

btw,some of my post was meant to be ironic. truelly ironic that it was aimed at Americans..........;) I genuinly think a lot of Americans,and possibly others read our sardonic humour/humor as standoff ish,its not,we love you guys,honest.
7 Oct 2007
UK, Ireland / Stop the Polish from entering the UK (yet another thread) [192]

Will the colonials please tell my why they are in a Polonia UK thread. As for all this "brit" this and "brit" that.....will the septics also please note that for most of the time you mean ENGLISH(a strange breed of mostly germanic stock with a tendency to weak chins and fwa fwa speach patterns)and the rest of us,the Scots,Welsh and some of the Irish dont appreciate being lumbered in with them,mind you,like siblings we fight amongst ourselves but unite against outsiders, we dont call you lot Canadians or Mexicans so please have the decency to diffirentiate between the nations in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Roofer,learn to speak English before you claim to be the last bastion of Englishness please.
7 Oct 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

lmao Daisy,I'd heard of NFN (normal for Norfolk) but not the bridgewater one. Suppose with the webbed feet and extra fingers they are quite easy to diagnose :)
7 Oct 2007
News / Air-show accident in Poland [81]

wow,the su 27 is like s**t of a shoval,a very impresive beast,I was lucky enough to see some v' close up at an airshow,and let me tell you ,the RAF lads I was with were rather unnerved to the point of"thank F**k we're mates with these guys now!".
7 Oct 2007
Life / Why are the Poles picked on there is no reason to do this to them [108]

for the Polish people they been through so much

exactly what has the average Pole aged around 25 been through that is so different to anyone else? Just because a country has been through"so much" doesnt mean its people are somehow to be given a free ride through life.
2 Oct 2007
History / Ancient Polish History thread [180]

That Kevin Rus and his mate Gerry,what a pair eh....
btw,fascinating stuff guys
2 Oct 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

the mystery deepens,writes like a scouse ,wasnt aware britain had ever invaded liverpool......come on "its true" which country do you hail from. BTW it is now obvious from your lack of education it isnt one blessed with the benefits of british education or civilisation.....

get your point puzz,got to be extra carefull how you put things these days buddy :)

Your lack of 'rightthink' towards our new Asian imperial overloads has been noted by the relevant authorities. Attitude correction measures will be taken at a more appropriate time.

I shall expect a trip to the yellow house shortly and prepare to write my opus " The Chow Mein Archepelego"

those who talk about it have it least....
2 Oct 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

The real Royston Vasey is in the Westcountry, I know, cos I live there

lol, Ive worked in Bridgewater,i can belive you Daisy :)
1 Oct 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

lol,neither am I oddly enough donkey,shame,the weather seams so much nicer......
as for the rest of that odd rant ,WTF :)
although I will point out that you,ie "its true" say towards the end of your post that everyone has the right to be in any country they want,yet the rest of your post is saying the exact opposite. You really are a most unusuall little person,hiding away behind a guest post on an internet forum,grow some huevos .

BTW "its true" what is your country? Would just be interested to find out which of the colonies you hail from so we can all kiss your shiny little bottom better after we dragged your stone age butts into the modern age with our evil empire.
1 Oct 2007
Life / Polish Hooligans [41]

I doubt It. He's dead.

thats what they want you to think,those Chehens are a crafty lot.......
1 Oct 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

er,no puzzler,i dont need to add anything for "dramatic effect" her accent was so strong as to make her english very hard to understand,even for someone with a basic knowladge of Polish. But I think you are replying to the "quote" rather than my origional post, as that seems to be used by someone to give the impresion this is commenplace. and i didnt say she couldnt speak english,as the person quoting me implied,just that it wasnt "native speaker" standard.

BTW, the RED Chinese can kiss my freedom loving backside,the day we in britain start backing down to them is a day I shall genuinly shed a tear. I say to the international comunity right now,boykot the olympics next year,and any athlete that goes out there is scum . at the very least a salute styled on Polands at moscow should be given to the red barstewerds.
1 Oct 2007
Life / Polish Hooligans [41]

I think the one at the bottom has a corner shop near me :)

The guy at the top definatly drives a taxi in Leeds :) (tho I cant say he carries an RPG with him anymore,which,if you know leeds is probably not a clever Idea,Id recomend a AKM 74 at minimum...

And the ever so attractive person below him isnt actually an England hooli,he's actually a member of the international red cross giving a demonstration of the latest re hydration techneques developed in iceland...
1 Oct 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

Of course there will be those that don,t like anyone that is not a local ,

lol,stay away from Royston Vasey,a little town in the North of England,its only for local people you know :)
30 Sep 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

yes cause its those "silly little english people" (why,what are you,a colonial?) that are facing tough compotition in the job market,so keep your arrogent ,working class hating attitude to yourself untill you have something more constructive to say than "they're great,we're all crap......
30 Sep 2007
Life / Polish Hooligans [41]

would you want to be in any subway/underground/metro (sorry,not sure which you meant) while a riot takes place amirah? surely a british one would be terribly polite :) actually,apart from the shmucks that go abroad and riot there isnt the same problem with football fans in the UK anymore,our bobbies pretty much got on top of things here but we cant police international games where the true foolishness of tribalism shows its face.
28 Sep 2007
News / There is no Muslim in Poland [116]

cultivate the sort of wild mountain traditions that have kept them and people like them,the Afgans for example,in a medievil state of blood feud for as long as history records. What the russian military did in some parts of chechnya was brutal and unforgivable,but what many of the so called freedom fighters did and would do once handed power would be just as bad,if not worse due to the added element of fundimental islam.

just a thought,but,those ropes look incredibly cleen and sparkly white to say they have been buried round dead bodies wrists.....a photo on its own like that is not evidence of anything,for all anyone seeing that on this site could know that could be bosnians shot by serbs. this site does not seem to be the appropriate place for showing images like that,post a link if you like but leave the ghoulish pics elswhere .
28 Sep 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

Our grand parents fought and died for what we have

if that had happened ,how come you are here to make these silly comments?

Why don't we just go spit on their graves?

would that be the war graves of those grandparents who died before our parents were born?

want Britain to become a shadow of what it used to be

why,has it gone on a diet?

So long losers!

have i been talking to myself?
27 Sep 2007
Life / "Toilet fee" - the only thing i dislike about Poland [17]

Cant say Ive ever been charged for the loo in Poland,beyond maybe one or two in public squares etc. My only trouble in Polish bars is figuring out which the heck I am again, a circle or triangle??? Come on guys,just put proper signs up there so you dont have blokes hanging around waiting to see who goes in and out of which loo....