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Posts by Ranj  

Joined: 29 Sep 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 30 Jan 2010
Threads: Total: 21 / In This Archive: 20
Posts: Total: 947 / In This Archive: 789
From: USA
Interests: Travel, sports, reading, music

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17 Jun 2008
Love / My polish g/f can be a nightmare,is it always like this [262]

maybe i was just there to help her get it.i don't know.

DING, DING, DING, you have the picture. Sorry to say it, but just cut your losses, learn from the experience, and move on, smiffer.
23 Jun 2008
Love / moving to poland to be together is this the right decision? [67]

i have not thought there maybe someone else-i trust him- it has never crossed my mind- he works very long hours-i just want to be near to him

But let's say there is someone else, would you still want to be near to him? Not to burst your bubble, goodlady, but based on what you have said, I have to agree with Wildrover in that something is very fishy. My guess is he has someone in Poland....I don't buy for one second that he doesn't want you there because he's worried he can't give you the attention he normally does.....he's worried you will find out about the other woman he is sleeping with.
25 Jun 2008
Love / Soldier born in Poland / living in England. Fiance going away for ages. Complicated... [205]

i know this is the best thing, to wait and be patient

Very true and mature statement. Although being patient can be very difficult, things have a way of being sorted out when we are patient....we are not making decisions based on emotion. As someone said earlier, if this relationship is meant to be, then a separation (short in the scheme of life) will not affect it....if anything, it will strengthen the bond you already have. Good luck:)
27 Jun 2008
USA, Canada / How to get american papers after visa expired ???!!! [55]

You say your visa expired, but your parents are here legally.....would they not have renewed your visa when they renewed theirs? Something does not add up....did you come here legally? Did your parents?
27 Jun 2008
USA, Canada / How to get american papers after visa expired ???!!! [55]

Dont try to cross into Canada, even if you have a PhD and are the world's leading expert in quantum bio nano molecular physics

ROFLMAO.....whatever happened to that guy? Is he still writing letters to newspapers, hoping he'll be published?
1 Jul 2008
Genealogy / I have got alot of Polish DNA [51]

maybe she's referring to her ex's.. well, you know. :D

Is that the line you use when picking up a woman, PLK? "Do you have any Polish in you? Do you want some?" lol
4 Jul 2008
Genealogy / I have got alot of Polish DNA [51]

There are some tests that actually do say Polish and Greek, etc.

Isthatyu2 is right; there are no specific markers for "Polish DNA", but the different markers can be broken down to certain regions (and you have to remember, the borders in Europe have changed so many times)
5 Jul 2008
USA, Canada / CHICAGO BLUESFEST JUNE 7- 10 [111]

blues is a little different than where i come from in the south...

You wouldn't , by chance, be in NOLA, would you?
5 Jul 2008

What upsets me is the fact that the US has such an impact on the rest of the world....not to be a "spoiled" or non caring citizen of the world, but I'm going boating and skiing, so I'll see you all later:D
7 Jul 2008
Travel / How Can I Not be the "Ugly American" Tourist in Poland? [97]

Try to speak in an "indoor voice". While sitting at the Luton airport, waiting to Depart to Poland, there were 3 American girls, chatting very loudly about their plans for their trip to Scotland.....I remember calling BW from there thinking to myself, "Oh God, it's wonder other countries look at us as loud, obnoxious Americans."

Other than that, just be yourself, like others have said and I'm sure you will do fine:)

2. hip packs

I don't know anyone who has worn a hip pack in the last 20 years.
7 Jul 2008
Travel / How Can I Not be the "Ugly American" Tourist in Poland? [97]

Get rid of it. Really ;) Pick up yourself a backpack

That was going to be my suggestion:)

or a mandbag

That would have been my second suggestion:)

Is a hip pack the same thing as a fanny pack?

8 Jul 2008
Life / HeadShops in Warsaw? [22]

It was in Woodstock, NY, but I think it's closed down since I've moved.

Were you keepin them in business;)
9 Jul 2008

Anyone ever see that movie "Spinal Tap"? That video reminds me of the scene in that movie where the midget is dancing around an 18 inch high Stonehedge......I never laughed so hard in my life:)
10 Jul 2008

In Sopot, a lot of them seem to be orange actually

Do they look like the oompaloompa's that work in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory (if so, perhaps this needs to be moved to the midget thread)?
10 Jul 2008
History / Operation Market Garden, what went wrong? [68]

Operation Market Garden, what went wrong?

OK, I will admit, when I saw the title of the thread, I thought it had sth to do with gardening.....DOH! ;)
10 Nov 2008
Love / How to win over a Polish guy? [13]

learn polish so we don't have to translate for you his texts from other girls.

Are you willing to teach her, PLK? :D
24 Dec 2009
Life / Handguns Not Needed in Poland? [44]

As it stands right now, he is paralyzed....I don't know if it's permanent, as I am only going by what's been on the news. I haven't spoken with him for several months, but I intend to send some flowers to the hospital. Such a $hitty thing to happen to such a nice man! At least his condition is stable and he still has his life.
