Love /
Poland reverse of fortune in dating [124]
Denmark too.I always suspected that.And swedish girls are supposed to be promiscuous which is not true.In reality I found that most girls in Denmark go for vibrators or lesbo experience,they are not very interested in men,why is that?
Ok, we can clear things up once for all. And these are generalizations of course:
1. Swedish girls are less promiscuous than the myth says. But they have a more liberal view on sex than the average European girl, that part of the myth is true.
2. I don't know where the myth that Scandinavian girls are more into lesbo-stuff than other girls come from. I have 24 years experience of Swedish girls and I can confirm that it's not true.
3. Scandinavian girls are very interested in boys. But they usually figure out very very well how the man thinks, so it's not easy to fool them.
And kissing the girl's ass is
not a good method to use. Especially most of them are very good at recognizing who is faking. Marrying for money is rather rare in Scandinavia, at least less rare than other parts of Europe.