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Posts by SzwedwPolsce  

Joined: 21 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Nov 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1589 / In This Archive: 631
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Staram się... hehe. ;-)
Interests: Driving motorcycle, SCUBA-diving, playing guitar, delicious food etc.

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19 Aug 2009
Love / Poland reverse of fortune in dating [124]

and finnish girls seem really easy.(is it so bad with men there?)

There is a rather big difference between how Finnish men and other Scandinavian men look.
19 Aug 2009
Love / Poland reverse of fortune in dating [124]

You mean the german,english,dutch girl or the girl from south Europe?Because they do not seem more promiscuous than the former.

Hard to say. But I think that everyone agrees that the difference is smaller now than 25 years ago.
But this is so individual that it's very hard to compare or discuss.

This is not a big task to find out.

Some people are naive.
19 Aug 2009
Love / Poland reverse of fortune in dating [124]

Denmark too.I always suspected that.And swedish girls are supposed to be promiscuous which is not true.In reality I found that most girls in Denmark go for vibrators or lesbo experience,they are not very interested in men,why is that?

Ok, we can clear things up once for all. And these are generalizations of course:

1. Swedish girls are less promiscuous than the myth says. But they have a more liberal view on sex than the average European girl, that part of the myth is true.

2. I don't know where the myth that Scandinavian girls are more into lesbo-stuff than other girls come from. I have 24 years experience of Swedish girls and I can confirm that it's not true.

3. Scandinavian girls are very interested in boys. But they usually figure out very very well how the man thinks, so it's not easy to fool them.

And kissing the girl's ass is not a good method to use. Especially most of them are very good at recognizing who is faking. Marrying for money is rather rare in Scandinavia, at least less rare than other parts of Europe.
18 Aug 2009
Love / Poland reverse of fortune in dating [124]

I didn't see so many mismatched pairs in Sweden,Germany(socialism effect?)

If I compare to Scandinavia, I can see that Scandinavians are more careful when choosing gf/bf. As a result of this Sweden is one of the countries in the world with the highest % of singels. That might be a reason why there are less "mis-matching" as you call it.

But this theory about "mis-matching" fails, esp. in one way. There are so many other factors to consider than just good looks. And different persons have different opinions about what's attractive. There are people who think some random EMO are more beautiful than Brad Pitt.
17 Aug 2009

And nobody moreso than the Poles.

This is interesting. I have a Polish friend who did some research at the University in Wawa. For example, you can usually buy a pair of jeans 25% cheaper in Germany than in Poland. Even though the average income is higher in Germany than in Poland. This research showed that Poles judged quality very much depending on the price (more than people in Germany did). And many shops (of course) wanted to get an image of quality, they actually calculated to sell more jeans with this higher price.

It's very much psychology involved.
17 Aug 2009
Genealogy / DNA Test Poland [29]

In most countries, if the mother (or the person who is legally responsible for the child) doesn't agree about DNA-testing, you have to get a court order to be allowed to perform such a test.
17 Aug 2009
Love / Poland reverse of fortune in dating [124]

3.I want to rebel against the norms and date sb the rest does not want

1.If he is ugly,he will adore me,I will be his princess.if he is handsome,he will leave me for another girl.
2.If he is ugly,he will appreciate my love because he had never such a beautiful girl

they choose bad looks

If you say that Polish girls like that kind of men, then she's not dating someone the other girls don't want. And the competition among girls increases (not decreases) if she dates a less good looking man. Actually, your replies in this thread almost completely contradict each other.
17 Aug 2009
Love / Poland reverse of fortune in dating [124]

These threads tend to get so black or white. There are many levels between black and white.

polish women DO pay attention to looks and consciously they choose bad looks

Maybe different persons have different preferences. I don't always agree with my friends about which girls are the best looking.

But it is intersting if you can find some kind of pattern.
17 Aug 2009
Language / words overused in Polish language [40]

It's interesting that 3 of the most overused words have very similar meaning (dokładnie, własnie and po prostu).

"Ja pierdole!"

"Kurwa mac, ja pierdole!" is a quite common combination when something really bad happens. For example when a friend of mine dropped his mobile phone in a lake. But it's very, very vulgar I would say.
17 Aug 2009

It's because people love to buy cheap stuff.

If you buy a T-shirt for 5 € you can be sure that some kind of slave (likely a child in Asia) made it. Most people don't think it's okey. But still people want to pay as little as possible. It's a hard equation, but everybody has to take some responsibility and use common sense when shopping.
17 Aug 2009
Love / Polish interracial dating [333]

What this makes me think is the following: where is the only place in Europe where a Korean guy can score (with a European girl)?
Yes, Poland.

This is not true. Come on man.
17 Aug 2009
Travel / Kraków to Stockholm, Riga, and Helsinki - any suggestions? [19]

Congratulations. Stockholm is a fantastic city!

You can go by ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki. It's pretty big ferries with a lot of entertainment. There are several options.

Viking Line

17 Aug 2009
Life / Redheads in Poland - How many? [95]

Old and middle aged Polish women like to dye their hair red. But it's not natural of course.
16 Aug 2009
Love / Polish woman and children [14]

Polish parents (read mothers) can influence their daughters in unhealty ways, and it's not uncommon. But it seems like this girl is going to create problems for you if you marry her. And your children should of course always be the most important thing, nothing can change that. I think it's a good thing to stay away from her, you will benefit from it, even if it feels like cr*p right now.

Come on man, you can't consider her as a good woman.
16 Aug 2009
Language / Polish Language Pronunciation - Example Words and Phrases [178]

I thought ,Ci' dropped the ,tch' sound, thank you for the correction.

"Ci" have t-sound. But Polish "ch" drops the t-sound, and this is a very common combination.

My fiance's name is Eliasz, so I was trying to think of a cute Polish pet-name for him. But if it's not common for men to have pet-names, I won't try one. =)

You can make a normal diminutive of it, that sounds a little "cuter". But I am not sure how to make diminutive of Eliasz.
16 Aug 2009
Language / "jesteś" - "you are" - Polish word for your? [17]

'Herbata' however is feminine

Hahaha.. I must have been too tired. Of course herbata is feminine. But it doesn't really matter because feminine nouns are always feminine as well. It was just to show an example of the relationship between gender and case. And that case can change, but gender can not.
16 Aug 2009
Life / More Polish supermarket griping...this time about customers [29]

Does this courtesy occur in the rest of Europe or is it primarily an American thing?

It's done often in Sweden. If you have 20-30 items and the person behind you has 1-2 items, you usually let him pay before you.
15 Aug 2009
Life / Bringing up children in Poland. [16]

You can teach a child moral and ethical values without involving a religon as well.

You can find the expression "you should treat other people as you would like to be treated by them" in most religions. But you can also teach your children that in other ways.

Also the church of Scientology.

If you teach your children their values they will brain-washed zombies. Not a good option.
15 Aug 2009
Life / Deadly Roads - "Are polish roads really THAT dangerous?" [139]

I'm Polish myself, and I believe I drive well. But my accident was due to someone suffering from insanity.

Of course not everyone is a crazy driver. Probably many of them listened too much to the old Disco Polo song 'jesteś szalona', or maybe szalony, I guess the majority of crazy drivers are men.
15 Aug 2009
Language / Polish Language Pronunciation - Example Words and Phrases [178]

Is ,Ciumek' pronounced ,chew-mik'?

Difficult to describe. But something like "tchew-mek".

Would this be an appropriate term to call my fiance [male] as a pet name?

That's so personal and intime that we can't give him pet-name. But it's more common to give girls pet-names in Polish.
15 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls Reputation [231]

Strange impulsive reactions.

Polish girls can also be impulsive, that's for sure. And change their mind often.
15 Aug 2009
Life / Deadly Roads - "Are polish roads really THAT dangerous?" [139]

Like other people have said. Poland has a driving-culture that is more dangerous than the roads themselves. Not everone of course, but many. People take much bigger risks in everyday driving. It surprises me that they can risk their life for saving 10-20 seconds.

Just watch videos on Youtube and you'll see.
15 Aug 2009
Love / Why are more Polish girls marrying Americans? [77]

What does a white working class guy really have to look forward to in the USA?
Good work?
A good family life?

I have never lived in USA, so I can't answer the question. But are you saying that there are no white working class guys with a good job and family life? I find that hard to believe.
15 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls Reputation [231]

Polish girls may have changed their ways also as a result of the bad reputation.

Read what I write!

I did not say that Polish girls are still "easy".
But other people on this forum say that Polish girls still are relatively easy to get in bed in eg. UK.

A lot of tourists from UK and other places who have been coming here expecting some 'action' have been returning home disappointed

Very true.
15 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls Reputation [231]

Right or wrong, the reputation is what it is. You can't change that.

But it will change itself when more peope come to Poland and see that it's not true in Poland.

I lived in Poland for 2 years now and I can tell you that the average Polish girl is not easier to get in bed than the average European girl. But as well as in other countries there are some girls in Poland that are easy of course. But that applies to all countries.
15 Aug 2009
Love / Polish young generation vs older girls [21]

Still they all looked good and some younger girls like 23 and 24 came late and i thought they had no personalities and weren't even as atttractive really .

I'm sure it depends on individual personalities not age.
15 Aug 2009
Language / "jesteś" - "you are" - Polish word for your? [17]

"piwo" which Im guessing is the neutar is quite often used as "piwa"

It depends on the so called grammatical case, but it's still neuter. Piwa is the same word as Piwo, but different gram. case. A noun can never change gender, but it can change its ending depening on the grammatical case.

We can take for example the word herbata wich means tea. There are 6 more commonly used grammatical cases.

nominative: herbata
accusative: herbatę
genitive: herbaty
dative: herbaty
instrumental: herbatą
locative: herbaty

All these forms are neutral gender. The gender can never change.
15 Aug 2009
Love / Techniques for meeting Polish girls [68]

Of course it's not totally random. Some are more, some are less. But how promiscuous girls are abroad doesn't have to reflect how promiscuous they are at home. Everyone knows this.
15 Aug 2009
Love / Techniques for meeting Polish girls [68]

Girls from all countries are generally more promiscuous when being abroad. And then people go to Poland and are suprised when they see that Polish girls are much less promiscuous in Poland than abroad. The same thing with English, Swedish etc girls.