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Joined: 29 Sep 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 30 Jan 2010
Threads: Total: 21 / In This Archive: 20
Posts: Total: 947 / In This Archive: 789
From: USA
Interests: Travel, sports, reading, music

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8 Mar 2008
History / 1939: the road to tyranny. Is it happening again? [14]

I do not like the direction Bush's America has been heading.

Welcome to the club, errr, should I say, forum? Not to make light of anything, but "Team America, World Police" is on Comedy Central right now, and I am laughing my a*s*s off!

>>>I will watch your video, later, HB<<<
12 Mar 2008
Life / Worried Mother in Law about her Polish son-in-law (army issue) [12]

First he would need to have an updated passport before he could travel in and out of US, or any other country, for that matter.....have him check with the Polish Embassy in regards to what his military status would be in Poland, upon visiting. As for returning to the US, I would assume if he has permanent resident status, than he would be allowd back into the US, although you should check with the State Dept. to verify. Good luck to your son-in-law....hope he gets to go back to Poland without any hassle.
17 Mar 2008
Love / Polish-Islam Relationship Union [450]

well coz say if i had 4 husbands n i slept with all of dem n then i got pregnant i wudnt kno hu the father was..n so 2 avoid conflict between husbands n families etc women are only allowed 1 husband but a man is allowed 4 wives.. :)

Well if it's presumed that you would treat each husband the same (as is the case with 4 wives) why would it matter who fathered the child? They would all share in the responsibility of raising the child.
20 Mar 2008
Food / Breakfast style bread [32]

Well, now I'm just getting more confused.

You should PM Sledz.....there's a store in Chicago that has every type of Polish bread there is....he sent me a few loaves (he's Da Man:)....anyway, it's a Polish grocery store and chances are, whatever you are looking for, he will be able to find it!
27 Mar 2008
Love / what is reasonable - he does not want me to go back to poland [55]

i have nothing to loose.

I was going to say "except self-respect and dignity", but it seems you haven't had any of that to lose since being involved with this guy.

I'm sorry to be so harsh, but why would you even consider seeing him again.....sweet words mean nothing; sweet and considerate actions should take a friend with you to Poland and forget all about this guy......he's lived too long in your head's time to evict him!
28 Mar 2008
Food / Good Polish Wines [74]

How about Cisco...remember that stuff?

OMG.....had just a few sips of that stuff in my 20's and thought I was gonna!!!
29 Mar 2008
News / Earth Hour - possible in Poland? [62]

the silliest idea ever. More money ws spent on advertising the event than saved, so.

I don't think it is, M.....the more people hear about the event, the more likely they will think twice about leaving lights on....even if the cost might initially be great, in the long run, it could pay off ten fold.

Just the fact that so many countries are willing to do this, says something about the fact that we all know that we're killing the planet and using up all her resources.....I never heard of this until today, but it made me think of some very simple things that I can do to contribute more, without any real effort on my part.
29 Mar 2008
News / Earth Hour - possible in Poland? [62]

photo somewhere taken of the Earth at night.... say circa 1900

I quite doubt that, SG, unless an alien spaceship took the picture and sent it to us somehow, since we were not able to travel to space in;)

And maybe I'm already aware.

As am I, Wroclaw, and I have done things to limit wasting resources, but this day reminded me there are still more things I can do....nothing wrong with that.
30 Mar 2008
News / Earth Hour - possible in Poland? [62]

(I live in a dark sky community that purposely minimizes light pollution. People who visit here often comment on the star sky that we have....especially if they have always lived in a city)

OK...I can't sleep:(
I have to admit, the most beautiful sky I have witnessed besides sundown in Wyoming/Montana, is the night sky in San Isabel National Forest in Colorado....I never realized there were so many stars in the sky....I definitely want to go was definitely one of my favorite places to camp.

I never heard of this until today, but it made me think of some very simple things that I can do to contribute more, without any real effort on my part.

See, this is where the problem is - "easy". It ain't easy. A flip of the switch once a year for one hour won't solve anything, and it won't even contribute anything significant to the reduction of pollution and greenhouse gases. Real solutions result from real work/sacrifices. Why don't you change all your bulbs to compact fluorescent ones. If you have 10 of them, then this will save way more than turning twenty 60W bulbs for one hour 365 days a year.

I actually have 15 of for the lights I spoke about earlier, they are long bulb, florescent lights, and I have yet to see them sold in the US as eco-friendly. In the meantime, I will keep them off (my cats will just have to find their way to the litter box in the dark (for more than one hour per year, which I think is the point).
30 Mar 2008
News / Earth Hour - possible in Poland? [62]

Home Depot gave away 1,000,000 CFLs (compact fluorescent light) on Earth Day 2007.

Thank you, z-d.....I have the compact ones.....I'm talking about the long ones that go in my garage Which I paid for....didn't get them for free)....nevermind, though....I'm doing my part (and not just one hour a year) trust me:)
30 Mar 2008
History / Should Pope John Paul II Be Know as "The Great" [12]

JP was certainly up there with the good guys.

I brought my sister a keychain w/JP II's picture on it and something inscribed in Polish, from Poland last summer.....she absolutely loved it (she's a devout Catholic) which I knew she would;)
31 Mar 2008
Food / Cost of Nescafe coffee in Poland. [49]

I'm a bit of a coffee 'purist' and I like to grind my coffee before brewing it to preserve taste, texture, etc.

If you really are a purist, you should go to the site and check out the fresh coffee beans.....I get my beans from here and roast them myself......The Sumatra and Ethiopion beans are delicious!
1 Apr 2008
Travel / Pets on a plane to Poland? [16]

I would imagine there's more involved in bringing a pet from another country (you might PM Krysia, because I know she has brought dogs from Poland over to the USA) for domestic flights in the US, I have seen people bring small pet containers that fit under the seat, but I doubt that's something that could be done if you are flying internationally.....the size and number of luggages pieces are limited in can only carry on one piece (whether it be a purse, computer, travelbag)

As for your kitty, I'm sure the vet could give you something to knock your cat out for the flight.
2 Apr 2008
News / March of Tolerance in Krakow [478]

In the US are are an adult at 18 legally.

Legally yes; Emotionally, not even close for some people.....chronilogical age has very little to do with determining one's maturity level (ie: a responsible adult).
2 Apr 2008
USA, Canada / New York trip suggestions [56]


Hey M, PM me and let me know the dates you will be there.....I have a voucher for a trip I was suppose to take last fall to NYC.....I wouldn't mind going....have a cousin that lives there and she could give me some suggestions....I'll email her about the things for which you are interested:)
3 Apr 2008
Travel / Tips for travel with 1 year old needed [17]

A car seat will be good if you plan on driving a for the plane, it's also a good idea, if you bought your child a ticket.....usually, mothers of children that young just hold them on their lap (I believe the age limit is 18 months, but you should call the airline to make sure). Good luck:)
4 Apr 2008
Love / My polish girlfriend has changed following death of dad.. [153]

As one who has lost both my parents at an early age, part of what she is going through: maybe she's scared to be close to anyone. My dad died 24 years ago and my mom, 17 years ago.....both deaths have impacted my relationship with's taken me a longtime to open up to is afraid of getting too close, for fear that they might lose that person.....just give her some space....let her know you are there for her, but don't push yourself on her.....she needs to grieve in her own way.
12 May 2008
USA, Canada / New York trip suggestions [56]

Welcome back, M....glad you had a good time despite the chaotic start! Did you take lots of pictures (I know you did)? You should post some of them for all the PF members to see:)
22 May 2008
Love / Stalker Friend of my Polish GF? [40]

he's her ex man or maybe even somewhat current..

i say, stay away, you don't need the hassle.

i think there is more then what she's told you...

I agree with plk & Polishgirltx......He's an ex (not someone she met a few times). She's probably playing with his head as well as yours....just my opinion.
28 May 2008
Travel / What are current petrol prices in Poland ? [11]

When I was there a couple of weeks ago it was fluctuating around a pound a ltr - 4.2 / 4.3 . People were saying it will hit 5 this summer. Yipee

That's why I think those of us in the US who b*tch about the rising price of gas, should take a moment and be grateful and realize how fortunate we are!
29 May 2008
USA, Canada / Day before Schegen:Canada finds Polish passport, US deports,cut from home [44]

Especialy if you were there were crazy for trying to cross the border in the first place!

Reminds me of stupid criminals, like drug trafficers, who are pulled over for speeding or ignoring a traffic signal, and found to have 50 kilos in the trunk of the car.....,pure genius, I say!