Language /
Giving directions in Polish [51]
driving version (singular form of imperative, if you want plural add "-cie" to the verbs in imperative form)
Take the left, second turning on the right, over the roundabout, past the factory.You've gone too far. Turn round and go back the way you came!Left at the roundabout, then there's another left immediately after that.
Skręć w lewo, potem druga w prawo, przez rondo, obok fabryki.
Pojechałeś za daleko.
Zawróć i jedź z powrotem tą samą drogą!
W lewo na rondzie i zaraz potem znowu w lewo.
Park the car, get out and walk the last four miles!
Zaparkuj, wysiądź z samochodu (that's kinda obvious, you could skip this part) i przejdź pieszo ostatnie cztery mile (ostatnie sześć kilometrów)!
Can idź not count for being in a car? I thought it could mean walk or go.What verb suits driving? (I'll be giving directions to a passenger - I couldn't make anyone use their phone whilst driving.)
iść/chodzić - go (by foot), walk
jechać/jeździć - go (by bike, car, train etc.)
lecieć/latać - fly
go to school/work - iść/chodzić do szkoły/pracy (generally, as a main occupation of someone, a student or an employee) - but "jechać" if you mean to go by car//bus etc.
I go to school by tram - Do szkoły jeżdżę tramwajem.
go to the movies - iść do kina (again generally, as a leisure type)
go to the doctor - iść do lekarza
go to hell - iść do diabła (diabeł = devil, not hell)
go to France - jechać do Francji
go to Sicily - jechać na Sycylię
go to the Moon (is it correct in English or do you have to use
fly to the Moon?) - polecieć na Księżyc
go for a walk - iść na spacer
how is it going ? - jak leci ?
go and f**k yourself - pie**ol się