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Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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22 Dec 2006
Life / How do Polish view others [116]

Yeah...but thats all that is reported from lots of states.......cos individuals are not allowed to express their own opinions...if they do, its jail or harassment........so as its the perception...that no one contradicts the current nutter in power ....then everyone thinks the whole country thinks the same.......!

PS...about 100 of the worlds countries are run by "nutters"...do I have to list them?....lol
22 Dec 2006

TP, this is after tax....700zl?

Isn't in sad that sometimes you have to resign from things you like like just because you're not appreciated enough?

Its not so much that...but thats all the market rate is.......if they were in short supply or very valuable to the economy then it would be higher, you have to remember public sector jobs in themselves do not directly contribute to the economy!

but Poland gets nothing in return

Wrong.......its people gain new experiences, skills, which they will eventuially bring back to Poland...never mind the re-patriation of a high proportion of wages......but it will take a little while to really impact.
21 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / Heavy drinking culture in the UK - is it still the same in Poland? [69]

I suppose they get away with it because people like me haven’t noticed the 10 fold increase in ‘drugs culture’

SW, don't put yourself down....it doesn't suit ya!....:)

Well GB government is known to one of the most "bury its head in the sand" types in the EU..........following the dictats of the USA in all things legal/christian value things too......

Marijuana was legal til the 30s then outlawed by USA ....etc....

Didn't Queen Victoria use a selection of drugs....laudinum ( spelling) being one.....the trouble arises.......when the British masses then want to use..........then its illegal!
21 Dec 2006
History / Want to know more about Poles and Polish soldiers during WWII? [18]

I visited the War museum in Warsaw and was truly belittled by the dreadful time Polish people had during the war.

I can only marvel and pay tribute to a most resourceful, brave and resilient people/country in Europe.
21 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / Heavy drinking culture in the UK - is it still the same in Poland? [69]

To repeat myself.........its the overall activities surrounding drugs/taking of/selling of/rehab etc..........not solely volume....

No idea who controls drug selling...except they are breaking current laws in all EU countries.
21 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / Heavy drinking culture in the UK - is it still the same in Poland? [69]

Combination of usage/users and the number of addicts...

Simple marketing/sales facts......more points of sale....more variety, more interest, more likely to use...if wrong drug..more likely to get addicted!!!

As per this quote.........perhaps not absolute volume but the areas mentioned........and yes I get get qualified numbers etc from an expert in the field of 20 years experience!!

You seem to have a more serious interest in this topic SW.....why?
21 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / Heavy drinking culture in the UK - is it still the same in Poland? [69]

Combination of usage/users and the number of addicts.....now more widespread, easier to find a dealer, cheaper, more acceptable to use most drugs, more "acceptable" to be an addict!

Some usage less criminal, easier to access rehab etc.....
21 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / Heavy drinking culture in the UK - is it still the same in Poland? [69]

Well.....look at the drug culture in UK........its worse now by a factor of 10 compared to 20 yrs ago......

What I said was all efforts to date aint worked............who wants a bloody nanny all the time......people make their choices, and then live with consequences...no stupider than the current government!
21 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / Heavy drinking culture in the UK - is it still the same in Poland? [69]

Well, broadening it out........wife beating, violence, most deaths on roads down to guys, starting wars....etc..........virtually all guys..........?....guys of a certain age...lack common sense..............so assuming you're now older and more sensible.......:)

People have always drunk to access...why be surprised.........mostly in their younger years...and despite ALL the education...etc...and people who look down on those who do drink.......its getting WORSE...not better.............so?
20 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / Heavy drinking culture in the UK - is it still the same in Poland? [69]

I think the point is some women in the UK are behaving like bloody animals when they're out they are showing us up and I dont honestly see a solution to it

So, there are a few namby pambies out there...stuck with that Victorian attitude....laughable...who are these arbiters of how much or who should drink what......complete and utter bukum!

C'es la vie!

Remember Amathyst....there is only one thing worse than being looked over............and thats being over looked!!

Ok, so it doesn't work so well when the guys are drunk...lol...guys are always doing stupid things...why can't girls?......
16 Dec 2006
News / Germans file WWII claims against Poland [198]

Lol....you're too trusting.......trouble is, as he's a heavy metal band member they have two other groups turning up........lots of noise...booze and delinquency!
16 Dec 2006
News / Germans file WWII claims against Poland [198]

Fisz...how goes it?

Am leaving our house tonite so our 18yr old can party....good idea?...lol

Having watched a re-run of the asassination of Heyrich in Prague last nite and how the Germans treated the people of that country, makes me angry....

Such contempt they had for all occupied countries and their peoples.
16 Dec 2006
News / Germans file WWII claims against Poland [198]

Yeah.......the Germans can claim off the late A Hitler, after all he started it, and they acquiesed at each and every opportunity to support the most evil regime man has ever known......
16 Dec 2006
Love / Why are polish girls more approachable than north american girls [158]

Well....Maxx.........the Swedish "look" of woman is much sought ofter, why do so many women dye their hair blonde....go for that look, tanned, toned elegant?

How many blondes do you know who've gone black or brunette....or pale....or short?

Plus they don't rely on guys for their self worth.

I don't know any, to approach though!
14 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / Reporting Illegal polish workers in UK to Hm customs [133]

Although I’m told that after the Irish blew the city centre up it has now improved

Excuse me.......?

I think you'll find, it was a small number/ cell of the provos who were responsible...not "the Irish"......

Livin' up to your handle huh?...
12 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / Setting up shop, a N Ireland Polish migrant experience. [28]

Cube....didnt you see my smiley..........lol....am an Enniskillen man............everyone on this board is cool...........well nearly everyone.....!.......respect cube....drop the guard....:)
12 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / UWAGA - polish women in and around ipswich uk [13]

As per the Yorkshire Ripper..........this was 20 yrs ago......

the lead copper when reflecting on the case said something like "The first few were prostitutes, but we had to sit up and take notice as this victim was innocent".

It seems once again, whilst one guy is murdering a girl every 2/3 days..........hes free to roam.........if it hadda been any other person...a national outcry.........are these girls lesser members of society?

Have things moved on........in UK society?.............not really. The authorities/society itself, are nearly as guilty of committing the crime as the person/persons unknown.

Its pitiful for all concerned.
8 Dec 2006
Life / Cricket In Wroclaw [25]

Lol.......really.....so 8 pints to every hours training.........can you bowl with a beer/pure orange belly?....lol
8 Dec 2006
Life / Cricket In Wroclaw [25]

OK...so it Wroclaw versus the West Indies on their East European tour 2011, better get in training....:)
8 Dec 2006
Life / Cricket In Wroclaw [25]

Its Ok........David....can't you pretend..the balls the same shape, local Polish people won't be able to tell the difference, well at least initially !!!...lol

I'd safely say, if you got a team together, you'd easily be in the local news....think of the publicity, good vibs!
8 Dec 2006
Life / Cricket In Wroclaw [25]

Well it seems that their is almost a cricket team in the area....2 Englishmen(!!), ask Sudheer as well, put an ad in local paper!!
8 Dec 2006
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]


David, this is the English link, just search on the list for estate agents.

Whereabouts in Wroclaw did you buy?...got any photos.......any probs?
8 Dec 2006
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

David, thats great to hear, hope it wasn't too difficult.......if you can perhaps read my first post on the thread...and maybe just do a line or two per point, of your top tips/feelings as to how you got through the whole process, it would be great........or any other info you think might be of interest.....

Good luck and enjoy!
5 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / BEWARE when coming over UK [363]

you drive 5km too hard 3 times in a period of 2 years and you lose your license. -

You're not serious!!......that fascist like?.......no leeway...no re-education first?

Yes....A...the impact has been at the low end of the wage scale, but its not the fault of migrants who are now entitled to moving and working elsewhere, to improve their own lives.

The blame must lie at the door of a never ending line of immoral employers.....mostly in the private sector...who will humiliate and do down their own people, as well as taking advantage of new immigrants, but this has been going on for decades, not new!